My Third Gentleman

Chapter 704: Shocking Past (6)

Chapter 704 Shocking Past (6)

"If you hate me, it feels better to fight against me, then you should always hate it. But what you really should hate is those hooligans who hurt you. You should call the police and punish them to the law. Let them go easily without a word."

Thinking that those who had violated Xia Ziwei are still at large, Wushuang clenched his fists, and his heart was very blocked.

The corner of Xia Ziwei’s lips became a little bit more chilly, "Call the police? It's you, what will you do? Tell the world about the violation of the Xia family’s daughter, so that Xia’s reputation will be discredited? Jing Wushuang , It’s not that I can’t be cowardly to bear these, I’m also afraid that Tang Mubai doesn’t want me, I’m afraid that the Xia family’s reputation will be discredited. Of course, I don’t want to win your sympathy. For one thing, for the sake of my family’s destruction, can I let my aunt let my mother go? After she returns to China this time, I will send someone to take her seriously and ensure that she will not cause trouble."

"Just make sure that she won't cause trouble in the future, we won't pursue it to the end, Xia Ziwei, how about you? Will you still be against me in the future?"

Xia Ziwei took the cigarette **** that had not been extinguished in her hand again, lit another cigarette, took a few puffs, and flicked the ashes before returning, "It depends on the situation. I can’t think about it. I will. After all, you owe it. I have so many."

"Xia Ziwei, I don’t owe you anything. If you can take pleasure in seeing me badly and feel the value of your existence, I think you are a bit outrageous. Things have happened. Those rascals hurt you because you are my cousin. , I’m sorry for this. Although it’s not my intention, no matter whether it is directly related to me or not, I am heartbroken for your experience, but these do not constitute a reason for you to hurt others, let alone you can make up for hurting others equally. The pain cannot be transferred. None of us want such a thing to happen. Maybe you think I’m standing and talking and don’t have back pain. You can talk about everything when it’s not happening to yourself, so I can’t help it anymore. I just hope You can let it go."

Wushuang was also guilty. She didn't want such a thing to happen more than anyone else. She and Su Ran thought they were just a few street gangsters at the time, but they did not expect to be so bold.

If she can, she can’t wait to go back and put those hooligans in prison so that they can no longer come out to do evil, but there is no if in this world, and no one can change the established facts. She can only rely on her to figure out and go. Come out, but those hooligans, she definitely can't easily let go.

Xia Ziwei squinted again and whispered a few smoke rings, "You don’t have to say anything, and you don’t have to persuade me. I know what I’m doing, and I’m ready to bear the consequences after doing it. You don’t have to feel that Guilt or pity, Jing Wushuang, I don’t lose anything to you, but I must admit that you look more lovable than me, and more life-saving than me. Grandpa, you take more care of him, I think he seems to be a lot older."

"Xia Ziwei, you can obviously be very pleasing, and you can obviously live a good life, why do you always make yourself so embarrassed?"

Xia Ziwei took the cigarette in her hand, took a few more puffs, then squeezed it out in the ashtray, licked some pale lips, Fendai did not put it on, but her naturally enchanting eyes looked at it wrongly. With Jing Wushuang.

(End of this chapter)

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