My time is running out

Chapter 35 Ten Thousand Years

Lu Qiaojuan couldn't figure out what she needed to be afraid of in a bet that she was almost certain to win.

She sets the price herself. As long as she sets a shocking figure, the man will definitely lose.

Since she is bound to win, what does she have to worry about?

Chen Tao looked at Lu Qiaojuan and said, "Please tell me the number."

Lu Qiaojuan folded her hands on her chest and stared at Chen Tao: "Ten thousand years, if you have so much time, then I will lose, but if you don't..."

She opened the cabinet and took out a box.

In the glass box, a nano ant was running and struggling in the box, trying to get out of the box.

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "If you don't have one, I will honestly put this nano ant into your body."

Chen Tao looked at the nano ants in the glass box. He looked at Lu Qiaojuan and said, "Raise your hand."

Lu Qiaojuan was slightly startled. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "What?"

Chen Tao said: "Since I want to buy you, I have to trade."

"What's the deal..." Lu Qiaojuan squinted her eyes, stared at Chen Tao and said, "If you can spare so much time, just take off the bandage on your wrist and let me take a look."

She glanced at the bandage on Chen Tao's hand, stared at Chen Tao, and said, "It's so mysterious, and you use a bandage to cover up time. Do you really think you are ten thousand years old? It's so funny."

Chen Tao said: "I don't like to take off the bandage. If you give me your wrist, I can prove it to you. If you don't let me prove it, then this bet will be invalid."

Lu Qiaojuan frowned, stared at Chen Tao, and said, "Haha..., you think I don't dare to raise my hand, right?"

Lu Qiaojuan raised her hand and said, "Come on, prove it to me. If you have ten thousand years, if you ask me to run naked around this mobile phone store ten times, I will do it!"

Chen Tao raised his hand and held Lu Qiaojuan's arm.

Lu Qiaojuan's hand shook and she subconsciously wanted to take it back.

She looked at Chen Tao nervously: "What are you doing?"

Chen Tao looked into Lu Qiaojuan's eyes and said, "Prove it."

Lu Qiaojuan was startled. She lowered her head and looked at her wrist.

Seeing the time displayed on her wrist, Lu Qiaojuan's pupils trembled slightly.

The time on her wrist increases at a speed visible to the naked eye!

One year.

ten years.



Lu Qiaojuan's pupils shrank and saw that it was already a thousand years ago and the time was still increasing.

Lu Qiaojuan felt strong fear and uneasiness. She tried hard to pull her hand back.

But Chen Tao held her arm tightly, preventing her from pulling back.

a thousand years!

Chen Tao let go of Lu Qiaojuan's hand.

Lu Qiaojuan retreated and fell to the ground.

She raised her hand and looked at the time on her wrist, her face full of surprise and fear.

She climbed up in panic, looked at Chen Tao in horror, and said, "Yes... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Her face was as pale as paper.

a thousand years! This man is ten thousand years old!

Lu Qiaojuan, who had just received Ten Thousand Years, was not surprised at all, but instead felt strong fear!

Time represents power, status, and wealth in this world!

What kind of person is a person who has ten thousand years of time?

That was someone Lu Qiaojuan couldn't afford to offend. That was someone who could take Lu Qiaojuan's life at will!

But now Lu Qiaojuan is disrespecting him in her words!

Thinking of her next fate, Lu Qiaojuan felt as if she had fallen into an ice cave. It was fear, intense fear.

Lu Qiaojuan walked out from the counter, her face full of fear and tears. She quickly knelt down to Chen Tao and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I didn't know you existed like this. If you knew, I would give it to you." I don't have the guts to speak to you like that...I'm sorry, please forgive me, please forgive my ignorance."

Chen Tao ignored Lu Qiaojuan at all. He picked up the nano ants on the table. He studied it for a while and noticed a finger button on the glass box.

He remembered what He Yixuan said that the nano-ant needed to obtain the owner's blood in order to remember the owner's DNA. With the owner's DNA, the nano-ant could help the owner control the people it penetrated into the body.

This should be where the blood was taken.

Chen Tao pressed his fingers on it.

Chen Tao felt a slight pain. He moved his finger away and saw a small needle stained with a little of Chen Tao's blood.

The blood follows the needle and falls on the nano ants.

The silver-white nano ants turned into dark red.

The nano ants also slowly calmed down from their initial madness.

When Chen Tao saw this, he knew it was enough.

He threw the glass box to Lu Qiaojuan.

Lu Qiaojuan looked at the glass box in front of her and the nano ants inside. Her face turned pale and she looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said: "Since you have this thing, I think you should know what to do."

Lu Qiaojuan's hands were trembling slightly. She picked up the glass box and looked at the nano ants inside. With trembling hands, she opened the glass box.

The nano ant walked out of the glass box and landed in Lu Qiaojuan's hand.

Then the nano ants burrowed directly into the back of Lu Qiaojuan's hand.

After getting in, it disappeared.

This was the first time Chen Tao saw the use of nano ants.

Lu Qiaojuan looked at Chen Tao and said tremblingly: "Master... please take back your time. I am not qualified to have so much time."

Chen Tao said: "Raise your hands."

Lu Qiaojuan raised her hand.

Chen Tao put his hands below.

Lu Qiaojuan's wrist pressed on Chen Tao's wrist.

The time on Lu Qiaojuan's wrist decreased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After ten thousand years were taken back by Chen Tao, Lu Qiaojuan only had the time she had just now.

When Lu Qiaojuan saw this, her face relaxed a little.

Chen Tao looked at Lu Qiaojuan and said, "I remember you just said that if I had ten thousand years, you would run around this mobile phone store naked?"

Lu Qiaojuan was startled, she looked at Chen Tao, her face turned pale: "Master..., if this is your order, I will obey."

Chen Tao said: "I have no interest in your body, let's forget about running naked."

When Lu Qiaojuan heard that she didn't want to run naked, she didn't feel happy at all. Chen Tao directly denied her charm, which made Lu Qiaojuan feel a little hot. For a woman, this is a humiliation. It's like being slapped hard in the face.

Chen Tao said, "The T3 phone is the most expensive here, right? Give me two."

Lu Qiaojuan nodded slightly, and she hurried back to the counter, took out two phones and put them on the counter, and moved in front of Chen Tao.

She said, "This is the T3 phone."

Chen Tao opened the box, took out the phone and looked at it. He looked at Lu Qiaojuan and said, "Which service provider does the Tal District mobile phone card belong to?"

Lu Qiaojuan said, "It's from the Tal Ray service provider..."

She looked at Chen Tao and thought to herself, could he be from somewhere else?

Thinking of this, Lu Qiaojuan added, "The Tal Ray service provider is a private company in the Tal District, and it is considered the largest mobile phone service provider in the Tal District."

Chen Tao had never heard of this service provider, and it was obviously different from the Black Swan.

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