My time is running out

Chapter 22: Sniped Again

Zi Qing looked at Chen Tao's expression and said, "Wherever you go, I will go."

Chen Tao looked at Zi Qing and nodded slightly: "Yes."

Not long after, the waitress came over with a trolley.

She placed the dinner plate in front of Chen Tao.

Open the lid to reveal the tender steak inside.

Chen Tao can smell the aroma of steak.

She picked up the sauce and poured it directly over the steak.

"Zizzizi..." Along with the strange sound, a strong aroma came to the face.

So delicious.

The waitress moved another piece of steak in front of Zi Qing.

Doing the same thing.

The aroma fills the air.

Chen Tao held the knife and fork. He looked at Zi Qing and said with a smile: "Eat something, you haven't eaten breakfast, it's noon now."

Zi Qing hummed and picked up the knife and fork.

He cut a piece of beef with the knife and fork and put it in his mouth.

This beef is very tender and juicy.

When you bite it, the juice fills your mouth, which feels particularly wonderful.

Chen Tao looked at Zi Qing while eating lunch.

Inadvertently, he felt something strange. He turned his face slightly and met a few eyes.

As soon as those people saw him, they quickly looked away.

Those guests here had been eating there before Chen Tao arrived, so naturally they were not Black Swan people.

The reason why they looked at Chen Tao was because Chen Tao was still being rewarded.

Now that Chen Tao's face is unobstructed, with no hat or sunglasses, it's not surprising to be recognized.

Chen Tao withdrew his gaze.

other side.

"What?! This is impossible!" Lin Hai held the steering wheel and frowned, listening to the sound coming from the Bluetooth headset. He was a little irritated: "I have obviously hit his head with a dark silver bullet, and he The person and the car fell into the sea. In that case, it is impossible to be alive. "

"But, this is the fact. Qin Xiaoyan was shot in the knee by him with a gun, and he is still in the hospital." Lin Na's voice came from the phone: "The woman named Zi Qing was also taken away by that person."

Lin Hai frowned: "No, something must be wrong... I saw the bullet enter his forehead with my own eyes, and saw the car fall into the sea with my own eyes. He shouldn't be alive."

"That man is indeed strange... By the way, I just received information that someone saw Chen Tao in a Western restaurant. I will send you the location in a moment. This time, I must kill him directly."

Lin Hai shook the steering wheel and said, "Okay!"

Listening to the beeping sound coming from the Bluetooth headset.

Lin Hai frowned: "What's going on? The dark silver bullet has clearly penetrated his head, how can he still be alive?"

"Beep beep..." A voice sounded in the car.

Lin Hai turned sideways and looked at the screen in the car. The screen lit up and a map appeared. There was a red dot on the map.

"Navigation information received, do you want to go?" A mechanical voice sounded in the car.

Lin Hai said: "Go."

The car lights come on.

Lin Hai gritted his teeth and said, "What's going on with that guy..."

Lin Hai couldn't figure it out and didn't think much about it.

According to the navigation information, Lin Hai came to the Western restaurant where Chen Tao was.

Arriving at the entrance of the western restaurant, the car slowly stopped.

Through the glass door of the western restaurant, Lin Hai could see Chen Tao who was dining inside.

Lin Hai frowned and stared for a long time, with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"It's him... but why doesn't he have any injuries on his forehead? It's impossible..." Lin Hai murmured to himself, somewhat in disbelief.

He snorted, picked up the guitar bag on the passenger seat, opened the guitar bag, and took out the sniper rifle inside.

After he assembled the sniper rifle, he placed it on the car window and wrapped the barrel of the sniper rifle with his suit jacket.

He looked through the sniper scope and aimed at Chen Tao's head.

Lin Hai said: "At such a close distance, even if your head is made of steel, it will still be penetrated!"

He pulled the trigger.

The trigger was pulled, and bullets were spit out from the muzzle of the sniper rifle.

At the moment of spitting out.


The whole car shook violently due to the terrifying recoil.

The bullet penetrated the glass door and hit Chen Tao.


The right side of Chen Tao's head was penetrated by a bullet. At the moment of penetration, Chen Tao's body was taken out by a terrifying force.

It flew two meters, hit the wall with a bang, and fell to the ground.


Screams rang out.

The whole restaurant instantly became a mess.

Zi Qing was stunned on the spot. She turned her face and looked towards Chen Tao. She quickly got up and ran towards Chen Tao.

At first glance, Zi Qing's face was pale and her eyes were full of despair: "Chen Tao..."

She knelt down and helped Chen Tao up.

Chen Tao had his eyes closed. There were bullet holes on the right side of his forehead and the left side of his forehead, and blood was flowing out.

The bullet just penetrated his brain.

Zi Qing's eyes trembled slightly, with only despair on her face.

Lin Hai looked through the sniper scope and saw Chen Tao lying on the ground with his head penetrated.

The corners of his mouth raised slightly and he said, "Call Lin Na's number."


Hearing Lin Na's voice, Lin Hai said calmly: "The mission is completed, the target has been killed."

Lin Na said: "Okay, let's return to the base."

"Yes." Lin Hai hung up the phone and looked over there again through the sniper scope.

He sneered and said, "I want to see how you can come back to life this time."

Suddenly, Lin Hai's pupils condensed slightly.

The blood that overflowed from the bullet hole suddenly began to flow back.

A strange scene appeared.

The blood flowed back into Chen Tao's bullet hole, and the bullet hole recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Lin Hai's smile slowly froze on his face.

His pupils trembled, as if he had seen a ghost.

Suddenly, he saw Chen Tao's eyes open.

"What's going on?!" Lin Hai was stunned, and before his brain could react, he suddenly found that Chen Tao's figure was gone.

Zi Qing was there, but Chen Tao's figure disappeared.

"Where are the people?" Lin Hai moved his eyes away from the sniper scope, and he looked through the glass door to the inside of the restaurant.

Inside the restaurant, a group of people ran out frantically.

The gunshot just now was obviously scared by someone.

Lin Hai didn't find Chen Tao, and for a moment, Lin Hai was a little panicked, with cold sweat on his forehead.

"Are you looking for me?" Suddenly, a voice sounded behind Lin Hai.

Hearing this voice, Lin Hai felt that all the hairs on his body stood up. His face was pale, and he turned around subconsciously and looked behind him.

There was a person sitting in the back seat of the car behind him, and it was Chen Tao.

Chen Tao held a pistol in his hand and pointed it at Lin Hai.

Lin Hai's pupils trembled: " did you get here?"

Chen Tao said: "Do you want to know? Unfortunately, you will never know in this life."

He put his finger on the trigger of the pistol.



A gunshot.

Lin Hai had a bullet hole on his forehead, and he fell softly in the car, without any movement.

Chen Tao put away the pistol, opened the door, and got out of the car.

He glanced at Lin Hai. This guy almost took his life twice. If it weren't for the healing ability of genes, Chen Tao would probably be gone now. Although Chen Tao has a good temper, it doesn't mean that Chen Tao has no temper.

For those who almost killed him repeatedly, Chen Tao felt that he could not show mercy.

Chen Tao retracted his gaze and saw Ziqing through the glass door.

Ziqing also noticed Chen Tao's position. She blinked and seemed a little surprised.

Seeing Chen Tao's look, Ziqing adjusted her mood and smiled.

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