My Third Gentleman

Chapter 956: Visit (2)

Chapter 956 Visit (2)

She had another illness before because of Mu Jinchen and Wushuang going on vacation. Cheng Lang was so frightened that she resolutely told her to take the special medicine on her body, and she must take it when she felt very wrong.

Mu Yuhao was dubious. Her expression was too horrible at first, but her expressions and words later were flawless. The director also said that she was a natural actor. She entered the role too quickly during filming, but sometimes she became too deep in the scene. , Unable to extricate himself, had to shook his head to express understanding.

The waiter he recruited had already started sorting out the debris on the floor, one of which had scratched her calf, she didn't know it.

Until the attendant who cleaned the scene said, "Miss, your calf is bleeding. It's best to go to the hospital to bandage it."

As a result, Mu Yuhao's thoughts were shifted again. He looked sideways at Dylan Lan'er's calf. The fragments of the white porcelain cup cut a big hole in it. After so long, blood spilled, he made a decisive decision. , "Pay the bill and go to the hospital."

Without waiting for Dili Lan'er to speak, she put down several hundred red bills, grabbed her hand and tried to pull her up.

Di Li Lan'er refused to have any physical contact with him, and quickly shrank back.

Mu Yuhao frowned and glanced at her calf. The whole calf and even the shoes were covered with blood. It looked like it was serious, but he didn't think too much, "Can you go by yourself?"

Di Li Lan'er only realized that there was a little pain, but she couldn't walk, and nodded, "Yes, but I don't want to go to the hospital."

The place in the hospital gave her too many nightmares. She was scared of that place, very scared.

"The wound is my wife. You must go to the hospital to bandage and disinfect, otherwise it will leave scars. Besides, there are many dancing scenes in "Underworld City". Your leg injury will affect the shooting progress."

Mu Yuhao knew that she was dedicated to her work, and she probably wouldn't reject this reason.

But she still shook her head firmly, her beautiful eyes even showed a trace of fear, "I really don't want to go."

Mu Yuhao has a small headache. I don't know why she resists the hospital so much. "Xiao Di, I should go to the hospital for this situation. My uncle and aunt are in the hospital. If you are worried about running into them, we will go to another hospital. ."

This is the only reason he can think of, because she said before that she didn't want to disclose their relationship. Without her permission, the family could not say that she was worried about meeting them in the hospital.

My uncle is also in the hospital...

He is in the hospital, he is in the hospital...

Di Li Lan'er only had this sentence left in her mind, and then nodded without thinking, "Let's go to the hospital!"

A rare glimmer of joy flashed through her beautiful big eyes, and she even took the initiative to pull Lamu Yuhao's sleeve.

In the end, I was worried that Mu Yuhao would not take her to the hospital where my uncle was in, and added, "I am agreeing with Vice President Jing. Let's go and see her."

Such a big change in mood made Mu Yuhao somewhat inexplicable, but since she was willing to go to the hospital, she did not pursue too much.

Who is honest, a big beauty, with blood dripping on her legs, looks really... sad.

The People's Hospital was not far from where they drank coffee. It only took more than ten minutes to drive there. Along the way, Mu Yuhao looked at Dili Lan'er's expectant and beautiful face, and there was an indescribable weirdness in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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