My time is running out

Chapter 323 Where does time come from?

Chen Tao said: "There is nothing you can't ask for. If I give it to you, just keep it."

He looked at Yasha who was a little uneasy.

Chen Tao looked at her, his eyebrows slightly stretched, and said: "If you are not asked to do anything and your time is wasted, you are a little uneasy. Then I might as well give you a job, okay?"

"Work?" Yasha looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao nodded slightly and said, "Work."

He said: "As you can see, the man next to me is an artificial man programmed by me. Although he looks like the Ou Zhonghao you know, he is actually just a robot. The robot is making judgments. "It's different from other people, and I might do something wrong. What I want is for you to keep an eye on it. If you think something is wrong, you can contact me."

With that said, Chen Tao took out a necklace and handed it to her.

Yasha blinked, raised her hand and took it.

Chen Tao said: "You just need to hold this necklace with your hand and say my name silently, Chen Tao. I can feel it."

He looked at Yasha and said, "Is that okay?"

Yasha blinked, she hesitated for a moment.

Frankly speaking, after being rescued, Yasha wanted to return to her relatives.

But Yasha glanced at the hundred years on her wrist. Yasha looked at Chen Tao and nodded: "Okay."

Hearing this, Chen Tao smiled and said, "Okay, that matter has been dealt with. It's time for me to go back."

Yasha was startled, and she quickly said: "That..."

Chen Tao looked at Yasha.

Yasha hesitated, but she still said: "He is a robot... So if he pretends to be Ou Zhonghao, will his secret be exposed?"

It’s too easy to let a robot pretend to be a person.

Yasha was a little worried. If something went wrong with the robot, she would be in trouble too.

Hearing this, Chen Tao smiled: "Don't worry, I have asked him to read Ou Zhonghao's database... that is to say, the memory as the saying goes. He can imitate Ou Zhonghao's every move based on Ou Zhonghao's memory, so you can Don’t worry, the secret won’t be revealed.”

Yasha breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Then I'll be relieved."

"Yeah." Chen Tao looked at Betty.

Betty met Chen Tao's gaze, and her eyebrows stretched slightly.

Chen Tao said: "Let's go."

Betty hummed: "I also plan to go back to eat steak."

Chen Tao smiled slightly.

The two disappeared together.

Looking at the place where Chen Tao and Betty disappeared.

Yasha's eyes trembled slightly, her mouth opened slightly, her eyes full of surprise.

Incredible, this scene is too incredible for Yasha.

This is an area that Yasha cannot understand.

The two big living people just disappeared out of thin air.

For Yasha, it was completely incomprehensible.

Yasha slowly adjusted her thoughts, and her eyes fell on No. 101 beside her.

Seeing this artificial man who looked exactly like Ou Zhonghao, Yasha couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Is this guy really just an android?

Or is it that everything that just happened was just her dreaming?

After the android looked at the direction Chen Tao and Betty were leaving, he looked at Yasha. He showed a gentle smile and said, "Miss Yasha, if I made any mistakes, please tell me."

Yasha was slightly startled when she saw the gentle words spoken by the man who looked exactly like Ou Zhonghao.

She nodded slightly and said, "Okay... okay."

She still couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

other side.

Chen Tao and Betty returned to the bedroom of Base No. 1.

Betty put away her dragon wings and horns, and walked out the door with small steps.

Looking at Betty's back, Chen Tao said: "Baby, where are you going?"

Betty was slightly startled. She turned back to look at Chen Tao and said, "Of course we're going to have lunch. Are you coming?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao smiled and said, "I'm not going, I have something else to do."

Betty rolled her eyes at Chen Tao and said, "Yeah."

She walked out the door and left.

Watching Betty's small figure disappear from sight.

Chen Tao crossed his chest with his hands and sat on the edge of the bed.

He thought for a moment and then contacted someone he hadn't spoken to in a long time.


He contacted Lin Na through the genetic channel.

"Master?" Lin Na's voice had a hint of surprise: "Master... why do you have time to contact me?"

I haven’t contacted Lin Na for a long time.

Hearing Lin Na's voice, Chen Tao said, "I have something to ask you."

Perhaps because she heard the seriousness in Chen Tao's voice, Lin Na calmed down and said, "Master, if you need anything, just ask."

Chen Tao said: "Hong Tao organizes and manages the entire Earth Star. So I want to know one thing. The more time is used, the less time is used. So as the manager of the Hong Tao Organization Association, how do you solve this problem?"

This is a problem that Chen Tao has always ignored. Time will only become less and less used up until it disappears.

You know, even a baby only has one hour to survive after birth.

If you want the baby to survive, you can only rely on the parents to use their own time to keep the baby alive.

In other words, the time of the entire human society will decrease infinitely until it disappears.

But on this planet, this problem has never arisen. Everyone can receive time as wages as long as they work hard.

This is very strange.

"This question..." Lin Na said: "Time does not decrease as time is used."

Other sources?

Will time increase?

Lin Na said: "Wild creatures carry time. There are time processing plants that can convert the time possessed by wild creatures into time used by humans. Black Swan has always had such a time processing plant. After the demise of Black Swan, Hong Tao Organization took over the time processing plant."

"At present, the time of the entire civilization is maintained by the time processing plant." Lin Na said: "But... with the increase in population, it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain it. I think that after a certain period of time, it will not be able to continue to maintain it, and we can only give up part of our lives."

Hearing this, Chen Tao suddenly realized.

Chen Tao has never considered other sources of time. Now he understood that this is the case.

Chen Tao said: "Come to my place."

"Well... OK, Master." Although Lin Na was confused, she still responded.

"Locate Lin Na's position and open a micro wormhole."

A micro wormhole appeared in front of Chen Tao.

Chen Tao slowly sat on the edge of the bed and said to Lin Na through the gene channel: "You should be able to see a dark wormhole in front of you. Walk in and you will be able to come directly to me. Go in."

Lin Na hesitated for a moment and said, "Yes."

As Lin Na's voice fell.

Chen Tao saw a beautiful figure emerge in front of the black wormhole.

Seeing the beautiful figure in front of him.

Chen Tao was slightly stunned.

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