My Third Gentleman

Chapter 463: Launch ceremony (9)

Chapter 463 Launching Ceremony (9)

"Mr. Mu, you have to tolerate me like this in the future." Wushuang said dully, buried in his arms.

"You are very good, I don’t need me to tolerate you. On the contrary, I don’t know where to tell you about some things. Rising Sun Group and Cheng Lang, these are my Nilin, and even the entire Mu family. When encountering these things, the handling methods may be a bit extreme. It's not that I deliberately didn't tell you, but I don't even know where to start. Everyone has a black hole in their heart. These are probably the black holes in Mr. Mu's heart, so Wushuang, you have to accept the imperfect Mr. Mu."

With a low and soft voice, the man put his face on the top of Wushuang's hair and sniffed deeply the comforting breath emanating from her.

I didn't know how to talk about these feelings before. It was Jun Xiang. He had never said this to him before, but to Wushuang, he said this naturally. In an instant, he felt a little greedy.

Wushuang held his waist, nodded his little head, and then rubbed it in his arms, "Well, I try to be the white sunlight in Mr. Mu's heart and lead you out of that black hole."

Feeling the vibration from the man’s abdominal cavity, the sensual low voice became more mellow, "Mrs. Mu, Mr. Mu looks forward to your performance."


The atmosphere in the box is gradually warming up, just like the bright sun in the sky outside, the wind outside the window is very light, the clouds are very light, but the feelings of the couple in the box are getting stronger.


After busying for more than a month, it finally ushered in the opening day of Chenyu Film and Television City. This day is like many days in the past, with the blue sky washing and the wind blowing light.

This day is another epoch-making day for Chenyu International. The launching ceremony of Asia's largest film and television city is about to begin.

The film and television city that has been silent for a long time is finally shrouded in a beaming atmosphere today.

"Old Liu, have you finished debugging over there? The microphone still has a little hoarseness..."

"Maybe it's a contact problem, I'll get a thread."

"Xiaotang, there doesn't seem to be enough hydrogen balloons over there, you have to get some more and put them on..."

"Okay, Miss Jing, I'll do it right away."

"Xiao Jiang, go to the cafeteria and stare a little bit. When the guests arrive, drinks and fruit snacks are served first..."

"Don't worry, Miss Jing, the order has been properly ordered."


You can see Wushuang busy figures everywhere in and out of the venue. Sometimes they are talking with walkie-talkies and sometimes they are holding phones. The whole person is like a spinning top.

Outside the gate of Chenyu Film and Television City, it is rare to see so many elites gathered on the day when Mu Jinchen took office. Li Yan, the director of the public relations department, and the vice president Mu Yuhao came to the venue early to prepare for the highest level of welcome. jobs.

"Jing Wushuang is really good at doing things. Look at this, it makes it really impressive."

The high-level on the side whispered.

Another person quickly answered, "Isn’t it, when I handed such a big project to a little girl like her, I thought Director Lu and Dong Mu were crazy, but in such a short time, it can be done. This is not easy. Even if all the members of the public relations department are dispatched, I am afraid that this is not the case. I heard that she has not seconded any staff from the public relations department at all.

"It is our Mu Donghui who recognizes talents."

"That is, that is..."

(End of this chapter)

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