My Third Gentleman

Chapter 316: Mother-in-law calls (2)

Chapter 316 Mother-in-law calls (2)

He paused for a second, raised his eyes to look at the divine side face of the man beside him, breathed out softly, and said, "Mom, I'm already married, I don't know if my grandpa told you, his name is Mu Jinchen. , A very nice person, right next to me."

The other end of the phone fell into a moment of silence, and a half-sounding voice came out, "Since your grandpa has agreed, I have nothing to say. Let me talk about it when I come back. I will arrive at 9:30 tomorrow. Yuntai Airport, if it's convenient, let's come and pick you up."

The established facts, Xia Muxue felt that there was nothing to say, and everything would wait until she met someone.

"Yes, tomorrow weekend, we are free, then mother has a safe journey, see you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow."

Xia Muxue dropped such a sentence and hung up the phone.

Wushuang took the phone in his hand in a daze, and it took a long time to tell the man beside him, "Mu Jinchen, my mother said she will be back tomorrow, let us pick her up at the airport."

The man still stretched out his hand and rubbed her hair, and smiled softly at the corners of his mouth, "Well, I heard it all. Let’s go to the airport to pick up my mother tomorrow. This is all right. Everyone who knows that we are married will know it. After picking up from the airport, my mother will go to Jing's house together."

Wushuang shook his head, "My mother won't go to Jing's house. She will probably go back to Xiayuan directly. It seems that we will go to Xiayuan first and return to Jing's house the day after tomorrow."

"According to your."

"However, I think my aunt and my cousin are weird recently. They are two different from their predecessors, and their temperaments have changed drastically. They warmed up to me in front of my grandfather, and turned their faces to deny them. It would be so sad that there was a trouble like that in Xia Yuan, and I didn't know how to step down, but now it's all right, they all think nothing happened."

Wushuang frowned her eyebrows. This is something she has been puzzled by recently. According to reason, it is impossible for a person's personality to change so much at once, especially Xia Ziwei. They have been fighting secretly for almost 20 years. She knows her well. She has always prided herself on her true temperament, and it's harder to make her bow her head.

Mu Jinchen raised his eyes and looked at the street lamp that had just turned on not far away. He narrowed his eyes. He naturally knew the reason, not because he was afraid that his grandfather would give the shares of the Xia family to Wushuang in a rage. The strategy of slowing down, first stabilize the person, and then slowly figure it out, this is really not a worry for mother and daughter.

But he didn't want Wushuang to worry about this for the time being. The so-called Jiang was still old and hot. Grandpa's heart was like Mingjing, and he could even pretend to have selective amnesia. He didn't believe that the mother and daughter could get out of the sky.

Indifferently said, "Think about what they do and how they behave is their business. We live our little lives. As long as they don't make trouble, we just ignore it."

Wushuang glanced at him and said, "You said it lightly. I don't think Grandpa can be separated from them this time in the hospital. If they really plan something, it will definitely be against him. Can I ignore it?"

"It's useless to think about it, besides, who is Grandpa? He will take care of these things. Okay, tell me about mother." Mu Jinchen took her shoulders and walked forward.

Wushuang turned his head and glanced at him, "You have something to hide from me, you are not honest."

Mu Jinchen stretched out his hand and stroked his forehead, with a low voice with helplessness, "My wife, we were frank with each other last night, and you even said that you are not frank with your husband."

Fortunately, a beautiful woman reminded that Jenny's backstage was convulsed, and there was really a chapter that was not sent out, causing all the following to be misplaced. Go back to "Newlyweds 5" and watch it again, otherwise you should not be able to connect.

(End of this chapter)

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