My Third Gentleman

Chapter 275: Cozy dinner (2)

Chapter 275 Warm Dinner (2)

Mr. Black Wolf was also very happy. Before, Madam Wu would not let it into the kitchen. Now she can walk around in the kitchen at will, rubbing against the mistress’s feet for a while, and holding her two front legs on the edge of the cooking table. See what the hostess is doing delicious.

The open kitchen was as warm as the warm weather today.

The first steak was out of the oven without any condiments. Mu Jinchen put it on a plate and said to the drooling black wolf with his front paws on the side, "Your dinner, Let cool before eating."

The black wolf stretched out his paw to test the temperature, then quickly retracted, his tail wagging, looking at the male host with eager little eyes, as if to say, when will it be cold.

After washing and cutting all the side dishes, Wushuang smiled and walked to the other side of the black wolf. Holding a knife and fork in his hand, he skillfully divided the steak in the plate into small pieces, and kept blowing with his mouth. It will be cold soon.

She brought the steak to the ground, squatted down herself, touched its head, "eat it."

The black wolf was also extremely hungry, and a large steak was quickly wiped out by it. It seemed that he was not full, and his eager little eyes looked at the steak that had just been cooked.

Mu Jinchen seemed to know what it was thinking, "Eat one piece today, and eat some dry food over there, and let Ma Wu make it for you in two days to ensure you are full."

The black wolf has a lot of food, so a big steak is at best to cushion his stomach. Today, there is no time to cook so much for it. Besides, Wushuang is hungry.

Hearing the words, the black wolf seemed to know something, so he wagged his tail and ran back to his den to eat its dog food.

"Mr. Black Wolf is so sensible." Wushuang looked at Mr. Black Wolf who was trotting all the way and couldn't help feeling, except that he could not speak, he could almost treat him as a person.

"Nor look at who its owner is."

It is rare to hear him say such narcissistic words, Wushuang glanced at someone with a smile, "Now I am also its owner."

Facing the little woman’s triumphant look, Mu Jinchen’s tentacles softened again, and it took a long time before he turned his attention to his cooking, turning over the steak which was fried only one side in the pan, So, don’t you find that since the lady became its master, it has become more arrogant?"

Wushuang glared at the water, thinking that she didn't understand that she was talking about her being proud?

How can she have it?

At the moment, he held the very beautifully fried steak in his hand, glanced at the not-so-pretty steak in the pan, pointed at it and said, "Mr. Mu's craftsmanship is not good? Mr. Black Wolf will dislike it."

After dropping this sentence, he walked out with the steak in his hand, and said, “I’m eating this one, and someone wants to eat that steak that Mr. Black Wolf would hate.”

Mu Jinchen caressed his forehead speechlessly, but it was difficult for a villain and a woman to support him. The ancients did not deceive him. This little woman, isn't this arrogant...

"Bring it back. That piece is yours. I haven't put the side dishes yet."

"Let’s serve another side dish, thank you."

Wushuang took that piece of his own steak to the dining room without looking back.

Mu Jinchen looked at the slender and petite figure dozingly, and shook his head helplessly.

After a while, Mu Jinchen took out the steak that was ignored by the black wolf, and also made a plate with some roasted asparagus and small tomatoes. The potato paste was still in the oven and it would take a few minutes.

(End of this chapter)

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