My Third Gentleman

Chapter 776: Determined (1)

Chapter 776 is finalized (1)

It's rare to have this kind of expression on the face of a man with aggrieved expression, Wushuang is even more happy, "Mu Jinchen, I like to look at your unconfident expression, so I will feel very fulfilled."

Wushuang naturally wouldn't tell him that she just liked his mature and stable temperament.

When she was young, she would use Jing Hongyuan as the standard for her mate selection. She was gentle, personable, and knowledgeable, so she was attracted to Tang Mubai at first sight. She thought that was the man closest to her father’s personality. , But her attitude towards feelings is far from her father.

Including Su Ran knows that she has always liked the scholar type, so he would introduce Xu Yicheng to her.

Unexpectedly, the most suitable for her is actually Mu Jinchen and the like. This is often the case in the world. No matter how many ideas, it is useless. The most suitable one will definitely come.

The man's hand rubbed the girl's small head, and the perfect curvature of the corners of the lips was still there. After dealing with these bad things, the girl finally relaxed a lot, "You are happy."

Wushuang smiled like a flower, and squeezed the other small hand in his big hand. She loved the feeling of closeness with Mu Jinchen.

While neither of the couple spoke to enjoy the warmth, Wushuang's cell phone rang.

Her first reaction was a little nervous, she was afraid that Tang Mubai would call, what happened to Xia Ziwei, in fact, no news is the best news.

She saw Ran Ran’s name displayed on the screen before she patted it and answered the phone carefully, "Hey Ran Ran..."

"Shuangshuang, come here soon, we can plan the route. I have no problem with Junxiang, and the clothes are no problem. They are all sponsored by the Su family. I also let Lucy catch two wedding dresses that suit you overnight. Come and see, we are sisters. Of course mine is more sexy. Is yours, um, more conservative. I want them to rush out a few sets of cheongsam. Well, that's it."

Su Ran's voice was very excited, and Wushuang's chance to answer her mouth was a whole round of chattering by her.

Wushuang glanced at the man next to him subconsciously, and replied, "Is the action too fast? Only when I'm sure I want to start, the clothing style will come out?"

"That's natural. We have to have a different set every day. How many clothes we need, so naturally we should prepare more."

As the king of costumes, Su Ran has no idea about clothes. In short, if you don't repeat the same outfit every day, you can't go wrong.

Wushuang opened Mu Jinchen's hand and rubbed his forehead, "Rangran, we are going to travel. We can't bring too many clothes. Keep it simple. You can bring a few sets of traditional clothes. If you buy other locals, you don't need to prepare too much. More, otherwise it will become a burden."

"Don't worry, we can drive by ourselves. We can drive a big van, but we can't fit a big truck. If we can't drive a RV, why can't we bring it? I don't care, I want Meimei."

"Believe my dear, you are already beautiful. We are going out to relax and take some photos as we like. Just three to five sets of costumes. Don't get tired of the costumes. Keep it simple, okay?"

Wushuang has reason to believe that if he drives an RV, Su's clothes suitable for them will be taken up by Su Ran. Then it will not be a trip. It is enough to change clothes all day long. Where can I see the scenery?

(End of this chapter)

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