My time is running out

Chapter 18 Hard Body

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The bullet hit Chen Tao's head, making a series of noises.

It was just like hitting a hard object.

The bullet could not penetrate Chen Tao's head and fell to the ground. The bullet twisted due to the impact.

Chen Tao stood there motionless.

Seeing this scene, the three men looked at each other, with a hint of surprise and confusion.

"What's going on?"

"Is there something wrong with the gun?"


The man raised his hand, looked at the pistol in his hand, and checked it a little.

"No problem, what's going on?"

The bullet did not penetrate Chen Tao's head, which was too weird.

The woman covered her shoulder with her hand, and she slowly fell to the edge of the bed, covering her hand tightly.

The blood on her shoulder flowed out, she stared at Chen Tao, her pupils trembling slightly.

The arrogance on her face was gone.

Chen Tao looked at the woman and said, "I'll ask again, where is Ziqing? Next time, the bullet won't fall on your shoulder."

The woman frowned and said, "What kind of monster are you?"

The bullet can't penetrate it, is it still a human?

Chen Tao's finger slowly pressed on the trigger.

The woman's face changed slightly, and she said, "The woman has been taken away by our people."

"Where is she taken?" Chen Tao asked.

The woman said, "Black Swan Security Bureau, temporarily detained there. You can rest assured that you are the one who committed the crime, and it has nothing to do with her. We will not hurt her, but just let her assist in the investigation."

"Assist in the investigation? That's a nice thing to say. As long as she is in your hands, I have to go there. Take her hostage and say you are assisting in the investigation." Chen Tao said sarcastically.

The woman stared at Chen Tao and said, "Whatever you say or think, I have told you what you want to know."

Chen Tao turned and was about to leave.

However, the three fully armed men at the door stood sideways at the door and blocked Chen Tao's way.

The three men looked solemn.

The muzzles were pointed at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at the three men in front of him and said, "Your bullets can't penetrate my body. Now do you want to know whether your body can withstand my bullets?"

The three men looked at each other and looked at Chen Tao.

Suddenly, one of the men rushed towards Chen Tao.

The bullets can't hurt Chen Tao, so are you going to use hand-to-hand combat now?

At such a close distance, and the other party is still experienced in combat, facing this situation, Chen Tao has no chance to raise his hand, let alone shoot.

The other party saw that the bullets were useless and wanted to use his body to restrict Chen Tao.

It's a good idea.

A ray of blue light flashed across Chen Tao's eyes, and the code of the blue light flashed across his eyes.

Under the gaze of the three men, Chen Tao's figure disappeared out of thin air and appeared beside the man.

He kicked the man's ribs directly.

The man was kicked out and his body hit the wall, making a muffled sound.

The other two men saw this scene, and they worked together and rushed towards Chen Tao.

Chen Tao's figure disappeared out of thin air again and appeared behind the two men.

"Bang bang!"

The bullets passed through the knees of the two men.

The two men fell down.


A scream rang out.

The two men covered their knees and rolled on the ground.

Chen Tao didn't intend to pay attention to these people. He opened the door.

As soon as Chen Tao went out, he found himself surrounded by a group of people, one after another with black gun muzzles pointed at Chen Tao.

Before Chen Tao could react.

"Bang bang bang... bang bang..."

The crazy bullets enveloped Chen Tao like a storm.

"Bang boom boom!"

The continuous gunshots and bullets hit the walls, the ground, and Chen Tao.

The sounds were connected.

The walls and floors were broken, causing dust to fly.

The white mist and fire covered Chen Tao.

The gunshots gradually stopped.

Everyone stared at Chen Tao's direction.

The white mist slowly dissipated and the dust fell to the ground.

Chen Tao's figure appeared in everyone's sight, and his clothes were tattered.

Seeing the situation clearly, the people on the field were all stunned.

Although Chen Tao's clothes were torn, he didn't have any scars on his body.

Even his hair didn't fall out.

From the gaps in the torn clothes, you can even see Chen Tao's muscular body.

Chen Tao frowned and looked at the group of people in front.

"Shoot! Shoot!" Suddenly, panicked voices rang out in the crowd.

"Bang bang bang..."

The bullets shot at Chen Tao.

Under the gaze of everyone.

Chen Tao raised his hand, and the bullet disappeared out of thin air.

"Where are the bullets?"

"What's going on?"

Chen Tao opened his hand.

One by one, the bullets fell from his palm and landed on the ground, making a crisp sound.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Chen Tao stepped forward.

As Chen Tao approached, they took a step back.

Their faces were a little ugly.

"Monster, monster..."

Everyone's hearts were shocked by Chen Tao.

No one dared to continue shooting.

Just like that, she watched Chen Tao walk out of the door step by step.

The woman walked out of the bedroom and frowned as she watched Chen Tao leave.

"Sir." A man came over to help the woman.

The woman stretched out her hand, pushed him away, and said, "No need."

She took out her cell phone, dialed the number, put it to her ear, and said, "I'm Lin Na. Now the target is heading to the Security Bureau. His body seems to have been strengthened by high technology, and ordinary bullets can't hurt him. You prepare powerful weapons... Let Lin Hai act, and allow the use of dark silver bullets."

"Remember not to be discovered. He seems to have a strange ability to move at high speed."

Lin Na hung up the phone, she covered her shoulder with her hand, and said, "Send me back."


Chen Tao didn't know what order Lin Na gave. He only had one thought now, to go to the Security Bureau and rescue Ziqing.

Chen Tao originally thought that leaving Ziqing at home would be safer, but he didn't expect that the Black Swan people came not long after he left.

If he knew that this was the case, he would never leave Ziqing at home.

But now there is no way.

Chen Tao took out the car key of the White Wing car and pressed it.

The White Wing car drove from a distance and stopped in front of Chen Tao.

The car door opened automatically, and Chen Tao got into the White Wing car.

The car door closed.

He stepped on the accelerator, and the white-winged car flew away.

He had to reach the Black Swan Security Bureau as quickly as possible.

At the same time.

Lin Na's order was received.

The security team members of the Security Bureau were already on the road that the Security Bureau had to pass, that is, the G7 suspension bridge.

A river that was a thousand meters wide crossed the entire slum. If you want to get from Chen Tao's position to the Black Swan Security Bureau, you must pass this river.

There are two suspension bridges on this river, the G9 and G7 suspension bridges.

G9 has been abandoned, and now Chen Tao can only go to the Black Swan Security Bureau through the G7 suspension bridge.

At this moment, the Black Swan's men have set up an ambush here.

There is only one person responsible for attacking Chen Tao.

His name is Lin Hai.

He is a famous sniper in the Black Swan Security Bureau.

At this moment, Lin Hai is hiding in a building. He holds a sniper rifle and puts it on the window. Through the sniper scope, he can see all the situations on the suspension bridge a hundred meters away.

The sniper rifle in Lin Hai's hand is not an ordinary sniper rifle.

This is a sniper rifle developed by the current highest technology of Black Swan.

And the bullet is equipped with a special bullet made of dark silver.

The penetration of this bullet exceeds anything currently known.

This is a product of high technology and is extremely difficult to produce.

It is usually not used.

But this time the situation is special, so it was called out.

Lin Hai observed the situation on the other side of the suspension bridge through the sniper scope. Suddenly, his pupils condensed slightly, and he saw a speeding white-winged car.

Seeing the white-winged car, the corners of Lin Hai's mouth rose slightly.

"Is it coming?"

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