My Third Gentleman

Chapter 516: Regular meeting (1)

Chapter 516 Regular Meeting (1)

After sitting down, Wushuang looked around and unexpectedly found that Shen Yi was also there, but the main seat was empty.

Two or three senior leaders came in one after another, and the oval-shaped conference table was suddenly full.

Finally, Mu Jinchen's tall and straight figure appeared at the door, habitually shooting a circle, and finally locked his eyes on the little woman who was whispering to Lu Hui.

Lv Hui next to her was also dressed very dull today, and the delicate and refined yellowishness was especially obvious among a group of dark professional attire.

Chen Yu does not have a specific dress code. Men’s general shirts and trousers, women only need general white-collar attire. They can be promoted to the senior level. Generally speaking, they are more than 40 years old. Wushuang's fresh dress, she stands out from the crowd like this.

Retracting the softness of the eyes, walked to the main position and sat down, the **** also accompanied him.

Perceiving the sudden silence in the conference room, Wushuang raised his eyes and looked at the man on the main seat subconsciously, and saw him sitting calmly and calmly on the main seat, his aura of no anger and prestige was convincing.

After a while, his deep and gorgeous voice resounded through the entire conference room. "A few days ago, Chenyu Studios was officially put into operation. The preliminary work has come to an end. The future operation policy will be directly handed over to the operation department, which is the newly transferred Lu Director Hui Lu is in charge. Before that, we would like to welcome a new member from the senior management of Chenyu. She is the former project manager Jing Wushuang of the planning department to take over Lu Hui's original position as Vice President Chenyu."

As soon as Mu Jinchen's voice fell, someone took the lead and applauded, and then there was a steady stream of applause.

At this time, Wushuang stood up calmly and nodded to the surroundings, "Thank you, Wushuang is still very young. I hope you can give me more advice from the predecessors in the future, and hope that we can work together to make Chenyu a step further, thank you."

After a few simple words, Wushuang sat down.

Mu Jinchen raised his hand to signal the applause to stop, "All of you present also attended the opening ceremony of the Studio City, and many of you have worked with Miss Jing. Her life and work ability, I don’t have to repeat here. , She can sit here not because we are a husband and wife, so what should be done in the future work, let us move on to the next agenda..."

The customary agenda is nothing more than reporting on the main points and progress of the work of the week by various senior executives, as well as focusing on reporting and solving problems, increasing communication between various departments, uploading and distributing decisions, and so on.

"Let me come first. Regarding the rectification and reform of the operation and the future operation policy of the studio, I have drawn up a set of basic policies, and now I will take them out and discuss them with everyone here..."

Lu Hui has just taken over the operation department and reported the main points of the work first, explaining what needs to be cooperated and the problems to be solved.

Then the senior management of other departments also reported the progress of the work one by one.

Most of Mu Jinchen listened patiently, frowning and thinking about the problem. He didn't say much, usually a sentence or two can hit the point, and solve the problem decisively. A typical decision-making figure with the unique style of a superior. ,

Wushuang never knew that Mu Jinchen, who worked hard, was like this. After seeing more of his easy-going and considerate side in life, he seemed to have changed his work at work. Such Mu Jinchen made Wushuang both unfamiliar and more. Freshness is more of worship.

Women are used to spoil, men are used to worship, there is no reason for such a combination to be unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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