My time is running out

Chapter 228 Betty and Chen Tao

Veliya took a deep breath and said, "As expected of a pure warrior, I feel cold all over."

Kati looked at Veliya, she smiled and said, "What's the big deal? If you go up, those people will scream too."

Kati retracted her gaze and looked at the picture in front of her: "Betty, in fact, she is also becoming stronger with her own abilities. She can fuse the genetic body and the elemental body. I didn't expect this. If we hadn't met Chen Tao, Betty would have been able to threaten us."

"Unfortunately, during this period, the appearance of Chen Tao has brought a qualitative leap in the improvement of our technology. Compared with the current dragon civilization, Betty is far behind."

Veliya said lightly: "With backward technology, we can only be beaten. This is reality. I hope she can accept this reality calmly."

Hearing this, Katie smiled: "I'm afraid she can't accept it."

The white light dispersed.

The picture can also be seen.

The group of red dragons just now has a large number of missing people, and the others all ran away.

Not long after, the entire vast universe returned to peace.

All of a sudden, the entire screen was left with only the vast space and the three people of Dragon Man Joe.

Seeing this, Veliya entered the gene channel and said, "Well done, come back."

"Yes." Dragon Man Joe responded.

Kati crossed his arms and looked at Veliya.

Veliya said, "Guangming, can you find the information of Red Dragon King Betty?"

"Received the order, searching for the information of Red Dragon King Betty."

"Searching..., search ended."

"The search results show that the information of Red Dragon King Betty appeared in the Earth Star Civilization of the Solar System."

Veliya was slightly startled: "Earth Star Civilization?"


Veliya subconsciously looked at Kati.

Kati smiled: "Then this matter is considered to be settled, and the rest is left to you. See you next time."

She opened a micro wormhole and walked away.

Seeing this, Veliya retracted her gaze and contacted Chen Tao: "Tao."

At the same time, in the Earth Star Civilization of the Solar System.

Chen Tao was free, so he went for a walk outside. Now he was walking in Yuehu Manor to see the scenery of Yuehu.


Hearing the voice from the gene channel, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly, and he said: "Dear."

Veliya said: "Well..., we just fought an interstellar war with the Red Dragon. The Red Dragon King Betty probably jumped to the Earth through a wormhole. I thought you were on Earth, so I told you."

"Red Dragon King?" Chen Tao was a little confused.

While talking, Chen Tao felt a light coming from the side, and he looked up.

He found that above, an object wrapped in flames was like a meteorite, sliding down from the sky and flying towards this side.

Veliya said: "Yes, Red Dragon King, the Red Dragon Clan was originally a dragon civilization, but because the Red Dragon Clan wanted to overthrow Kati's rule and attempted to be discovered, they were exiled. They had planned to come here and attack the dragon civilization."


A loud noise.

Five meters in front of Chen Tao, there was a huge pit.

The pit was emitting flames.

Looking at the pit in front of him, Chen Tao was silent for a moment. He said to Veliya: "I think I already know where she is. Leave this to me."


Chen Tao hung up the call, walked to the pit, and looked down from above.

In the pit, there was a girl lying.

The girl was small and looked about fourteen or fifteen years old.

She had long red hair, a pair of red dragon horns on her head, and dragon wings behind her.

Her skin was as white as cream, and her figure was slender and attractive.

A face, delicate and flawless, beautiful and seductive.

So small.

Is this the Red Dragon King?

Chen Tao went down from the pit and landed beside the girl. He squatted down, looked at the girl, then raised his hand and pinched the girl's cheek.

The girl frowned in pain, she opened her eyes, revealing a pair of ruby-like pupils, she suddenly turned her face to look at Chen Tao: "Who are you? Where is the king... Where is the king?"

The girl slapped Chen Tao's hand away and stood up quickly. She stared at Chen Tao: "How dare you be rude to the king?! Wait a minute..."

"Ah?!" The girl screamed, she quickly covered her chest with her hands, turned sideways, her eyes were a little panic, she looked at Chen Tao, and said: "What did you do to the king? How did the king's body become so small? And where are the king's clothes?"

The girl was panicked and looked a little at a loss.

Seeing this scene, Chen Tao could be sure that this was the Red Dragon King.

It is estimated that some accidents have caused her to become what she is now.

Chen Tao looked at the girl, stood up, and said, "I didn't do anything to you. It was you who flew over here for no reason and messed up my manor. How are you going to compensate me?"

The girl was startled. She looked around. She bit her lip, frowned, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "You still want me to compensate you? You have seen my body naked. If it were in the past, I would have slapped you to death. You... Hurry up and put on your clothes, you are still looking!"

She was angry, and her baby face was flushed.

Watching this scene, Chen Tao was happy. He took out a shirt and handed it to the girl.

The girl stretched out her hand, took it, and hurriedly put it on.

The shirt covered the girl's upper body, but not other places.

And the hem of the shirt is very short.

The girl's face flushed, and she looked at Chen Tao with big eyes and said, "Pants...pants."

Chen Tao crossed his arms, looked at the girl, and said, "I don't have pants for little girls."

The girl puffed up her face angrily and said, ""

She was very angry and was about to do something, but she seemed to realize something and her face swelled up with anger.

Betty found that she couldn't contact her gene function, and the celestial computer behind her couldn't contact it either.

In other words, Betty is now not much different from ordinary people. She wanted to teach the rude man in front of her a lesson, but she couldn't do it at all.

Betty is not stupid. After a brief panic, she also understood the situation.

At that time, when Dragon Joe was using lightning, Betty was closest. At that moment, Betty opened a micro wormhole and planned to jump through the wormhole.

But when using it, Dragon Joe's lightning also came down.

It is estimated that by coincidence, part of her genes were gone, and only part of her genes were left, which were reorganized.

This led to such a situation.

After realizing this, Betty felt a little overwhelmed.

But there was no way.

Betty looked at Chen Tao and said, "I'm telling you, I'm Betty, the Red Dragon King. As long as you listen to me now and be my subordinate, when I recover my ability, you can get whatever you want."

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Betty and said, "Really?"

Betty nodded and said, "Really."

Chen Tao looked at Betty and looked at Betty's slender figure.

Betty was startled, she quickly turned sideways, blocked her body, and said, "What are you doing? Are you a lolita control?"

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