My Third Gentleman

Chapter 592: Get together (1)

Chapter 592 Gathering Together (1)

Cheng Lang shook his head, "Yicheng, you didn't understand what I meant. I have no retreat now, but I cannot implicate Lan'er. You are Lan'er's retreat. No matter what happens in the future, I hope you can help. I take good care of Lan'er, so you must be innocent, understand?"

"Uncle Cheng..."

"Needless to say, you probably didn’t understand your father’s difficulties. In a land like the Xu family, his indifference to you is the best protection for you. If he didn’t agree, anyone The help is useless."

"what do you mean……"

Cheng Lang stretched out his hand again and patted the shoulder of this young and promising rising star, "You are a smart person and you should understand what I am saying. It would be great if Laner's person is you, but it is him..."


"By the way, the heroine of "Undersea City" is finally confirmed today. She is a very nice girl, she looks better than me."

And the greasy couple who were still on the bow, who had opened their eyes to admire the night, were chatting at this time.

"This kind of trivial matter, you can do it, madam thinks she looks good?"

As soon as Mu Jinchen said this, Wushuang immediately drew an angry stare, "When I was not married, I often said that I was beautiful. After only a few months of marriage, I am tired of seeing it? Has my skin become rough recently? ?"

It is said that women are the ones who are pleased with themselves. Women most worry about the person they like saying that they are not good-looking. Wushuang is no exception. As she stretches out her hand to stroke her cheek, she seems to be too busy recently to take care of her skin.

The man whose gaze has never left her naturally knows what she thinks. He squeezed the little hand that pulled her. The deep and mellow gorgeous voice was scattered in the gentle night breeze. It was very beautiful, "It's funny, in mine." In my heart, no woman under Heaven is more beautiful than a Jing Wushuang, I thought you knew everything in your heart."

Wushuang was stunned, and her eyebrows curled up again soon. She herself is not that beauty-loving, and she doesn't spend a lot of energy to maintain or maintain her figure. She has always admired that nature is beauty. Mu Jinchen suddenly said that. Some can't adapt.

"The heroine who had a successful audition today has good skin." Wushuang is so rare that such a young girl is more beautiful than another woman.

Mu Jinchen tilted his head and kissed her cheek again, the soft and smooth touch like the skin of a newborn baby, "You are the best regardless of what others do."

Wushuang half-squinted his eyes and smiled, "Mr. Mu, you said that when we are seventy and eighty, can we still embrace and watch the lighting changes on both sides of the strait and the vicissitudes of the world?"

"Naturally, I will always be with you."

"it is good."

Wushuang doesn't know what the most beautiful love words are for other women, but she herself feels that the most beautiful love words in the world is that I will stay by your side until I get old...

When I returned to Twin Cities International, it was already past ten o'clock in the night, and Mr. Black Wolf was a little angry, and Wushuang remembered that he should take it to the ship.

After being comforted for a long time, he cut the land and promised to take it back to the old house tomorrow. Only then did it become happy and stepped on its footprints all over the house.

"Mr. Mu, Mr. Black Wolf is too black!"

Wushuang felt deceived this time. It was deliberately pretending to be angry, just to let them take it out tomorrow. It was too black, just as black as its male owner.

(End of this chapter)

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