My time is running out

Chapter 357 Various high-tech

An Qing looked at Chen Tao and said, "Did you do this?"

Pei Ai also blinked and looked at Chen Tao beside him.

Chen Tao gently touched Pei Ai's shoulder. He looked at An Qing and said, "Yes."

There is nothing to hide about this.

An Qing looked at Chen Tao curiously: "How did you do it?"

Chen Tao looked at An Qing. He looked to the side and found that the soldiers around him were all looking at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao smiled and said: "This is a high-tech technology that I have mastered. I will tell you more about the techniques for using this technology. I will just tell you about the effect."

Since they are interested in knowing, it would be a good idea to tell them.

Chen Tao turned slightly sideways and said, "Have you seen that fruit tree?"

Everyone looked in the direction Chen Tao was looking at the fruit trees not far away.

"You saw it, what's wrong?" Dimantha asked.

Upon hearing this, Chen Tao said slowly: "Watch carefully."

As Chen Tao finished speaking, the fruit tree, which was estimated to be a hundred years old, disappeared.

See this.

Di Mansha's eyes narrowed slightly, and she quickly looked at Chen Tao: "What's going on?"

Hearing this, Chen Tao looked at Di Mansha and said with a smile: "As you can see, I erased that tree." In fact, Chen Tao erased all the genetic codes that made up the tree.

From the outside, it looked like the tree had disappeared out of thin air.

"Incredible." Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao: "How did you do it?"

Chen Tao said: "I said, this is a high-tech technology. As for how I did it, I am not going to explain to you."

Timanza was silent for a moment and said, "Then this is how you killed those Leit beasts and special beasts?"

Chen Tao said: "Well..., I erased their hearts."

The hearts of the people around heard Chen Tao's words quickened.

"Does this kind of high technology still exist in the world?"

"If what he said is true, doesn't it mean that whoever he wants to kill will have to die? Isn't this ability too terrifying?"

Someone started talking quietly next to him.

Indeed, for them, the technology displayed by Chen Tao was completely beyond their understanding.

Di Mansha took a deep look at Chen Tao and said, "If someone else said this, I wouldn't believe it, but with what you just showed, it seems that even if I don't believe it, it would be difficult."

"You have such powerful technology, if you are willing to help us, I think humans don't have to hide in the sanctuary all the time." Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao, on the other hand, had an indifferent look on his face, as if he didn't intend to participate.

Seeing Chen Tao's expression, Di Mansha could only remain silent.

"Captain." Suddenly, Dimansha's intercom rang.

Hearing this voice, Di Mansha said: "Sukiran?"

Yukizome is also a member of the resource team and is now the leader of the picking team. Xuezan is currently driving a heavy mecha to guard the surroundings of the picking team to protect their safety.

Then Timanza's team will open the way.

Now that Yukizome contacted Dimansha, there was only one possibility.

"Yes, the picking team will arrive at the orchard in half an hour. How is the situation now? Do you want to go directly into the barrier to work?" Yukizen said.

Timanza said: "There is no danger in the orchard, just come in."

"Yes." Yuki Ran's voice sounded.

Chen Tao looked at Pei Ai beside him and said, "Okay, then we have nothing to do with us here. Let's go back. How about it?"

Pei Ai was slightly startled. She turned her face to look at Chen Tao, and then looked at Di Mansa.

Di Mansha looked at Pei Ai, she nodded slightly and said, "Since he asked you to go back, then you should go back. There is no danger in the orchard anymore."

Pei Ai hesitated for a moment. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

It seemed that Pei Ai didn't want to leave that much.

It's normal. After all, we are on a mission now. If we leave now, wouldn't that mean we gave up on the mission midway? And after the resources are collected, they still have to be transported and left.

No one can guarantee whether they will be attacked by strange beasts when they transport resources to leave.

If so, if anything happens to Di Mansha and the others, Pei Ai will suffer for the rest of his life.

But Chen Tao wanted to leave, and Pei Ai couldn't force him to stay. After all, she belonged to him.

Pei Ai looked unhappy.

Chen Tao smiled and raised his hand.

A dark wormhole appeared next to Chen Tao.

See this black round door that seems to open from the air.

Everyone present was stunned, including Pei Ai.

Pei Ai came back to her senses and looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao said: "Let's go."

With that said, Chen Tao stepped into the wormhole.

Pei Ai was startled, then she hurried over and her body disappeared into the wormhole.

The dark round door disappeared, looking at the disappeared round door.

"What's that?"

"I don't that a door?"

After the soldiers came to their senses, they started talking among themselves.

Di Mansha looked at the direction Chen Tao left, and she said slowly: "Is this also high technology?"

I don’t know, except Chen Tao, no one on this planet knows what that thing was just now.

Naturally, no one can answer Dimantha's question.

at the same time.

Chen Tao and Pei Ai appeared in a bedroom.

Pei Ai looked at the dark round door behind him, which slowly closed.

Pei Ai looked at the bedroom. Isn't this the bedroom in the research room?

After realizing this place, Pei Ai's heartbeat quickened.

What's going on?

She was clearly in the orchard more than 50 kilometers away just now, but now, in the blink of an eye, she appeared in this bedroom?

Pei Ai looked at Chen Tao and said, "What kind of door is that? What's going on?"

She was a little confused.

Looking at Pei Ai's puzzled face.

Chen Tao smiled, raised his hand, and hugged Pei Ai horizontally in his arms.

Pei Ai was startled, and realized what Chen Tao wanted to do. Two blushes flew on her face, and she said, "Don't be like this."

Chen Tao looked at the face in front of him, which was so close, and he smiled and said, "Do you remember what you promised me?"

Pei Ai was slightly startled, her eyes trembled slightly, and she pursed her thin lips: "Well... I remember."

Chen Tao smiled: "Then it's time to fulfill your promise."

Pei Ai's face became even redder, and her little face was hidden in Chen Tao's arms, and she slowly closed her eyes.

Seeing Pei Ai blushing, Chen Tao smiled and walked towards the bed with Pei Ai in his arms.

Two hours later.

Chen Tao looked at the ceiling, turned his head slightly, and looked at Pei Ai beside him.

Pei Ai lay on her side with her eyes closed, looking tired.

Looking at Pei Ai's expression, Chen Tao said gently: "If I don't let you stay there and continue to perform the mission, will you be angry?"

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