My time is running out

Chapter 372: Dimansa seeks help

Timanza entered the house and looked at Pei Ai, who was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

She said: "It seems that you are not so gentle towards Pei Ai."

Chen Tao closed the door and looked at Di Mansha when he heard Di Mansha's voice.

Timanza was sitting on the sofa as she spoke. With a playful smile on her face, she looked at Pei Ai who was lying on the bed, and then looked at Chen Tao.

Seeing that Di Mansha had returned to her previous demeanor, Chen Tao smiled: "I am already very gentle, but too many times of gentleness caused Pei Ai to consume too much physical energy."

After saying that, Chen Tao also sat down and looked at Di Mansha in front of him.

Timanza was wearing that tight leather bodysuit that fit her mature figure and was really beautiful.

He looked at Di Mansha and said with a smile: "How about it? Do you want to help Pei Ai and bear such tenderness together?"

Di Mansa blushed slightly and said, "Let's talk about that later. Let's talk about business first."

Di Mansa's smile faded, and her expression became more dignified and serious.

Chen Tao looked at Di Mansha and said, "What happened?"

Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao: "I conducted an investigation together today, and it is almost completely certain that there is no threat of monsters from the outside world. However, Leslie does not seem to intend to tell the people about this matter. He does not seem to intend to The law of the sanctuary.”

"As much as I hate to admit it, I've smelled it too."

Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao seriously: "The commander still wants to continue the current dictatorial system. He doesn't seem to want to give up his power."

Seeing Di Mansha's serious look, Chen Tao looked at Di Mansha and said, "Then, what are you going to do?"

Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao and said: "I want to change the Holy Domain, but I don't have this ability, so I want to use your ability to change the entire Holy Domain. I want everyone in the entire Holy Domain to know that there is no one outside the Holy Domain. Monster, there is no such thing as a virus.”

Chen Tao looked at Di Mansha and said with a smile: "If you want me to help, you have to pay a price."

Di Mansha was startled for a moment, her face flushed slightly: "I was mentally prepared when I talked to you. As long as this matter is resolved, I will do whatever you want me to do."

Chen Tao looked at Di Mansa's serious expression.

Chen Tao stood up slowly and said, "In that case, let's do it this way."

Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao. She also stood up and looked at Chen Tao: "How to do it?"

Chen Tao smiled and said, "That's it."

The words fell.

Chen Tao and Di Mansha disappeared from the spot, and when they reappeared, they were suspended in mid-air.

Di Mansha was slightly startled, and she subconsciously looked at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao spread out a pair of pure white wings behind him, and the wings exuded a white luster in the night sky.

He was flapping his wings and controlling his body to fly in the air.

Dimantha was slightly startled.

Chen Tao has wings, but the problem is...what about her?

Chen Tao can use his wings to keep himself from falling, but Di Mansha can't. But the problem is that Di Mansha doesn't feel like falling.

She seemed to realize something and subconsciously looked back behind her. When she looked at it, her eyes trembled slightly.

She could see a pair of pure white wings growing on her back. The wings were flapping slowly, supporting Di Mansha from falling.


Di Mansha looked at Chen Tao subconsciously.

Chen Tao smiled and looked down.

Di Mansha looked down along Chen Tao's line of sight, and she saw the sanctuary below. She was shocked to find that she and Chen Tao were directly above the sanctuary, right at the center of the sanctuary, directly above the central headquarters of the sanctuary.

This height is very high, and the entire sanctuary, including the superior and inferior areas, can be seen.

Di Mansha didn't understand. What was Chen Tao doing?

At this moment, Dimantha noticed someone below looking here.

There are several guards in light mechas below, looking above.

"Look, up there."

One of them spoke up.

The companion next to him also looked up and noticed the scene above.

"That's... those are Chen Tao, the outsider, and Di Mansha, the leader of the law enforcement team, right? What's behind them? Wings? Is it some kind of high technology?"

"High-tech? But their wings don't look like technology, they look more like wings made of flesh and blood."

The wings behind Chen Tao and Di Mansha were glowing with white light, and this light attracted the attention of many people.

However, at this moment.

Chen Tao and Di Mansha also emitted white light.

The light was so bright that it looked like Chen Tao and Di Mansha were half wrapped in two balls of light.

It is night, but in this moment.

Chen Tao and Di Mansha were like two white sunbeams, lighting up the sky for half the day.

The light emitted enveloped the entire sanctuary.

Let the sanctuary be as bright as day.

This light is too bright.

Many people walked out of the room one after another, looking at the sky above and looking at the two holy balls of light in the sky.

"What's that?"

"It's such a bright light, but not dazzling. What are those two balls of light? Are they something that replaces the moon?"

"No, it doesn't seem to be a ball of light. You can see people inside. It's a human being."

"People? How is it possible? They are in mid-air, how can people stay in such a place..., wait, that is really a person!" At first, the man's eyes were not used to it, but halfway through, his eyes got used to it, and he saw Chen Tao and Di Mansha in the light ball from the white light.

"Are those wings? There are two people inside, both with wings."

"Wings? Then... is that a god?"

"Is it a god?"

"This light, which can illuminate the entire holy land, and there are wings, isn't that a god?"

"Oh my God, it's really a god!"

The white light gradually faded, so that everyone could vaguely see the two people in mid-air.

But because of the distance and the influence of light, the people underground couldn't see the true appearance of the two people.

A faint voice sounded.

"Your world is too chaotic. I am the king of dragons and the god of the universe. In order to save the civilization you are in, I personally come down to earth."

The voice was not loud, but it reached the ears of everyone in the holy land.

Hearing this voice.

"Oh my God! It's really a god!"

A panicked voice sounded.

It can be seen that some people on those streets suddenly knelt down and worshiped in the direction of Chen Tao.

As some people knelt down, people gathered on other streets also knelt down one by one.

"God?" Looking at this scene in the sky, Leslie frowned tightly.

Zhenna stood aside, looking at the two people in the sky, through the high-tech vision of the helmet. She could clearly see Chen Tao and Di Mansha inside.

"Chen Tao..., what exactly does he want to do?" Zhenna was puzzled.

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