My time is running out

Chapter 348 Pei Ai's Questions

Di Mansha was worried about the progress of Chen Tao's development of mechas.

Chen Tao crossed his arms across his chest, looked at Di Mansha, and said, "When do you expect to use those mechas?"

"The earlier the better," Timensa said. "It would be best if it can be manufactured within this month."

Chen Tao looked at Di Mansa and said, "Then just don't worry, no matter what I do in this month. In one month, the enhanced version of the mecha will definitely be developed."

For Chen Tao, developing a powerful mecha is just an idea, and it takes less than a few seconds to create.

The manufacturing of these mechas is even simpler than the weakest artificial humans Chen Tao has ever created.

Timanza frowned slightly. She turned slightly and thought for a moment: "The technology you have is the hope of all mankind. Your life is very important. "

Chen Tao said: "I can survive outside the territory by myself, let alone now that I am with you."

When Timensa heard this, she said, "Okay."

She looked at Chen Tao: "Your giant mecha is also a kind of combat power for us. Our action tomorrow is to obtain food, which is very important for the Holy Land, which is currently short of food. In this case, then You and Pei Ai will gather at my place tomorrow."

"Yeah." Chen Tao responded casually.

"Yes!" Pei Ai responded, his voice a little loud.

Chen Tao couldn't help but look at Pei Ai.

"Before that." Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao and said, "You'd better go to my research institute. That will be the place where you lived before."

Chen Tao nodded slightly.

The two followed Dimantha.

It didn't take long.

Timanza took the two of them to a research institute.

Men and women in blue uniforms were working back and forth in this research institute. The machines were intelligently and automatically producing piece after piece of metal material. Those metal materials looked like they should be the assembly parts of the mecha.

The sound of mechanical movement was a bit loud, which made Chen Tao feel uncomfortable.

Di Mansha walked with Chen Tao and said: "This research institute is divided into three floors. The first floor is a factory. This factory mainly produces mecha parts and assembles mechas. The second floor is the residence of the employees. The third floor is where the researchers live.”

"This is on the first floor. What is currently being produced in the first floor is related to mechas." Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao and said, "From today on, the personnel of this entire research institute will be under your control. They will work with you to help you produce what you need.”

"Captain Dimansha." Suddenly, a voice came.

Hear this sound.

Chen Tao looked forward.

What I saw was a man. The man was wearing a brown vest. He had muscles all over his body. He was nearly two meters tall and looked as strong as a bear.

As he came closer, the man smiled.

Di Mansha nodded slightly: "Hello, Director Ruogen."

The man smiled, his eyes fell on Chen Tao, and he said with a smile: "This is the researcher from outside the territory, Chen Tao, right?"

He stretched out his hand to Chen Tao and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Ruogen."

Chen Tao looked at Ruogen's stretched out hand, stretched out his hand and shook Ruogen's hand.

Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao and said, "This is the director of this institute, Director Ruogen. If you need anything in the future, you can come to him and he will satisfy you."

Chen Tao let go of the strong man's hand and said, "What about my residence?"

Ruogen said: "I will arrange your residence on the third floor, come with me."

Ruogen took the three of them into the elevator and went upstairs.

Arriving at the door of a room on the third floor.

Ruogen picked up the room card and inserted it into the room's card slot.

The door slowly opened.

Entered the room.

Chen Tao looked at it and found that this room was quite large, much larger than the accommodation he had arranged before. It also had floor-to-ceiling windows that allowed him to see the outside scenery.

"Then I still have something to do." Di Mansha crossed her arms and looked very embarrassed, and said, "Next, if you need anything, just tell Ruogen."

Chen Tao nodded slightly: "Okay."

Dimantha turned and left.

Looking at Di Mansa's enchanting back, she left the door.

Chen Tao withdrew his gaze and looked at Ruogen.

Ruogen looked at Chen Tao and said with a smile: "Are you satisfied with this room? If not, I can change it. However, on this floor, this room is already the best."

Chen Tao said: "Fortunately, we and I are going to start our own research now, and you can go back."

Ruogen was startled. He didn't expect Chen Tao to say that. He said, "Is there anything else I need to do here?"

Chen Tao said: "No more."

Ruogen frowned slightly and said, "But the order I received is that you have to develop a new type of mecha. This..."

Chen Tao looked at Ruogen and said, "I'm not here to deal with your questions, so I don't have to answer you. After that, if I need anything, I will tell you. Now I just need you to step back."

Ruogen hesitated for a moment, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, I'll go down first." After saying that, Ruogen looked at Pei Ai next to him, and handed the room card to Pei Ai.

"This is the key card for this room."

Pei Ai took it and said, "Just give it to me."

After Ruogen handed over the room card, he went out and closed the door with doubts.

Watch the door close.

Pei Ai's sight fell on Chen Tao.

She saw Chen Tao walking to the French window and looking at the scenery outside.

On the third floor, you can clearly see the scenery outside. Looking at the scenery of this planetary civilization, it feels very novel.

Although it is the same human world, due to different development, the doomsday situation has occurred, and the arrival of the doomsday has bred humans who survive in the cracks.

"Aren't you going to start making it now?" Pei Ai's voice came from the side.

Chen Tao turned his head slightly and looked at Pei Ai beside him.

She looked quite cute in a black one-piece tights.

Her eyes were full of questions.

Seeing this, Chen Tao smiled, and he didn't say anything.

He just turned around, raised his hand, and a light humanoid mecha with a black body appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Seeing this humanoid mecha that appeared out of thin air, Pei Ai was stunned.

The light humanoid mechas in the Holy Land are all white, but the mecha that appeared out of thin air in front of him is black and does not reflect light, which looks very deep.

And this light humanoid mecha seems to have gender. It is a female humanoid mecha, which looks quite cool.

But the question is... where did this thing come from?

Pei Ai subconsciously looked at Chen Tao: "What's going on?" She had too many question marks.

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