My Third Gentleman

Chapter 725: Those flowers (1)

Chapter 725 Those Flowers (1)

Which man would be generous to show his woman to others?

Unless it is no longer in love.

Wushuang's heart has softened. This Mr. Mu is sullen, black and stingy.

She guessed that Mu Jinchen must now be on the Su Ran hatred list.

The couple was tired and crooked for a while, only then did Mu Jinchen pick up the things on the ground and open the door to get into the car.

As soon as the car door opened, Wushuang smelled an unusually strong fragrance of flowers. The parking lot was dark and the lights in the car were not turned on. The point is that Wushuang did not expect that Mu Jinchen would buy a car of flowers.

She sniffed while sitting in the passenger car and looked out of the car window, but she didn’t seem to smell it when she was outside. "Mr. Mu, have you smelled a strong fragrance of flowers? It seems that there is more than one kind of flower. ."

The expression on Mu Jinchen's face condensed, and he did not answer Wushuang's words. He walked to the cab and sat down, pulled the seat belt beside the little woman to fasten her, and fastened his own, and then drove the car away from the parking lot. field.

The more Wushuang smelled, the more something was wrong. The smell was definitely in the car. When she got out of the underground parking lot, the light got better and better. She saw the colorful flowers on the back seat in the rear mirror sharply, and immediately turned her head. Go, eyes widened in surprise.

"Ah, Mr. Mu, have you bought so many flowers? Do you even have a fortune tree? Is it for grandpa to repair the yard?"

In this case, Mu Jinchen's teeth were hurting, and he was depressed. He was planning to buy a bunch of flowers for Wushuang, but in the end he bought such a big truck.

"No, isn't the balcony of Twin Cities International very empty? Just put it there."

Naturally, he cannot admit that he was forced to buy and sell.

Wushuang was embarrassed, "Our balcony is very big, but there are a lot of flowers and plants. There are so many here, can we put it down?"

"The balcony between Wu Ma and Qi Dong is also very empty."

Mu Jinchen kept making excuses for buying more flowers and plants.

Wushuang thought of another question, "Mr. Mu, how shall we move upstairs later?"

"Please help the security guards of the community."

In short, even if he was killed, he couldn't admit that he was forced to buy and sell.

No matter how Wushuang looked at the man's expression, he was a little unnatural, "Then why do you think of buying flowers? No, there are some grass and trees... Mr. Mu, what do you think."

The more Wushuang thinks about it, the more wrong it becomes. This is clearly the rhythm of moving the flower market home.

"Don't ask so much, don't you like flowers? Isn't it good to give you these?"

"Mr. Mu, I like flowers, but what does this tree and those grasses mean?"

"They are all domestic plants, don't despise them, okay?"

Wushuang, "..."

Finally, these domestic plants borrowed their first carts from the security of the community, and sent them to the balcony on the 29th floor with Wu Ma and Qi Dong's help.

Then Qi Dong and Wu Ma moved back to their balcony a few more times before they were finished.

Wu Ma asked the young master with a look of surprise how he thought of going to the flower market, Wushuang only then remembered that there is indeed a flower market next to Su's Building.

Even Mr. Black Wolf shook his big tail, turning around the fresh plants in surprise.

At this time, Wushuang had changed his home clothes, and leisurely picked up a dumpling that Mu Jinchen had just steamed, and put it in his mouth with some old vinegar.

(End of this chapter)

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