My time is running out

Chapter 108 Shock

Rose crossed her arms, looked at Qiao, and said with a smile: "I remember you, you are the dragon man Qiao. Don't be so excited, I'm just here to visit my friend."


There was a slight sound of flesh and blood being torn apart.

Rose's body was split into two and fell to the ground.

Rose's upper body was lying on the ground, and her lower body was slowly falling to the ground. Her smile froze on her face.

The half-moon blade flowed and returned to Chen Tao.

Qiao's eyes were shining, she stared at Rose who was broken into two pieces, and then looked at Chen Tao.

Seeing the half-moon blade beside Chen Tao, Qiao was a little stunned.

Who is Rose? That's the Black Demon King, a top powerhouse with the third-generation gene, and a powerhouse of the same level as Qiao's queen Kati.

But Chen Tao easily cut her into two pieces? !

Qiao was a little stunned.

How did Chen Tao do this?

Equally surprised was Rose.

Rose's smile slowly faded, and she looked at Chen Tao in surprise and suspicion.

Although Rose came to find Chen Tao, after all, Rose cut Chen Tao into two pieces yesterday and almost took his life.

So, when Rose came in, she specially used the "World Tree" to compile a layer of protective shield for herself to resist the attack of the sharp silver weapon.

But Rose never expected that at that moment, the protective shield disappeared, and the sharp silver weapon directly cut her body into two pieces? !

How did Chen Tao do it?

Chen Tao said lightly: "This is my return gift to you before."

Rose's body was broken into two pieces, but her face was full of smiles, and she said: "It's interesting."

As soon as the voice fell, her body disappeared out of thin air and appeared out of thin air again.

When she appeared again, Rose's body had returned to its original state.

Seeing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly.

Ordinary people may not know what this is, but as Chen Tao who already has the sixth generation of genes, he can clearly feel what Rose did.

Rose used a powerful astronomical computer to perform calculations, re-decomposing her body, and then re-forming it.

After reorganization, the body naturally returned to its original state.

Rose seemed to be telling Chen Tao that even if Rose was dismembered, it would have no effect on Rose.

Rose crossed her arms, looked at Chen Tao, and said with a smile: "I accept your return gift. I think we can talk about the future now?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Rose and said: "What do you want to talk about?"

Rose looked at Chen Tao and said: "I still say that, if you regard me as the king, I can give you anything you want. This Earth Star, well... not only this Earth Star, even this galaxy, I will give it to you."

Rose looked at Chen Tao with a burning look in her eyes.

Chen Tao said: "Let's talk somewhere else."

As soon as he finished speaking, he and Rose disappeared out of thin air.

Qiao, who was bound by the tough silver chain, looked at the scene in front of her, and her eyes trembled slightly.

Even as a member of the Dragon Civilization, whose technology is praised as the best in the universe, Qiao was still shocked by the scene in front of her.

As a dragon from the dragon civilization, Qiao knew very well what this scene meant.

Disappearing out of thin air.

In fact, it is a high-tech ability. In this universe, there are micro wormholes everywhere. Generally, the simplest way to use micro wormholes is to use the power of genes to first build a physical micro wormhole, and then decompose itself into molecules through genes, enter the micro wormhole and reassemble.

But this method takes time. First, build a physical micro wormhole, and then decompose itself. Although it is not that long, it is impossible to disappear out of thin air instantly like now.

If you want to do it like now, there is only one way.

Do not build a physical micro wormhole, directly calculate and decompose the body, and then directly find a nearby micro wormhole and enter it directly.

To do this, you need terrible data processing capabilities.

As far as Qiao knows, there are too few people who can do this in the known universe.

And the more advanced the human genes are, the higher the body density is, and the more difficult it is to decompose.

And Chen Tao is now directly transferring himself and Rose, the owner of the third-generation genes.

This kind of calculation and decomposition is even more difficult.

The most important point is... Chen Tao decomposed Rose without Rose's consent!

Even Queen Katie can't do this.

But Chen Tao did it? !

Qiao was shocked.

The surrounding environment changed.

Chen Tao stood on a desert-like land, with a sky full of stars above him. He looked at the woman in front of him indifferently.

The confident smile on Rose's face had disappeared. She stared at Chen Tao with a solemn and unbelievable face: "What did you... do?"

Rose was not stupid. She naturally knew what Chen Tao had just done, but she couldn't believe it.

If Chen Tao could decompose her body into the wormhole without her consent, it meant that Chen Tao could decompose her into molecules with a thought. As long as Chen Tao wanted, Chen Tao could teleport Rose, who had turned into molecules, to every corner of the universe, making it impossible for her to recover into human form for hundreds of millions of years.

Rose couldn't believe that Chen Tao could have such a terrifying ability.

Chen Tao crossed his arms, looked at Rose, and said, "Can't you feel it? I brought us here. This is on a desolate planet. Fighting here will not affect Earth."

Chen Tao said: "Then we can continue to talk. You just said that you would give me the galaxy where Earth is located, right?"

Rose frowned, stared at Chen Tao, and said: "I said so, it's right."

Chen Tao said: "My answer is the same as before. Earth is for Earth people. As for that galaxy, I don't want you to touch it. If there is a problem with the galaxy, it will also affect Earth."

Rose pursed her lips, she slowly stabilized her emotions, she looked at Chen Tao, and said: "Tell me..., how did you decompose my body without my consent?" Compared with the ownership of Earth, she cares more about this issue now, she wants to know what is going on.

Hearing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly and said: "Like this."

Chen Tao raised his hand and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound.

Rose's right hand disappeared.

When Rose saw her right hand disappear, her face turned pale. She looked at Chen Tao fiercely and said, " did you do it? Why?"

Even as the King of the Black Demon, she couldn't help but be shocked when she saw her proud third-generation gene-built body being disassembled at will.

Chen Tao looked at Rose and said, "The body is like a computer. The more advanced the gene, the stronger the computer performance. Everyone will set a password for their body to prevent others from intruding. The more advanced the computer password, the more complex it is and the more difficult it is to intrude. But you are only the third-generation gene. Your password can be easily cracked by me."

"As long as it is cracked, then I want to disassemble your body, naturally I have an idea."

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