My Third Gentleman

Chapter 383: Natsushi earthquake (4)

Chapter 383 Xia's Earthquake (4)

It took more than half a month for Xia Muxue to go back to the accounts a few years ago. She started to transfer Xia’s funds out a few years ago, but she has accelerated her actions recently. Fortunately, she found it in time. The real estate has not had time to transfer, otherwise, if she finds a few virtual buyers to make a false transaction and transfer, Xia's will really be finished, so even if she empties her liquid funds, it will not hurt Xia's roots.

"Xue'er, you mean that Weiwei is going to empty the company? It's impossible. I thought she would get a little benefit from it at most, not that serious, right? Besides, my father didn't mean to leave the company to her. , Why does she need this?"

"Brother, if I said that my father originally planned to give most of the company's shares to Wushuang, and then she and his sister-in-law knew about it? And my father's hospitalization was related to them. I didn't know before my father arranged me to join the Xia family. In such a situation, I also want to make a mistake, but the facts are in front of me. Brother, this family will probably be gone, so you have to be psychologically prepared."

Xia Muxue's faint voice was filled with endless exhaustion. She seemed to have expected what would happen next, fearing that this honest and honest brother would not be able to accept the truth.

"Father's hospitalization was caused by them? No, I'm looking for Weiwei!"

Xia Jinrong couldn't help getting up, and she was about to walk to the door. Xia Muxue quickly held him down, "Okay, brother, let her get out of Xia like this. At most, it would be a big quarrel with her. What's the point of this? Forget it. Over the years, why don’t you have the slightest awakening? Funds have flowed out of tens of millions and tens of millions. This seems to be deliberately done by someone with a heart." The tone was calm and helpless, this big brother It's such an easy temper, easy to believe, and soft ears. In fact, he defeated the Xia family.

"I..." Xia Jinrong didn't know how to explain it. In fact, every large sum of money actually flowed out through his hands. He thought that the money was used for real purposes, and he knew it would be like this.

"Fine, now is not the time to pursue the responsibility, let's see how to deal with the aftermath, I have ordered someone to check the assets, and try to recover as much as possible, but Weiwei... Forget it, I will talk to her personally. ."

Xia Muxue stood up and walked outside. When she reached the door, she turned around and said to him, "Brother, Xia's foundation is not weak, and money is also something outside of her body. You can always come back with good management. The family's wolf ambition is really chilling, Wei Wei will probably have a showdown with her father when she is next to Xia Yuan. Go back and give your father a testimonial. He is still in the convalescence period, so please pay attention to your words."

After a few words, he left the meeting room.

Xia Jinrong found the direction from the panic, hurriedly sorted out the information, and prepared to return to Xia Yuan to report with his father.

When Xia Muxue walked through the open-plan office, the employees were panicked. They all seemed to know that the company was undergoing a major earthquake. It seemed that even the vice president was packing up things. Everyone was panicking, not knowing who's next turn.

"Those who want to stay, work hard, the company can't treat you badly, those with dissidents, welcome to find another job, perfunctory life, the mentality of living a life will stop here." The voice is soft, listening to everyone's ears However, if it is too heavy, their life in Xia is really easy. Xia treats the employees well, works easily, and has long developed a habit of laziness. Everyone is guilty of hearing such words.

(End of this chapter)

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