My Third Gentleman

Chapter 904: Bring a wedding dress to travel (1)

Chapter 904 Take a wedding dress to travel (1)

After the owners left, Mr. Black Wolf became extremely anxious and ran directly to the window sill of the twenty-ninth. His two front paws were pulled in front of the window. The apricot-brown eyes looked downstairs wisely. I knew if it could be seen. In short, it didn't go downstairs until Qi Dong drove the car away and Wu Ma came up to open the door. It was because Wu Ma closed the door quickly, otherwise it would have to run out.

This time, Ma Wu was so scared that she hurried to fry the steak to appease it, but Mr. Black Wolf's mood was still not high, and he refused to eat steak. He kept pulling on the windowsill on the twenty-ninth floor and refused to come down.

Seeing Ma Wu sighed and shook her head.

A group of ten people showed up in the VIP lounge of the airport on time. Two of the people Xiao Ma had brought had never seen Mu Jinchen and Wushuang. Just looking at these two pairs of Biren was stunned.

It's really more dazzling than any big star, just looking at it is already a kind of enjoyment, let alone photogenic.

After completing the check-in procedures and boarding the flight to Country E, the plane took off on time, and when it landed on time, there was already another world in front of everyone.

Like all island countries, the blue sea and blue sky, the shadows of coconut trees, clean and hygienic, even the air is filled with a faint, salty taste of sea water.

You can feel the atmosphere of this city when you leave the airport, without the enthusiasm of Southeast Asian islands, but more romantic and charming...

"Both, this city feels pretty good, in my opinion, it is similar to country D, the same climate, the same temperature, and even people's clothes are the same. I have the illusion of returning to country D."

Su Ran took a deep breath of the air, and said with some dissatisfaction, saying that she would go to a special place, but unexpectedly it was such a familiar feeling that she was a little unhappy right now.

"I haven't been here, but it feels pretty good, Mu Jinchen, you are also familiar with Country D, do you think there is any difference between them?"

"Naturally there is a difference, she won't say that in a moment, let's go, they are waiting for us over there."

Mu Jinchen pointed to the dark-skinned man holding a sign not far away, wearing checkered clothes.

"You sent someone to pick us up? The hotel I booked on the Internet before has a pick-up service. They will be there in a while, won't you repeat it?"

"If we don't live in the hotel, let's go."

Wushuang was very surprised. If you don't live in a hotel, where do you live?

"Wushuang, didn't this guy tell you? He has a castle manor here, more luxurious than any five-star hotel."

Mu Jinchen walked forward holding Wushuang and glanced at Jun Xiang. He wanted to give Wushuang a surprise. He spoiled Wushuang what was going on, and it turned out to be reliable in the two-person world.

In his opinion, all the people present are of the light bulb type, and Jun Xiang is the brightest one. He almost knows his background, so Wushuang has no surprises at all.

"Well, why didn't you say it earlier? I have been looking for a hotel with Ranran for a long time." Wushuang couldn't help glaring at the man next to him.

"I wanted to give you a surprise. I checked the address of the hotel you booked. It is not far from our castle. There are not so many servants in the castle. We can't greet so many people, so only the four of us live in the castle. The rest are still staying in hotels."

Only then did Wushuang suddenly realize that there is nothing to entangle with right now, and Su Ran communicated with Xiao Ma and the others, and asked him to live directly in the hotel with his team.

(End of this chapter)

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