My Third Gentleman

Chapter 814: One Sound Mother (1)

Chapter 814 Yisheng Mother (1)

It is true that Mu Jinchen would not remember Cheng Lang, until later I saw Cheng Lang who thought he was Mu Zhenhua's friend, and respectfully called him "Uncle Cheng", who would have expected it to be such a nasty villain.

"After that, he never came again, and until you were in your twenties, he came again. At that time, he was also married. I heard that he married a rich daughter and gave birth to a daughter. He said he wanted to make a marriage with our family. ."

When he said this, Mu Zhilan shook his head, "As my father said, I have never seen such a shameless person. For no reason, he came to the door and said he wanted to marry him and marry him. At first we didn't know why he I was so confident, and then I even took out the report of my DNA comparison with yours. I was shocked. Because I saw that the report was a few years old, maybe he took away our hair when he came to our house. The sample was tested for DNA, but for so many years it remained silent until it was time to come out and threaten us."

Speaking of this, Mu Zhilan sighed again, his eyes were full of sadness, "Chen'er, we are naturally not afraid of exposing your identity. You are so old, with status and reputation, you The unique elegance is enough to cover these so-called origin stains, and our Mu family is not afraid, because no matter what, you are the son of my Mu Zhilan, and you are the blood of our Mu family."

"But one thing is that he has all the information about your father. He also used the same method to identify you as his son, and his power is so great that we can't even estimate it. In China, we are not afraid. The lawsuit is, but you also know that there are still many countries where the law is not the final say. The family affairs of our Mu family can still alarm the international court, otherwise we will not let Cheng Lang take this to blackmail for many years."

Having said this, Mu Zhilan sighed again, her elegant and dignified face was full of sorrow, and her thin white fingers stroked Mu Jinchen's outline.

"Chen'er, we know you are outstanding, you are fearless and fearless, you are the pride of our Mu family, but even though you are a dude, we are not willing to lose you. Therefore, I hope you can understand our painstaking efforts. I didn’t want to tell you before, if we could, we would rather keep it from you for a lifetime. I didn’t know you knew it since you were a kid, and thought you were just a young man, but I didn’t know that you hid so many thoughts, yes. I was negligent, my fault."

Mu Zhilan said, two lines of clear tears flowed down his face again, and could not help covering his mouth and nose with a scarf.

Hearing this, Mu Jinchen thought there was no need to listen anymore. Although there are still many doubts that have not been revealed, although he still doesn't know who his biological father is, he also understands the past, the most important crux of the problem. We all know that at least there is a direction next.

In the final analysis, it is because these family members love him and fear losing him.

Mu Jinchen was breathing deeply, the hands holding her shoulders tightened, and dull pain appeared in his heart.

There are only two women in this world who can make him feel so heartbroken. One is his Wushuang, and the other is the tender woman in front of him. She has suffered a lot for him and was broken during his growth. Heart, but also in fear of the threat of outsiders...

(End of this chapter)

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