My time is running out

Chapter 206: A Devil

Are you going to fight?

Chen Tao crossed his arms over his chest, looking at the people in front of him indifferently. Facing these tens of thousands of warships, although he was only one person, there was no fear on his face.

If these people in front of him wanted to take action directly, then Chen Tao would have no trouble.

If he took action, he would just have to kill all the guys in front of him.

Unlike now, Chen Tao still has to worry about restricting them and protecting the balance of the universe.

Chen Tao is not a leader. He was born to be a more ordinary person than ordinary people. Let Chen Tao make a decision, and Chen Tao doesn't know whether his decision is right or wrong.

If they choose to take action directly, then destroy them directly, and then the balance of the universe can be perfectly protected.

Because in that case, they are invaders, and Chen Tao must be right.

Just when Chen Tao was expecting whether Queen Vera would give the order to take action, Vera said, "Nonsense, do you want all 300 million of us to be buried with you and me?!"

Rosen was stunned by Vera's shout. He frowned and looked at Chen Tao fiercely, as if he wanted to pounce on Chen Tao but was helpless.

Chen Tao glanced at Rosen, his eyes fell on Vera, and said lightly, "Don't take action? If you choose to take action, we can save some trouble."

Vera's beautiful face was more serious, and she said, "Are you going to kill us all?"

Chen Tao said, "If you take action, I can confirm that you are the real invaders. Since you are invaders, what does it matter if you kill us all?"

"You... you are simply a devil." Vera frowned and couldn't help but speak out.

Hearing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows slightly relaxed and said, "Maybe, to you, I am indeed a devil, but to this universe, I am an angel."

Vera exhaled, she hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, I promise you."

"Queen!" Rosen was shocked. He looked at Vera and said, "Queen, if we have to choose to sacrifice you to live in shame, I would rather die! And except for me, no one else may agree to you."

Vera looked at Rosen, retracted her gaze, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "I have lived alone for a long, long time, and I have forgotten how long I have lived. During this time, I was tortured by loneliness and boredom and felt worse than death. Now there is a strong man with the creation gene who likes me, so why should I refuse?"

She said, "This is a marriage, not a sacrifice."

Vera's last sentence made Rosen, who was about to speak, not know what to say for a while.

Seeing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows slightly relaxed, he crossed his arms and said: "Bai Yu has her master contract, what about your fairy civilization?"

Vera looked at Chen Tao, she was silent for a while, nodded slightly, and said: "I would like to ask you to give my people a place to live, and after my people are settled, we will sign a perpetual contract..."

Speaking of this, the beautiful woman paused, she looked at Chen Tao and said: "Is it okay?"

Chen Tao looked at Vera.

Vera is different from Bai Yu. Bai Yu is willing to sign a contract directly with Chen Tao to gain Chen Tao's trust in her, but Vera does not seem to have the same plan as Bai Yu.

She does not seem to trust Chen Tao that much.

This is normal.

Chen Tao said: "Okay."

In this known universe, there are many galaxies, but in many galaxies, due to various conditions, there is no environment suitable for intelligent life to live.

It is not difficult to give Vera and her civilization of only 300 million people a place to live.

Chen Tao thought.

Everyone, including the warships, disappeared together.

When they reappeared, everyone appeared above a galaxy.

Chen Tao stood above the galaxy, his eyes fixed on that galaxy.

This galaxy is a dead galaxy, the star is in its prime, but because the planets in the galaxy are too far away from the star, the temperature of the planets inside is extremely low, which is completely unsuitable for well-known creatures to live in.

Chen Tao plans to transform this galaxy.

But Chen Tao didn't know that Chen Tao's action of bringing them here casually caused some people's faces to change drastically.

Including Rosen, who was just about to beat and kill.

Rosen's face was as pale as paper, and it was as ugly as if he had eaten a dead fly.

His pupils trembled as he looked around, he swallowed his saliva, cold sweat slowly flowed down his forehead, and he said: "This...what's going on?"

"Wormhole transportation, super advanced wormhole transportation." Vera turned his face slightly and looked at the warships following behind him.

"Wormhole transport is to decompose objects or organisms into molecules, then transport them through wormholes, and then reconstruct them at another wormhole exit. This is the way wormhole transport works..." Vera retracted her gaze, looked at Chen Tao's back, and said, "This person just decomposed all of us, including the warship, into molecules at that moment, and then reassembled them using wormhole transport."

Rosen swallowed his saliva and said in a panic, "So, if he wanted to kill us just now..., we have all died once collectively?"

"You can understand it this way." Vera said lightly.

Rosen's face turned slightly pale, and his mouth moved, but he didn't know what to say.

Now Rosen felt a strong sense of joy. Fortunately, he didn't fight with him just now. Otherwise, this person could have wiped them all out in that moment. Rosen probably didn't even know what happened to him.

Too scary.

Rosen looked at Chen Tao's back, his eyes trembling.

Is this the power of the creation gene? This power is too exaggerated.

Rosen had extremely strong fear. While the extremely strong fear rose, he also had a strong sense of insignificance. He looked at Chen Tao. Chen Tao's back was as big as a star at this moment, and he felt like he was as big as a star. As small as a grain of sand...

Could it be that Chen Tao was still so relaxed when he just heard that Rosen was about to fight?

Vera noticed Rosen's expression. She reluctantly withdrew her gaze and looked ahead. Frankly speaking, Vera had also imagined the horror of the creation gene, but she never imagined that the gene's performance would be so terrifying. situation.

Vera's eyes fell on the galaxy below. Looking at the galaxy below, her eyes widened slightly and she said: "This galaxy seems to have no place for life to live in."

Hearing this, Chen Tao said: "Yes, but it's okay, I can transform them."

"Transformation?" Vera said: "Are you planning to mechanically transform one of the planets? In that case, it will probably take a lot of time."

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