My Third Gentleman

Chapter 916: Bring a wedding dress to travel (13)

Chapter 916 Take a wedding dress to travel (13)

At this moment, it is more silent than there is sound. The waves slap gently on the shore, seeming to be telling each other for the loving couple, and a touch of warmth flows between the hearts of the couple like this tide...

Falling in love is really the greatest and holiest existence in this world.

The night was dark, and the two pairs of Biren took a few more night scenes to complete the day's shooting mission.

After having dinner, Wushuang was too tired, lying on the bed unwilling to take a shower, but at this time, her mobile phone rang.

Because there is no way to display the caller ID, she thought it was either Xia Muxue or Mu Zhilan, because she had just sent them a few more photos.

Her soft voice was a little lazy, "Hey..."

"Shuangshuang, I heard Hongyuan said that you and Chen'er came to Country E?"

Hearing this full of breath, if Hongzhong’s voice is unparalleled, he immediately became energetic and immediately got up and sat down, “Yes, grandpa, I wanted to tell you a few days ago in Japan, but I can’t get through your phone. In a very beautiful castle in country E."

Listening to the happy and soft voice of his granddaughter, Jing Beitang's heart sighed slightly, "I went to meditation with an old friend a few days ago, so there is no signal. Listen to Hongyuan saying that you and Chen'er want to visit R country. See you?"

Wushuang nodded vigorously, "Yes, grandpa, that's not your hometown. I said that since I have all come to Country E and it is not far from your place, I just go and walk around, plus I haven't seen you for many days. You, grandpa, how are you doing?"

Wushuang only now remembered that she had forgotten to say hello to her grandpa. After the excitement, she realized that grandpa's voice didn't seem to be that happy either. I wonder if it was her illusion.

"Shuangshuang, I still have some things to take care of here. It may not be convenient to see you and Chen'er. You will have to go a long distance tomorrow, so you don't have to come here. Don't worry. Grandpa promised to go back to join you and Chen before the Mid-Autumn Festival My son’s wedding will definitely not break his promise."

Hearing this, Wushuang blinked a few times in doubt, didn't Grandpa go back to meet old friends? Why can't you even make time to go out? Besides, she didn't seem to say which day would pass. Why did she close the back door so quickly?

"Grandpa, I haven't said which day will pass. How do you know which day is up? Besides, even if you don't have time, I can go to R country to see the customs. After all, it is your hometown. "

The old man at the other end of the phone was silent for a long time. Wushuang thought he was angry, and then cautiously asked, "Grandpa, if it's so inconvenient, we won't be there. Don't be angry."

After a long time, the voice from the other end of the phone came over, "You silly girl, you are in your twenties, when did grandpa be angry with you? It was your uncle Fu who asked something. You really want to come over. I just wandered around on my own. This time I went out for ten and a half days without talking. I might not have time to meet with you. You and Chen'er have fun, and the wedding photos are beautifully taken. Chen'er, I'm with him Say a few words."

As soon as Jing Beitang's words fell, Mu Jinchen came out of the bathroom, simply wearing a bathrobe and dripping water in his hair.

"Mu Jinchen, my grandfather is looking for you."

Hearing that, the man stopped wiping his hair in his hand and walked quickly over to take Wushuang's phone, "Grandpa, this is Jin Chen, how are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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