My Third Gentleman

Chapter 760: Suicide (3)

Chapter 760 Suicide (3)

Why are there so many things happening recently?

Mu Jinchen clenched his arms and kept touching Wushuang's little head, "Don't cry, don't cry, it's none of your business, don't be horny, obedient, obedient..."

In the end, Mu Jinchen was already coaxing a child, and his heart ached.

Tang Mubai watched Wushuang cry like that, restraining his inner writhing emotions, and walked over, "Yes, Wushuang, no matter what you do, don’t take everything else to yourself. Weiwei can’t think about it. Let’s go and wait. News."

Mu Jinchen took a handkerchief from his pocket and carefully wiped the tears on the girl's face.

Finally, I kissed the corner of her eye and said, "Okay, let's go first, don't cry."

Wushuang just sobbed and let Mu Jinchen walk to the front of the emergency room to wait.

Tang Mubai was pacing back and forth in front of the emergency room, looking up at the light box above the emergency room from time to time, feeling increasingly restless.

Wushuang leaned against Mu Jinchen, choking from time to time, his eyes and nose were red, and he looked up at the light box, and occasionally blinked his eyes twice. The poor little appearance made Mu Jinchen's heart twitch. pain.

"Mu Bai, sit down, you make me dizzy."

This way Tang Mubai would also affect Wushuang's mood. He noticed that the more disturbed Tang Mubai was, the more disturbed the little woman was. The life and death of the woman lying inside had nothing to do with him, but her life and death would affect Wushuang. Life, it becomes relevant.

"Did you say hello to Dean Xiao?"

The corridor outside the emergency room was a bit empty, and Mu Jinchen's voice became clearer.

Tang Mubai glanced at Wushuang, walked to sit next to Mu Jinchen, nodded and replied, "I have already said hello, and the one who just came here should be the best doctor in the hospital."

"That's good."

Wushuang still did not speak, still looking at the red light box intently.

Mu Jinchen stroked the palm of her arm, and stopped talking, and waited silently with her.

Time passed by, and I don’t know how long it took. In short, the light on the emergency room went out, and Wushuang was still there, not knowing the reaction, so Tang Mubai rushed forward, and she kneaded and felt a little sore. With Mu Jinchen's support, Mu Jinchen followed his eyes slowly.

"Doctor, how is she?"

After Tang Mubai asked this sentence, Wushuang didn't dare to take a breath, waiting for the doctor's answer. She was afraid that something would break her from the doctor's mouth, and her hand had already subconsciously grasped Mu Jin. Chen's arm, looking for a little strength to support him.

The doctor took off the mask on his face, and there was no expression on his exposed face. I don’t know why, Wushuang felt that his breathing time was particularly long, so he had to stare at him motionlessly, tightening his grasp on Mu The little hand on Jin Chen's arm.

"Fortunately, it was delivered in time, and there was a bit of excessive blood loss. Although the patient is out of danger, the patient is still very weak. However, there is one thing that doctors are treating diseases and cannot save lives. They are trying to introduce their lives in this way. It’s too tragic. Every item in the ward can be a lethal weapon. You really have to enlighten and enlighten the patient. This kind of thing really shouldn’t happen again. This woman’s temperament is too strong. If you can do it, even a man doesn’t have to have such courage."

(End of this chapter)

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