My Third Gentleman

Chapter 774: Do my best (2)

Chapter 774 Do my best (2)

"Don't be too embarrassed, everyone is gone, let the fate. I just hope that this family will not have any problems in the future, everyone will be safe, so it is good."

Xia Jingshan’s attitude made Mu Jinchen a little worried. He was too calm and indifferent to everything. If his heart was ashen ashes, that would be the most terrifying. "Grandpa, your peace is our greatest blessing, don’t think too much. consider."

Xia Jingshan's old eyes looked lovingly at the frowning young man in front of him. Unlike his twilight, he was so outstanding and so vivid, with some emotion.

"Chen'er, Grandpa is a rare person. That day will come after all, but it will be earlier and later. Don't worry, I will cherish my perhaps one of the few time. I have tried many times to lose my loved ones. Pain, I do my best to live as long as I can, but who can escape? When that day comes, you don’t have to be sad for too long, there will be one day. I was also sad when your grandma left. It’s been a long time since I walked out, but I don’t want to have to experience it again at this age, but time will dilute everything after all. Let it be time."

Xia Jingshan was originally an open-minded person. He had already put life and death aside and lived a little longer, but it was to let the younger generation’s sadness come so early. There are many relationships between people, but death is the most painful and the most painful. No one wants to experience something that cannot be surpassed, but no one can not experience it.

"Grandpa, you are still very young. You have my grandfather at the top, we are at the bottom, and even my children and Wushuang's children. We all need you."

The old man nodded comfortedly and patted the young man on the shoulder, "Chen'er, you are the best child of this generation. I have said more than once that you can be my grandson-in-law, which is the most proud thing for my grandfather. Of course Shuangshuang is also our pride. You are all good children. I only hope that you will have less bumpy roads in the future, raise a few children with Shuangshuang, and help you grow old peacefully. This is my grandfather's greatest wish. Don’t worry about me too much. I’m fine."

Mu Jinchen's deep eyes are flowing with some waves. This may be the expectation of all the elders for the younger generation. How can he not be touched by this?

"Thank you, grandpa, we will. I'm still waiting for you to teach another kind and well-behaved child like Wushuang. We really need you."

"Okay, your father-in-law knows that both sexes are innate, her father is gentle and personable, and her mother is refined, peaceful and incompetent, and she is very similar to her grandmother, said She looks like her grandmother in her body. I have dreamed of her a lot more recently. I think she must have been waiting for my reincarnation for too long."

Xia Jingshan seemed to fall into his own thoughts at the end of speaking, and he almost murmured, but Mu Jinchen was shocked to hear such words. He said it well before, but how to say it is just...


"Okay, Chen'er, I just missed your grandmother suddenly, don't worry. You and Shuangshuang should go back earlier, and I should rest."

Mu Jinchen's deep and secluded eyes were filled with worry, and he looked at him deeply, "Grandpa, if you have something on your mind, you must tell us, and we will listen to your teachings at any time."

Xia Jingshan seemed to be really tired, waved his hand and said, "Chen'er, I promised you to live as long as I can. Grandpa pays the most attention to promises in this life. He won't break his promise, go."

(End of this chapter)

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