My Third Gentleman

Chapter 357: Surprise (2)

Chapter 357 Surprise (2)

Shen Ning made a gesture to welcome her in, "Okay, please come here and sit down for a while."

Wushuang nodded, then followed her to the chair by the window and sat down.

As soon as Shen Ning returned to the counter and was about to place an order, she received a call from Mu Zhilan, saying that the young lady would come over to pick up things, the girl who had a blind date with the young master last time, and said that she would not have to check out when she came to consume in the future.

Shen Ning hung up the phone suspiciously and looked at the woman drinking tea leisurely by the bed. Suddenly, her eyes widened, Madam? Missy means...

It wouldn't be what she thought she thought. She handed the list to the little **** the side, and quickly called her father, "Um, father, is the young master married?"

Shen Kun was surprised why his daughter asked, "Why do you ask?"

"No, the eldest lady said Mrs. Young would come over to fetch things. She said Mrs. Young, I just want to confirm.

"Indeed, we don't have to worry too much about the host's affairs, and we shouldn't think about it, let alone what we should think about. It is just to do our own duty."

After Shen Kun finished speaking, regardless of her daughter's reaction, she hung up the phone.

Shen Ning was stunned, and she didn't know how she hung up the phone, and fell into a sluggish state. It was not until the little girl who led the person to pay the bill shook her arm that she recovered.

But her eyes were always fixed on Jing Wushuang. Apart from being quieter, smiling sweeter, and softer looking, she really didn't think that the woman with one hand on her chin by the window was any extraordinary, not even she herself. She is much worse. Characters like Miss Cheng's family can't get into the eyes of the young master, how could they... how could the young master fall in love with her?

After a while, the packaged things were taken out from the kitchen, and she was full of doubts and walked to Wushuang with the things, "Madam, what you want."

Hearing this title, Wushuang was startled for a while, and then quickly relieved. She remembered that she often worked with Mu Zhilan. It was not surprising to know that since she called her young lady, Mu Zhilan must have confessed it. Without mentioning the question of whether money or not, he took the things openly, thanked him, got up and walked outside the door.

Such a matter of course made Shen Ning feel uncomfortable. She didn't say anything. She actually took the things and walked out. She really regarded herself as such.

However, when she watched from the window that Mu Jinchen got out of the car and helped her open the car door, she put her hand on her head carefully, worried that her head would hit the roof of the car, and carefully ushered her into the passenger car. The heart is broken into dumpling stuffing right now.

It turns out that the young master can also be so gentle and considerate, and smile so approachable.

The young master is obviously a god-like character, how can he honor such a woman?

Sister Cheng Lan is nothing more than a character, but why is she? She leaned on the pillar to stabilize her sliding body.

The young couple on Pikes Peak would not pay attention to Shen Ning's thoughts. Wushuang carried things in her hands and let the man next to me fasten my seat belt. Now she is very comfortable enjoying Mu Jinchen's service.

Mu Jinchen's black glaze-like eyes glanced at the things in her hand, and said faintly, "Grandpa would like an excuse very much. I planned to go back tonight."

(End of this chapter)

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