My Third Gentleman

Chapter 609: Hidden in the city (2)

Chapter 609 is hidden in the city (2)

"Grandpa, I really don't know, and Wushuang didn't mention it either. Jing's is nothing more than an ordinary international trading company, mainly engaged in overseas business. Although her father holds a senior position in a public institution, it is not considered an important position. As for the Jing family Grandpa...I really don't know what he did before retirement, but Jing Shi should be founded by his old man."

Mu Jinchen told Mu Baichuan all the information he knew.

Mu Baichuan squinted his eyes and leaned against the chair, his skinny and skinny hands lightly stroked his few gray beards, a bit of a fairy wind, and he opened his old but shrewd eyes after a while. Said, "No matter, there is a reason to hide in the city. After all, they are all in the family. If they can say it, they will naturally tell us. You don't have to ask Wushuang where she probably doesn't know."

Hearing this, Mu Jinchen nodded, "Grandpa wise, in Wushuang's eyes, they are only her relatives, and he won't explore these things. I don't know. However, Jingyuan is indeed a big deal. This is my first time. When I went there, I was shocked. I didn't even know that S City still hid such a large and unique garden, and even the whole mountain was included in the scenery."

Mu Baichuan's shrewd eyes brightened again, and the hand that stroked his beard speeded up a few times. He laughed and said, "The old man is pretty good at seeing people, just say they are not simple."

"Grandpa's vision is naturally very good. Since Grandpa Jing's invited, Grandpa might as well go and walk around when he has time. Jing's family rarely invites guests, and there are only a few servants. Therefore, I guess Grandpa Jing's intention is clear. Let Grandpa know the details."

Mu Baichuan nodded and agreed with him, "Yes, Jing Beitang is a person worthy of deep friendship, and Hongyuan also has his demeanor. Chen'er, when you introduced Wushuang and you, I think she has been growing up in Grandpa’s house. I thought her father was not humane, so he didn't bother. It seems that it is not the case. Wushuang is a child Zhou Zheng, humble, good-hearted, and patient with the elderly. At first glance, he is the jewel in the hands of the Jingxia family, but there is no slightest. Pride is no different from the children of ordinary scholars. Her mother looks a little bit more stubborn than her. This child is broad-minded and a blessed person. The relationship between you is also the sound and the sound. I look at you. I'm so happy, I heard that Wushuang has been promoted recently, right. Oh, my old man has a good vision and found myself such a perfect granddaughter-in-law, who has the demeanor of your grandma back then, not bad."

Mu Baichuan stroked his beard and shook his head, and even Mu Jinchen couldn't help laughing out loud. Is this really a boast of Wushuang? Better to praise your own vision? Is it better to praise grandma?

"Grandpa, Wushuang is really good. We really get along very harmoniously. I like her temperament very much. I am confident that we will definitely know each other until we grow old."

The tacit understanding between him and Wushuang almost doesn’t even need a running-in period. At the beginning, he would warn himself that he was much older than her. If she had a little girl’s temperament, she would tolerate her a little more. As a result, this kind of psychological construction It is also for nothing, Wushuang is simply tailor-made for him, he does not need to tolerate anything.

Many times he would turn over and think for his sake. Thinking of this, the upward arc of his lips became softer.

(End of this chapter)

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