My time is running out

Chapter 226 The battle between the dragon man and the red dragon

A micro wormhole opened, and Kati appeared beside Veliya.

Veliya glanced at Kati, and then said, "Look."

Kati looked forward, and she saw the Red Dragon in the picture in front of her.

Kati frowned suddenly, and then stretched her eyebrows slightly. She said lightly: "Betty..., these guys were exiled to a deserted planet by me. I warned them that they must never leave that planet. It seems that they can't hold it back."

"Wait a minute." Kati suddenly found something, and she said, "Zoom in a little bit."

The picture zoomed in.

As soon as the picture zoomed in.

Kati could see the appearance of those people carefully.

Kati found that there were flames on those people's bodies, and the flames surrounded their bodies. It seemed that the flames were part of their bodies.

See this.

Kati frowned suddenly and said, "No wonder they dared to come here, so this is the case."

Veliya said, "Flame..., what's going on? Are all red dragons like this?"

Kati said, "Red dragons are not like this. It seems that the bodies of these red dragons have undergone a special upgrade. They have merged their own genetic bodies with elemental bodies."

"Is it difficult to deal with?" Veliya said.

Kati's eyebrows stretched slightly, she crossed her arms, looked at Veliya, and said, "I can go and play with them."

Hearing this, Veliya's eyebrows stretched slightly and said, "It seems that they are not difficult to deal with."

"Dragon Joe."

"I'm here." Dragon Joe's voice came.

Veliya said lightly: "There is a group of red dragons near the Gray civilization, and they are planning to threaten our dragon civilization. You take your team and teach them a lesson."


Kati was also in the gene channel, and of course he could hear Veliya's voice.

Kati looked at Veliya.

Veliya crossed his legs, crossed his arms, and looked at the picture above.

Seeing this scene, Kati retracted his gaze.

In the picture.

Betty led a group of red dragons and roamed in this vast universe.

Suddenly, three micro wormholes opened in front of this terrifying red dragon army.

Betty stopped flying and raised her hand.

Everyone stopped.

Three female dragons walked out of the micro wormhole.

The female dragon looked at the people in front.

Seeing the three female dragons in front of her, Betty's eyes shone with a glimmer. She crossed her arms and showed a playful smile, saying: "So? Is the dragon civilization so declining now? Facing our Red Dragon Army, you can only send three little girls who are still wet behind the ears?"

Dragon Joe looked at Betty, and she said lightly: "Red Dragon King Betty, my king has ordered you to go back to Bol Star immediately, and we can forgive the past. If you don't go back, then this vast universe will be your burial place."

"Haha." Betty laughed, she looked at Dragon Joe playfully, and said: "It's really interesting, Katie didn't dare to talk to me like this before, and who are you? How dare you talk to me like this?"

Dragon Joe looked at Betty expressionlessly, with a cold look.

Betty narrowed her eyes: "Huh! Don't know what's good for you!"

"Lital, Frey, Baisen." Betty said three names lightly.

Three male Red Dragons flew out of the team.

Litar was as strong as a bear, holding a broadsword burning with flames.

Frey was not as strong as Litar, with long red hair and a high hairline, and he also held a broadsword in his hand.

Bai Sen was tall and thin, with hair as long as a woman's, and a thin face, with the outline of bones visible.

Betty stared at Longren Joe and said lightly: "I won't bully you either. It's three against three. If you win, I can let you go. If you lose, don't blame me." As she said that, Betty crossed her arms and her eyes were indifferent.

Longren Joe snorted coldly and said: "Sisters, go!"

The three of them spread their wings and flew over.

Litar faced Longren Joe and slashed at him with the broadsword in his hand.


The broadsword collided with the long sword in Longren Joe's hand.

Longren Joe was blown away by the terrifying force and his body flew out.

Litar raised the broadsword and chased after him fiercely.

On the other side, the other two sisters also faced each other, Frey and Baisen.

The battle was about to start.

Litar's attack was very fast.

It was so fast that Longren Qiao had no chance to counterattack. He could only passively defend with his weapon, but in this way, he was suppressed and beaten.

Longren Qiao gritted his teeth, facing Litar's attack again, she held the hilt of the sword with both hands and raised it.

"Too slow!" Litar snorted coldly.

The moment Longren Qiao raised his hand, a knife was draped on Longren Qiao.

The armor on Longren Qiao lit up.

Longren Qiao's petite body was blown away by the power.

This armor is immune to mental power and physical attacks, which can perfectly protect Longren Qiao from harm, but the power still exists.

Longren Qiao flew out with this power.

Litar's expression changed slightly, and he frowned suddenly.

What happened?

While flying out, Longren Qiao waved the long sword in his hand.

A white light lit up, and a white lightning bolt struck Litar.


Litar screamed.

The whole person was covered by lightning.

Not long after, Litar's body turned into white mist and dissipated.

Dragon Man Qiao exhaled, and she looked at her companions.

Her two companions were also suppressed and beaten.

She swung her long sword.

Thunder and lightning lit up.


"Ah!" Frey's body turned into mist.

Dragon Man Qiao swung his long sword again.

Bai Sen's body was also struck by thunder and lightning, turned into white mist, and dissipated.

After dealing with the three people, Dragon Man Qiao's sight fell on Betty in front of him.

"It's your turn." Dragon Man Qiao said lightly.

Betty frowned slightly: "What are you talking about? Your battle is not over yet."

As the words fell.

A little bit of red flame began to condense from all directions.

Transformed into three human figures.

Lital, Frey and Bai Sen, the three of them reappeared in front of Dragon Man Qiao and his three daughters.

Dragonman Qiao was slightly startled, and her face changed slightly: "What's going on?"

Litar clenched the broadsword in his hand, looked at Dragonman Qiao, and said: "We Red Dragons have evolved, and we will not die now. Facing us who will not die, what are you going to do?"

Dragonman Qiao's expression became more solemn.

"The opponent is a combination of genetic body and elemental body." At this time, the voice of Veliya sounded in Dragonman Qiao's head.

Veliya said: "It's not that they will not die, but we have to find the core and destroy it."

Elemental body? Core?

Dragonman Qiao frowned.

Dragonman Qiao had encountered elemental bodies before, and had fought with them, but at that time, she was not the opponent of the elemental body, and was even saved by Chen Tao.

It is not an easy task to find the core from the elemental body.

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