My Third Gentleman

Chapter 991: Is it hard to collect water? (2)

Chapter 991 Is it hard to get over the water? (2)

The thoughts in the past two decades were too complicated, but now she just wants to make it simple. She is no longer willing to have too much contact with people or things in the past, especially Tang Mubai, who participated in all the love and consumption of her most beautiful years. Having exhausted her half-life's emotions, now she is so pale and feeble to talk about love.

He shouldn't come to disturb her mind again.

Finally, I thought about it, smashed the cigarette **** in my hand, and dialed the number that I didn't need to remember, it was already a familiar number.

The phone was quickly connected, she hadn't spoken yet, and the man on the other end of the phone had a cheerful voice, "Waiting for you for a long time, are you finally willing to call me?"

"Tang Mubai, let's talk!"

"Okay, location."

Adapting to Xia Ziwei's rhythm, Tang Mubai didn't have extra nonsense, and directly agreed.

A little later, in a clear bar on Linjiang Avenue, a unique jazz singer sang unknown old English songs, long and long, and a little bit depressed and luxurious...

It's like Xia Ziwei whispering a smoke ring at this time.

"Smoke less!"

Tang Mubai also took a soft breath of the smoke ring, and said lightly, he really felt that Xia Ziwei was smoking harder than him now, and every time he saw her, he couldn't leave his hand.

Xia Ziwei glanced at him, then turned her eyes to the cigarette in his hand. The meaning was obvious: What qualifications do you have to say about me?

Tang Mubai chuckled slightly, shrugged his shoulders, and squeezed out the cigarette in his hand. Xia Ziwei still glanced at him, ignored him, closed his eyes and listened to the melodious jazz, sending the cigarettes in his hand from time to time. Yan Hong's lips took a sip, and then licked some dry lips, the action was extremely charming.

Tang Mubai just looked at it, just dumbfounded.

Xia Ziwei slowly opened her eyes until the jazz singer finished the song and changed to a blue-slow shake. At the same time, she squeezed out the cigarette in her hand and raised her eyes, but she ran into Tang Mu's burning eyes.

Xia Ziwei was startled, the temperature in her eyes was still extremely hotter than today's weather.

She squeezed her eyebrows, took a sip of the cocktail on the side, and slowly said, "What do you want?"

Tang Mubai kept looking at the red lips that joined together. As for the content, he didn't even listen to a word.

Xia Ziwei frowned, stretched her slender fingers to the table in front of him, and knocked hard.

He came back to his senses, "What did you say?"

"what the **** do you want?!"

This time, Xia Ziwei spoke very slowly, every word popped out of her teeth, a bit like gnashing her teeth.

"Chasing you! I thought I had expressed it clearly enough."

Tang Mubai looked at her straight, clearly understanding each word.

Xia Ziwei's eyes turned cold, and then she curled her lips coldly, "Tang Mubai, you are really sick, can I not understand people? We are over long ago, and I don't plan to look back. grass!"

"Weiwei, you have me in your heart!"

Xia Ziwei sighed, always feeling like she was playing the piano to the cow, and took a sip of the cocktail in front of her, "So Tang Mubai, you are my first man. We have been entangled for five years and suddenly forget about you. , It’s impossible, and it’s impossible to forget. But it’s impossible between us. Don’t tell me if I love that stuff. I don’t believe it a long time ago. I just want to live a good life by myself. Do a good thing that day, let me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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