My Third Gentleman

Chapter 335: I want to meet

Chapter 335 I want to meet

Over the years, he has paid great attention to the way of health preservation. Among them, there is no matter whatsoever, and don't get angry easily. In the past few decades, he has become less and less angry.

"Well, let the young people toss about it, we don't care, we can't control it anymore." Zhao Zhiliang persuaded.

Mu Baichuan raised his hand and closed his eyelids, "It's nothing, let them toss, I just want my good grandson to be well."

The husband and wife discussed living in the old house at night, and were going to see Mu Zhilan again. Who knew that when they walked to the living room, they saw Mu Yuhao lying on the sofa in a very indecent posture, and saw the husband and wife. He immediately jumped up, and Wushuang was taken aback by the speed.

"Uncle, what do you say? What happened?"

Mu Jinchen looked at the clear-eyed big boy in front of him. Fang Buddha was trying to prove that he was already a big man, a member of the family, and could contribute to the family.

With such sincere eyes, I tried so hard to prove myself. In fact, his eyes were very similar to his father. He was so clear and sincere. Maybe I had been misreading anything.

He raised his hand and patted his tall and handsome nephew on the shoulder, "Yuhao, uncle also wants to know what happened, but your grandfather didn't tell me. I know you want to help the family, but for the time being, we Probably it won't help."

Mu Yuhao seemed to take a sip of relief, even his uncle didn’t know it, and he couldn’t help. It’s better to leave him alone. He thought about it and said, "Uncle, my dad actually loves my mom very much. Yes, he probably didn’t deliberately irritate my mother. He was particularly flustered when he came out to call Grandpa Zhao. I have never seen him like this. My dad is such a calm person, he almost fell, although he rarely responds. Home, there are not many words, but I know that he is very concerned about this family."

Although Mu Yuhao was careless on weekdays, he was sometimes unexpectedly delicate and sensitive. He knew that his uncle cared most about his sister. He just saw that his attitude towards Xiao Zhiyuan was very wrong, so he helped him defend him. For a while, because he is such a silent person, he will not justify himself.

In this case, Mu Jinchen was taken aback. Xiao Zhiyuan didn't usually care much about this nephew, but Mu Yuhao's evaluation of him is indeed not low.

A faint light flashed in the deep eyes, and a faint sentence fell, "I know, you don't have to think too much, this family will naturally have our efforts, I will go up and see your mother."

When he said that, he walked upstairs with Wushuang in his arms. When Mu Yuhao saw this, he quickly said, "My mother just fell asleep, and Aunt Rong also slept in her room. You don't need to go there anymore."

At the end, he turned his gaze to Wushuang, and said quietly, "By the way, Wushuang, why don't you give me a meeting ceremony?"

Mu Yuhao thought to himself that since she was married to his uncle, he couldn't be empty-handed. Even without a gift, it would be nice to tease Wushuang.

Wushuang was taken aback, didn't this thinking jump too fast? Why did it suddenly turn here?

She looked at him questioningly, "What gift?"

"You are my elders now, shouldn't you give me a gift when you meet a younger generation?"

Mu Yuhao's arrogant appearance looked unparalleled for a while, who had previously claimed that he could be very mature and stable, and threatened to pursue her, how could he admit that he was a junior at once.

(End of this chapter)

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