My time is running out

Chapter 216 Philia's Thoughts

Philia looked at Vera's expression, but she didn't know what to do. She could only stand there and obey Vera's instructions as the queen.

Vera said: "You come with me, and we will go find him together."

When Filia heard this, she nodded.

Filia looked at He Yixuan and Li Xiaolu behind her and said, "I have something to do with my mother, the queen, so I'll leave first and you guys can play first."

He Yixuan and Li Xiaolu looked at each other, and He Yixuan smiled and said, "Okay."

Vera looked at No. 1 and said, "I want to see Chen Tao."

No. 1 said: "I need to ask the master for instructions. Please wait a moment."

"Okay." Vera nodded slightly.

After a while, No. 1 said: "Master, please come with me."

No. 1 goes forward.

Vera and Filia followed No. 1 together.

Along the long corridor, the two came to a bedroom.

In the bedroom, Chen Tao was sitting on the sofa, making tea and drinking, when he saw two people coming over.

Chen Tao said: "Sit down."

Vera nodded slightly. She sat down on the sofa in front of Chen Tao. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "My king."

Chen Tao looked at Vera and said, "Don't use this title here, just call me Chen Tao."

Vera was slightly startled, and she said: "Well...Chen Tao, Filia and I are here now. I want to say business..."

"Yeah." Chen Tao said, "If you have anything to do, just tell me."

Vera said: "We, Baiyu, are using a recognition contract with you, and what we want to do is to marry you. To put it simply, we will become your wives. Therefore, our contract is that of a partner. contract."

"But, before signing this contract, I have a question."

Vera looked at Chen Tao and said, "I heard Filia say that you haven't touched her. Is it because you don't like her?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Vera and Filia, and his eyes fell on the mature and beautiful young woman in front of him. He said: "Filia is the most beautiful woman in the goblin civilization. Her beauty is the only one I have ever seen. , as a man, it is impossible to say that I am not interested."

A blush appeared on Filia's cheeks, and she looked at Chen Tao, with a hint of luster in her blue eyes.

Frankly speaking, by now Filia no longer resists Chen Tao.

As time goes by, Philia gradually knows how good Chen Tao is.

The strength that Chen Tao showed before had already captured Filia's heart, and Chen Tao's gentle care for her afterwards made Chen Tao's figure take root in Filia's heart.

Frankly speaking, Filia was even looking forward to it these days, expecting Chen Tao to come to her bedroom and do something to her.

But all this time, Chen Tao never showed up.

This made Philia feel itchy in her heart, and she even had some self-doubt about her own charm.

But now that she heard Chen Tao's definite answer, Filia felt much better. It turned out that she was not unattractive.

Vera looked at Chen Tao and said, "Then...why don't you touch her?"

Chen Tao looked at Vera and said: "She is indeed very attractive to me, but I am not the kind of person who falls in love with beautiful women when I see them. In our known universe, there are more than tens of billions of beautiful women. If you see one, you will take over." One, I think I’ll have to make a few more planets.”

Vera was slightly startled, and she was silent for a moment.

Yes, what Chen Tao said is not wrong.

After reaching a state like Chen Tao, what kind of woman does he want?

If Chen Tao was really a pervert, how could it be possible that there were only these few around him?

For a moment, Vera felt a little confused in her head. It turned out that she had misunderstood the man in front of her during this period.

But...then why?

Vera looked at Chen Tao and said, "Then why do you want Philia and I to marry you?"

Chen Tao crossed his chest with his hands, leaned against the sofa, looked at Vera, and said, "If I find an excuse to keep you by my side, how can I restrict your civilization? I don't want the balance of the known universe to be destroyed."

Vera was stunned for a moment. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "So that's it."

Chen Tao said: "That's it. As for the marriage contract, you can put it down for the time being. You can live here from now on. I won't ask you to do anything. You can be free and do whatever you want. But the conditions There is only one, you must stay in the Earth Star Civilization and never return to the Fairy Civilization."

Vera was slightly startled. She looked at Chen Tao's firm expression. She opened her mouth and slowly closed it. She said, "I understand what you mean."

Chen Tao raised his hand, touched the back of his head, and said, "Although I'm a little sorry for you, this is what I came up with and is the only solution at present. After all, I am not a qualified leader, and the solutions I have are not many."

Vera said: "Don't say that. You are willing to let our civilization live in your universe, and you have also created a planet for us to live in. For us, it is already a great favor. Even if You asked Philia and me to serve you together, and that’s what we should do.”

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Vera and said, "If you think so, that's pretty good."

Chen Tao looked at No. 1 next to him and said: "No. 1, arrange a bedroom for Vera. It should be close to Filia's bedroom."

When No. 1 heard this, she nodded and said, "Okay."

No. 1 looked at Vera and said with a smile: "Guest, please."

Vera nodded slightly, she looked at Chen Tao and said, "Then I'll take my leave first."

"Yes." Chen Tao nodded slightly.

Vera and Filia followed No. 1 and left.

Vera looked at Filia beside her and said, "It seems that I misunderstood him."

Filia nodded slightly and said, "Yes, he is actually completely different from the information we got. As far as I know, the women around Chen Tao basically took the initiative to find him."

Vera was startled. She looked at Filia and said, "Take the initiative? What about Baiyu?"

Filia said, "Baiyu is just his servant. So far, Baiyu and him have not had the things we imagined."

Vera nodded slightly: "It seems that my misunderstanding is quite big. He is not only not a pervert, but also a gentleman."

"Yes." Filia said.

"Guest, this is your bedroom." No. 1 said with a smile: "Miss Filia's bedroom is just opposite you."

Vera nodded slightly and said: "Thank you for your help."

No. 1 said with a smile: "That's what I should do. If you have any questions, just call me directly in the gene channel. I'll go down first. Goodbye." She left.

Looking at No. 1's back, Vera looked at Filia: "Since you are here, then stay here."

Vera retracted her gaze, opened the door of the room, and was about to go in.

"Mother Queen."

Hearing Filia's voice, Vera's footsteps paused slightly, and she turned her head to look at Filia behind her.

Filia's cheeks were red, she looked at Vera and said: "I seem to have fallen in love with him."

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