My time is running out

Chapter 220: Cutting off

Fortunately, this dining table is oval-shaped and very long, so it is not a problem to seat dozens of people.

Eating lunch.

Vera on the side looked at Chen Tao next to her. She looked away and said, "My dear, do you have any ideas next time?"

Upon hearing this, Chen Tao glanced at Vera and said, "What?"

Vera said: "You have the sixth generation of creation genes. Your genes are powerful enough to be called a god. If you are willing, I think no one in the entire universe can be your opponent. If my dear Yes, if you have an idea, I think you can take action against other small universes at any time and make them surrender to you."

Hearing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly.

Before Chen Tao could say anything, someone helped Chen Tao answer the question.

"Husband is not interested in conquest or anything like that." Rose smiled.

Vera looked at Rose.

Rose crossed her arms over her chest, with a smile on her pretty little face, and said, "My husband is a person who yearns for peace. The reason why he became the leader of the dragon civilization is just to contribute to peace. Let my husband It is impossible to conquer other people or conquer other universes.”

Vera's eyes glowed, and she said, "If we don't take the initiative, I'm worried that this universe will become a battlefield."


Chen Tao looked at Vera and said, "What?"

Vera said: "There are many small universes within the big universe, and in those small universes, there are also many powerful beings. As far as I know, there is a small universe near us. The technology in those small universes is powerful, and some people have successfully upgraded to the third level. Those people of the fifth generation think they are the strongest beings in the universe, but if you let them know about your existence, they will definitely come to find you..."

"Are you going to die?" Wu Yao frowned and said, "You know that the other party is stronger than you, and you still come here to die?"

Vera said: "The sixth-generation gene body is a legendary existence. It can be said that it does not exist. They have never seen it, and they will not believe that it exists. They heard that it exists here. Naturally, we have to verify it. After all, with the power of their genes, they are not afraid of anything."

Vera looked at Chen Tao and said, "In other words, my dear, if you don't take the initiative to go to the outside universe and show your strength, the other party will take the initiative to come over and let you show it."

Hearing this, Chen Tao frowned slightly and said, "What you said is correct."

Chen Tao had already met a guy who came to trouble Chen Tao out of curiosity.

There is one, and there is certainly the possibility of a second.

What Vera said cannot be wrong.

"Haha." Suddenly, a voice sounded on the public genetic channel.

Everyone in the room heard this sound.

Chen Tao frowned.

"The woman is right, I'm already here." The faint voice was full of confidence.

Vera frowned: "The Black Ming of the Sixth Universe"

"Haha, a person from a low-level cosmic civilization can actually know his name. It seems that my name, Hei Ming, has resounded throughout the entire universe."

Hei Ming's voice was filled with pride.

Chen Tao's eyes fell on Vera.

"Universe Six? Heiming?"

Vera nodded slightly and said: "There are countless universes in the big universe, but among these countless universes, there are ten universes with numbers. Because in these ten universes, they all have fifth-generation genes. The super powerful people call themselves the God of the Universe, and this Heiming is the super powerful person of the Sixth Universe, the God of the Universe.”

"God of the universe, that's really funny." Rose said lightly, "It's just a genetic body with slightly stronger technology."

"Haha, a gene body with stronger technology? It's interesting. A low-level cosmic civilization can actually have such arrogant people!" As the words fell.

A dark shadow appeared on the dining table.

Chen Tao took a closer look and found a man in black clothes standing on the dining table. The man looked similar to a human from Earth, but the pair of jet-black wings behind him and the single horn on his forehead made him look very different. It seems a little weird.

He looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao saw that his eyes were pitch black, but inside the black eyes, vertical shapes similar to cat pupils could be seen.

With these wings, one horn and these cat eyes, it can be determined that this person is not from the Earth Star.

And you must know that in this Base No. 1, the functions of genes are restricted. Although Chen Tao has not strengthened the restriction ability of Gene No. 1, it is still very difficult to easily use wormhole calculations to get in.

Is this guy really a fifth-generation gene body?

Hei Ming stared at Chen Tao and said calmly: "Are you the legendary sixth-generation gene body?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao stretched his eyebrows slightly and said, "Coming to other people's homes and standing at other people's dining tables is a very unqualified behavior. Is your universe so unqualified?"

When Hei Ming heard this, he looked at the dining table at his feet. The corners of his mouth twitched, and then he jumped down from the dining table. He pulled up a chair and sat down, with his hands folded around his chest, his legs crossed, and his eyes looking at Chen Tao said: "Hurry up and eat, and then have a fight with me after eating."

Hei Ming looked careless.

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Hei Ming and said, "Why should I fight you?"

Hei Ming's eyebrows wrinkled slightly. He sat up, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "Don't you want to fight? That's fine."

He looked at the women beside him.

Hei Ming said: "If you don't fight, I will kill all these women."

After saying that, he looked at Chen Tao and said, "How's it going? Now, do you have a reason to fight me?"

Chen Tao's face suddenly sank.

Dragons have reverse scales, and so do humans!

The woman next to Chen Tao is his reverse scale, and this guy is not polite at all, stepping on Chen Tao's reverse scale as soon as he makes a sound.

Chen Tao squinted his eyes, stared at Hei Ming, and said, "Okay, I'll fight you."

The words fell.

Chen Tao and Hei Ming disappeared from the spot.

When the two appeared again, they appeared in a remote corner millions of light years away from the solar system.

After Hei Ming noticed that the environment around him had changed, his expression changed and the smile disappeared. He looked at Chen Tao in disbelief: "You...what did you do?!"

Chen Tao crossed his chest with his hands, looked at Hei Ming, and said calmly: "Aren't you going to fight me? Then I will satisfy you."

"No... no!" Hei Ming's face turned pale and he hurriedly said: "I won't fight, I won't fight..."

"Pfft!" A voice of flesh and blood sounded.

Hei Ming's body was broken into two pieces.

Seeing this scene, Hei Ming's pupils were trembling.

He is the fifth generation genetic body. His body is so hard that very few things in the universe can destroy his body, and now he is cut into two pieces like this? !

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