My Third Gentleman

Chapter 552: Two places lovesickness (1)

Chapter 552 Lovesickness Between Two Places (1)

"Sister-in-law, the way you talk like this is not cute at all." Jun Fei murmured and protested.

"Your brother thinks I am cute, your opinion is not important, let it go, and then go home and find their own mother."

When Wushuang saw this, he couldn't help but interjected, "Fei Fei, Ran Ran is right. When you are young, you must burn your youth as much as you can, and wait until you are old to stay blank."

Jun Feifei couldn't help it anymore, and shouted, "You two women are really enough, aren't they three years older than me? It sounds like how old you are."

Su Ran and Wushuang looked at each other and smiled without saying anything, because they had spent the past three years struggling, so they naturally understood the meaning of youth not leaving blank.

When Wushuang returned to Twin Cities International again, it was already around 7 o'clock in the evening. Mr. Black Wolf had already enjoyed the meal prepared by Wu Ma, so its mood seemed to be a little higher.

She returned to the room with a cup of tea, opened the mopping window curtain and placed a pestle in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window.

Outside is a colorful world. The height of the twenty-ninth floor is high enough to have a panoramic view of the most beautiful lighting in the city, especially the small waist that is constantly changing lighting. Wushuang looked at the colorful neon lights and couldn't tell. The tranquility.

It’s like having a thousand sails, closing the door and living a dull life with Mu Jinchen, all the noise and prosperity outside has nothing to do with her, it has nothing to do with them, this kind of sitting and watching the clouds rise and fall, plainness is the true meaning, no Knowing how long it takes for others to understand, and she and Mu Jinchen seem to have understood since they became legal couples.

Xia Muxue said when she was very young, in Guangxia, she would not sleep for seven feet in the night, and she would have a fertile field, but only three meals a day.

The taste of the world is no more than a bowl of Anle tea and rice. They cherish and enjoy this plainness.

But now, they shoulder the seven feet of sleep and three full meals for thousands of people. Naturally, they can’t be as simple and plain as the usual nine to five. However, Wushuang believes that one day they will hold each other. See through the world's scenery with hands, and live the small days of the people who are flat-headed.

After standing for a long time, she took the phone and looked at it. She was empty and had no information. She wanted to send a message to Mu Jinchen, but after thinking about it, she put it down.

Don't know what he is doing now?

It wasn't until all the cup of tea in her hand was drunk that she slowly turned and went downstairs.

Mr. Black Wolf is a very spiritual guy. When Wushuang came down, he immediately ran to the hallway, dangling his mouth, and wagging his big tail at Wushuang.

The meaning is also obvious, it wants to go for a walk.

Wushuang smiled and bent over, took the muzzle to help it put it on, and then reached out to touch its head, "Okay, let's go for a walk."

As soon as Wushuang heard such a sentence, Mr. Black Wolf had already ran to the door first, raised his paw and opened the door and ran out.

Wushuang smiled and shook his head, and went to the hallway to change his shoes, keeping up with the black wolf.

And at this time, this country only has dry and rainy seasons during the year. Its capital Bangkok is known as the capital of Buddhism, but it is messy and shabby. There is also a very beautiful nickname called Angel. City.

Mu Jinchen had finished the day's meeting, with a look of fatigue on his face, Qidong was by his side, and the two were about to take a boat back to the hotel on the opposite side of the Chao Phraya River.

(End of this chapter)

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