My time is running out

Chapter 337 Giant Mecha

"Pei Ai, what's going on?" An Qing's serious voice came.

Pei Ai stared straight at the creature that was slowly approaching here.

She turned pale, swallowed, and said: "It's a strange beast. It has a dark blue tail that is ten meters long, and the tip is very sharp. When it first appeared, it directly pierced Kafei's mecha with its tail. , took away Kafei’s life. I think Bassen also died in its hands.”

More than fifty years have passed since the end of time.

Human beings are huddled in a city called the "Sanctuary", using high walls to keep out the virus-infected monsters. The only time humans come out is to search for resources.

In the past fifty years, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes, and many unknown creatures have appeared in the outside world.

Some are named and some are unnamed, and those unnamed and powerful and dangerous creatures are collectively called strange beasts.

Generally speaking, warriors who encounter those special beasts will basically die.

And now Pei Ai has realized that she is dead.

Don't mention it, her head is now exposed. Even if her head is protected by a mecha, her tail can directly penetrate the mecha and kill Pei Ai.

It's over.

The special beast didn't talk nonsense to Pei Ai at all. It sank slightly and pounced on Pei Ai.

In mid-air.

The flexible and sharp tail stabbed directly into Pei Ai's head.

The speed was so fast that Pei Ai couldn't even react, and the tail was already in front of her eyes.

Knowing that he was bound to die, Pei Ai closed his eyes subconsciously.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound.

The whole ground trembled.


A scream sounded in Pei Ai's ears.

The severe pain I imagined did not come.

Pei Ai slowly opened her eyes and looked at the source of the sound.

At first glance, Pei Ai was stunned by the eye-catching scene.

In front of Pei Ai, the strange beast just now was stepped on the ground by a huge mechanical foot, and it seemed to be dead.

Pei Ai raised her face and looked, her pupils trembling, she saw a huge humanoid mecha.

This humanoid mecha is ten meters tall, just like a hill.

It looks very scary.

And on the shoulders of this ten-meter-tall humanoid mecha stood a man, who was looking at Pei Ai.

Pei Ai met the man's gaze, and her eyes trembled slightly.

Who is this?

In the sanctuary, the population is limited, and people are also divided into superior people with superior genes and inferior people with inferior genes.

Those who can pilot humanoid mechas can only be selected among the Youmin as mecha warriors.

Pei Ai, the mecha warrior in the sanctuary, knew him well.

But Pei Ai didn't recognize the man in front of him.

Who is this man?

And..., was he driving that huge mecha?

The Leitmon next to them saw the special beast being trampled to death, and they all ran away. After a while, the surrounding area became empty.

The huge humanoid mecha stretched out its big mechanical hand towards the man.

The man stepped on his big hand.

The humanoid mecha carefully sent the man down to Pei Ai.

The man came face to face with Pei Ai. He smiled, crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Pei Ai, and said, "What do you call her?"

When Pei Ai heard this, she said: "Pei Ai..."

The man said: "It's a nice name. My name is Chen Tao."

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai and said, "Can I make a friend?"

Pei Ai adjusted her mood slightly and looked at the strange man in front of her.

It's confirmed, Pei Ai can be sure.

The smiling man in front of him was definitely not from the sanctuary.

Then there is only one possibility, he is someone outside the sanctuary!

Survivors outside the sanctuary.

This title is incredible.

Pei Ai adjusted her mood. She looked at the huge mecha. She looked at Chen Tao: "Who is driving inside?"

This woman did not answer Chen Tao's question... Although Chen Tao saved her life, she was still wary of Chen Tao.

Her reaction was reasonable and within Chen Tao's expectations.

After all, in the last days, it is normal to be cautious when a stranger appears.

Chen Tao said: "I am in control. Unlike your mecha, my mecha is controlled remotely from the outside. I put the chip into my head and I can control it with my will."

Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao.

"Pei Ai, who are you talking to and what's going on?" came the intercom.

Pei Ai raised his hand, pressed the intercom in his ear, and said, "I met a man driving a giant humanoid mecha. He seemed to be a human being living outside the sanctuary. He saved my life."

"The human survivors outside the sanctuary... are incredible. I am installing the device here. If possible, you can keep him and take him to the car and let him return to the sanctuary with us." An Qing's voice came.

Pei Ai said: "Yes."

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Thank you for saving my life..., if possible, can you come with me?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai and said, "The beautiful woman invited me to go home with her when we first met her. As a man, I think it's a dream come true."

Pei Ai was startled and her face turned slightly red: "Do you always speak so frivolously?"

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai, he smiled and said, "It's okay."

"Then, you agreed?" Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "Of course."

Pei Ai nodded slightly and said, "Let's go, I'll lead the way."


Pei Ai drove the humanoid mecha to lead the way in front, Chen Tao stood on the palm of the giant mecha, and the giant humanoid mecha followed.

Chen Tao was interested in taking a look at this civilization. Anyway, he had nothing to do, so he just had some fun.

As for the giant mecha that seemed to shock Pei Ai, it was just something Chen Tao wrote casually. For Chen Tao, it was nothing.

Suddenly, Chen Tao was slightly startled, and he found that Pei Ai had stopped.

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai, who frowned and operated the mecha cabin with her hands.

Chen Tao said, "What's wrong?"

Pei Ai frowned and said, "Maybe the engine of the mecha was broken when it was attacked just now and it can't run."

"Well, it can't move, right?" Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai.

Pei Ai nodded helplessly.

Seeing this, Chen Tao controlled the robot's big hand and placed it beside Pei Ai.

He looked at Pei Ai and said, "If you don't mind, take mine."

Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao. She was a little helpless, but she could only get out of the mecha cabin and jump onto the mechanical hand.

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai in front of him.

Pei Ai was wearing a black tight leather jacket. When she jumped out of the mecha cabin, her figure full of lines made Chen Tao unable to move his eyes away.

Pei Ai was startled. She said, "What are you looking at?"

Chen Tao touched the back of his head, retracted his gaze, and said, "Nothing."

Pei Ai's eyes were shining. She retracted her gaze, looked ahead, and said, "Keep going forward."

"Okay." Chen Tao said.

The huge mecha continued to move forward under Chen Tao's control.

The humanoid mecha raised its arm and placed its palm on its chest.

This robot is ten meters tall, comparable to the height of a three-story building, but when the palm is placed in front of the chest, the height is not low.

Pei Ai sat on the cold mechanical palm and looked at the scenery ahead.

"Are you a human who survived outside the sanctuary?" Pei Ai asked.

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