My Third Gentleman

Chapter 338: Jingjiaxing (2)

Chapter 338 Jing Jiaxing (2)

The high roof, the solemn door, the blue bricks and the tiles, the quaint charm and simplicity, Mu Jinchen feels a bit of a trip to the ancient times, and the sense of history is too heavy, even if he stands in front of the old house of the Mu family. This feeling.

Wushuang pushed open the door, and what he saw was an old man with a childlike face with a crane hair and a gray Tang suit who was holding a writing brush on a red sandalwood round table and swiping it impromptu. It didn't mean to stop at all.

On the contrary, a man standing next to him who looked like a housekeeper came over cheerfully and took the things in his handsless hands, "Miss is back, just right, this master is still thinking about you, but I don't know if this is... "

"Uncle Fu, this Mu Jinchen, just call him Uncle."

Wushuang introduced that Mu Jinchen was right, and the family should be honest and should not be hidden, and her family, Mr. Mu, is not shameless.


Mu Jinchen gave him a polite jaw.

Uncle Fu carefully looked at this handsome man, who was indeed worthy of his young lady, but he was called Uncle, right?

"Haha, Shuangyao is back? Bring an uncle when you come back? I'll take a look."

Jing Beitang put down the brush in his hand and walked over happily. He was a kind and thin old man, his age was similar to that of Xia Jingshan, but he was a little bit more charming.

Mu Jinchen generously accepted his scrutiny.

"Grandpa, hello, this is Mu Jinchen."

Jing Beitang's peaceful eyes looked at Mu Jinchen carefully, and said after a while, "Okay, that's good, a talented person, the double girl hides her boyfriend so tightly."

"Grandpa, it's not a boyfriend. We got married and got married. It happened suddenly. I'm sorry for not letting you know in time."

Just as Mu Jinchen wanted to explain something, who expected Jing Beitang to speak first, "Well, it's really good. It's okay to book it first, so as not to be taken over by outsiders and do a good job."

Such an answer made Mu Jinchen speechless.

Wushuang is ready to be questioned. The Jing family is also a nobleman who has passed on for hundreds of years. Jing Beitang himself is indeed a person with a very strict life style, but after his parents divorced, many things have been seen. These years have also been for Wushuang. She loved it, she thought she would be reprimanded at least, who knew that.

Mu Jinchen handed over the gift in his hand, "Thank you, grandpa. I heard Wushuang said that grandpa also likes to play chess and drink tea. There are some Jin Chen's private collections here, so I took it and shared it with grandpa."

Mu Jinchen didn't feel entangled at all. Wushuang's relatives could accept his existence instantly, that was the best thing.

Jing Beitang looked at the big and small bags in his and Fu Bo's hands, took a look, and said, "Jin Chen is interested, just come over, no need to see. Fu, put things aside first, and call Hongyuan. Right."

Uncle Fu recovered from the shock. Two days ago, he heard the master say that he would introduce a boyfriend to the young lady. The young lady brought an uncle back today, but it is really weird to be so calm.

In fact, how did Uncle Fu know that the person Jing Beitang saw a few days ago was not as good as Mu Jinchen's five points, but he also thought it was not bad. Today I saw a person whose appearance and temperament are far above that person. There are reasons for dissatisfaction.

"I think this white jade chess is good. I haven't played chess for a long time. I recently carried it with a tablet computer. My eyes are not good. It's true that I still feel something in my hand. Come on, Jin Chen will come over and accompany my grandpa to the next game. The situation."

"Respect is worse than fate."

With that said, Mu Jinchen said that he put down the things in his hand and took the white jade chess set to the side.

There are not many servants in the Jing family. Except for Uncle Fu, there are only two people in the kitchen. As soon as this Uncle Fu walks away, there is no one in the living room waiting for him. Therefore, he is playing with the chessboard while he is old and young. , Wushuang went to the side to make tea.

When Jing Hongyuan came out, he saw his father attentively playing against a strange man, occasionally talking.

I’m here today, huh, a girl said before, why don’t these pairs go back to see Dad and Grandpa, they always see Grandpa, isn’t this coming back? Isn't it just waiting for Shuangshuang's mother to come back?

(End of this chapter)

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