My time is running out

Chapter 305 No need to clear

Haiyue's eyes glowed with a hint of luster. She looked at the time device being programmed in front of her and said, "In the end, the time I studied can help Betty. To me, it's worth it."

Listen to Haiyue finish.

Chen Tao was silent. He subconsciously looked at Future Betty next to him.

Future Betty frowned slightly and said nothing.

For future Betty, Haiyue is just a colleague who did research together in Dragon City. For Betty, whether it is current Betty or future Betty, Haiyue is probably not even a friend in her heart.

But Betty probably didn't expect that Haiyue would have such feelings for her.

The emergence of the time machine was not for Haiyue to satisfy her desire to study time. She just wanted to get Betty's approval, so she came up with the idea of ​​creating a time machine. Later, she also thought about the time machine helping Betty.

But Haiyue didn't expect that her self-righteous approach was wrong.

Now Chen Tao understands everything. He finally knows who went back to the past and erased him. It turns out that person was Hai Yue who was trying to help Betty.

Suddenly, Chen Tao's heart moved. He looked at Hai Yue's back and said, "If that's the case, will you consider researching a time machine in the future?"

"No more research, there's no need." Haiyue said, "Besides, Betty doesn't seem to like the time machine either."

Her voice faded a little, but she was very determined. It would be difficult for Haiyue to give up the time machine, but it is true that Haiyue now has no reason to invent a time machine.

Chen Tao looked at Future Betty and said, "Look at your wrist."

Future Betty had a hint of luster, she raised her hand and looked at her wrist.

Now Haiyue's database has not been cleared. As long as Haiyue still retains the memory of time, she will naturally be able to create a time machine in the future.

If there is a time machine, then there will still be a time rupture on Betty's wrist at this moment in the future.

So...will there be one?

Future Betty looked at her wrist and the symbol symbolizing infinity on her wrist. Her ruby-like eyes glowed with a hint of luster. She subconsciously looked at Chen Tao: "The phenomenon of time rupture has disappeared."

Chen Tao looked at Hongyue and said, "What about you?"

Hongyue also raised her wrist and looked at it. There was a hint of surprise in her eyes. She suddenly looked at Haiyue's back: "It's strange, my time rupture phenomenon is gone."

What's going on? Hongyue was a little confused and disbelieving.

Hai Yue's database has not been cleared, and Hai Yue is not dead. It stands to reason that Hong Yue, who used the time machine, should have time fractures on his wrist.

But the situation in front of her made Hongyue feel very incredible. Her time rupture actually disappeared?

why is that?

Chen Tao looked at Hai Yue's back and said, "In other words, Hai Yue did not lie. She will never build a time machine in the future."

As he said that, he looked at Future Betty and said, "Don't erase her database, and there's no need to kill her."

Future Betty hummed.

Chen Tao's eyes fell on Haiyue, and she probably heard Chen Tao's words, but Chen Tao couldn't see a trace of joy on Haiyue's face.

It seemed as if when she heard Chen Tao talking about her, it was like she was listening to something that had nothing to do with her.

Perhaps, for Haiyue now, the knowledge of time has been erased or her life and death are not important at all in her eyes.

Chen Tao didn't think any more. He looked back at the bed, where Betty was lying on the bed with her head on the pillow and her big eyes looking at Haiyue's back.

Her ruby-like eyes were glowing, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Seeing Betty's expression, Chen Tao slowly sat on the edge of the bed, raised his hand, gently stroked Betty's hair, and said, "What's wrong?"

Betty raised her face, looked at Chen Tao with her ruby-like eyes, and said, "If she loses the meaning of existence, even if she is alive, it is almost as good as dead. You can help her."

"How can I help?" Chen Tao looked at Betty and asked gently.

Betty looked at Chen Tao and said, "Let her go back to Dragon City. I think the technology she possesses can help Dragon City."

Chen Tao looked at Haiyue's back: "Of course she can if she wants." Haiyue is a talent. If her thoughts are not so crazy, it would be a good thing for her to work for the dragon civilization.

"It's impossible for me to go to Dragon City." Haiyue said, "Thank you two for your kindness. I don't like Dragon City, nor do I like Dragon Civilization."

Haiyue refused directly.

It was not beyond Chen Tao’s expectation.

Hai Yue was exiled by the dragon civilization. Now if Hai Yue wants to go back, how can Hai Yue accept it?

"Then what are you going to do next?" Future Betty crossed her arms and looked at Haiyue.

Haiyue said: "I'd better go back to my Belarusian star. Although I won't build a time machine, I can still continue research on time. That's what I have been studying all my life. I don't need to build a time machine, but time can continue." Research."

There is also a natural look, although it is very bland, but this seems to be her only choice.

Betty's eyebrows stretched slightly in the future. She looked back at Chen Tao and said, "Since she chose this, then so be it."

"Yeah." Chen Tao got on the bed and got into Betty's bed.

Betty was slightly startled, with two blushes on her face. She looked at Chen Tao who was very close in front of her and said, "What are you doing?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly, he smiled and said: "It will take three days for her to make the time device. During these three days, we can do something we like to do."

He raised his hand and took Betty's little hand.

Betty's face turned red, and she naturally knew what Chen Tao meant.

"Are you going to get me steak?" Betty's eyes were filled with luster, and she deliberately pretended to be confused.

Chen Tao smiled: "I'll give you something more delicious."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and landed on her cheek, making eye contact.

Chen Tao's eyes slowly went down and fell on her thin lips.

Betty's fair cheeks turned crimson all of a sudden, and her ruby-like eyes under her eyelashes were blurred.

Chen Tao came closer.

Betty hid her little face in Chen Tao's arms and blushed: "Don't make trouble, there are so many people..."

She didn't want so many people to see her being bullied by him.

She is the Red Dragon King, a high-ranking Red Dragon King. How could others see her being bullied?

Chen Tao said with a smile: "It's easy."

The dark cube filled the air again, hiding him and her inside.

Looking at the darkness all around, Betty's face turned red.

"Lolicon, big pervert..."

But even though she knew this man was bad, Betty still couldn't do anything about him.

This is a feeling that Betty cannot control and cannot understand. Chen Tao is very domineering and does not respect her, but she is addicted to his domination.

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