My time is running out

Chapter 409 Who is the prey?

When a hunter sees his prey, he doesn't want it?

This was beyond Chen Tao's expectation.

Chen Tao accompanied Betty and followed Reitat together.

Chen Tao looked at the man in front of him who looked like a hunter and said, "Aren't there two prey over there? Why don't you take action?"

Reitat was slightly startled. He looked at Chen Tao and said, "Dear God, this is it. As a hunter, my first consideration is not whether there are prey, but my life. Over there are two heads. Adult gray wolves will actively attack humans and are extremely dangerous. If there is only one, I would consider taking the risk."

"Those are two." Reitat said: "The two gray wolves are too dangerous anyway, so I choose to give up."

Chen Tao looked at Betty in his arms.

The two looked at each other.

Betty smiled.

Chen Tao smiled, moved closer to Betty's face, and rubbed his face against her cheek.

"Don't make trouble." Betty blushed in amuse.


For Chen Tao, wanting to deal with the two wild wolves is a matter of just one thought.

After all, Chen Tao, who possesses the sixth-generation gene body, is a collection of high-tech weapons. Let alone one or two wild wolves, even if they are beasts on a planet, they are no match for Chen Tao.

But it was different for the hunter in front of him. The two wild wolves were existences he didn't want to face.

After all, it can cost lives.

Suddenly, Reitat stopped and squatted down, staring ahead.

His hands quickly and deftly took down the bow on his back.

Seeing Reitat's familiar behavior, Chen Tao subconsciously looked forward along Reitat's line of sight.

Directly in front of him was a deer-like creature with his head lowered, gnawing on the local weeds. Unlike the deer, its skin was blue and its body was smaller.

This deer is a species unique to this civilization and is called a green deer.

Chen Tao looked at Reita, who skillfully took out the arrow from his waist, clamped the arrow on the long bow, and pulled it open.

Aimed at the green deer.

Reitat stared at the bow and arrow, aiming at the green deer. He looked solemn and subconsciously took a step forward.


There was an unusual sound, the sound of Reita stepping on a dead leaf.

It wasn't really loud, but it was late afternoon and the forest was quiet.

As soon as the dead leaves were stepped on, the movement became somewhat clear.

The green deer immediately stopped eating and raised its head.

It subconsciously looked this way.

Suddenly Aolu's eyes met Reita's.

"Damn it." Reitat realized that he had been discovered, and he quickly fired his bow and arrow.

The long arrow flew out, but the distance between him and Qinglu was too far. The range and accuracy of the bow and arrow were average.

With a snap, the arrow hit the tree trunk and made an unusual sound.

The green deer's four legs bent and it ran forward quickly.

The green deer jumps and jumps when running, but it is very fast.

Reitat gave chase, but Qinglu was already far away.

Seeing this, Reitat frowned.

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly. It seemed that this hunting was not an easy task.

The bow and arrow in Reitat's hand are long-range, but compared to the gun, this thing is very weak. The range is short and it is not accurate at the same time.

It's no wonder that Reitat walked forward to close the distance with Qinglu.

The green deer also has very good ears. If it is frightened by the slightest movement, it will run away.

Reita looked at Chen Tao and said with embarrassment: "Dear God, I made a fool of myself."

Hearing this, Chen Tao smiled and said, "Don't pay attention to us. Just pretend that we don't exist and continue your hunting."

When Reita heard this, he nodded: "Yes."

He looked solemn, cheered up and continued walking forward.

Chen Tao looked at Betty in his arms. Betty was nestled in Chen Tao's arms, with her hands around Chen Tao's neck, looking very delicate. She was also looking at Chen Tao, their eyes meeting each other.

Betty blushed slightly and said, "Let me down."

"Yeah." Chen Tao put Betty down.

Betty stood up, stretched out her hand, and held Chen Tao's hand.

The two of them followed the hunter forward.

The purpose of Chen Tao and Betty was to see how this civilized people hunted and to pass the time.

But Chen Tao found that the man in front of him had a hard time hunting.

Entering the forest and passing through the grassland.

The grass is so wet that your feet will sink if you step on it.

This feels very bad.

Suddenly, the hunter in front seemed to notice something. His expression became more solemn. He lowered his body and untied the long bow on his back.

Chen Tao looked forward and saw a white creature directly in front of him. This thing looked like a rabbit. The difference was that it was twice as big as the rabbit on Earth. Moreover, the tail looks like a fox's tail, just a little mini.

This creature is a species unique to this world, called the snowshoe hare, a herbivorous thing.

Now Reitat was not far from the snowshoe hare, and the snowshoe hare was still eating and did not notice the movement here.

At this time, Reta pulled the string of the bow full and loosened his hand.


The snow rabbit was stabbed through the throat by an arrow, and his body was carried out by the power of the arrow, which pierced the ground.

The Snow Rabbit looked like it was nailed to the ground. It was struggling, but its struggle was of no use at all. The pierced throat could not break free from the shackles of the arrow.

Reitat came over, pulled out the long sword from his waist, and stabbed into the snow rabbit's body.


The snow rabbit's struggle quieted down.

He stretched out his hand, picked up the arrow and the snow rabbit, and put it on his shoulder. He looked at Chen Tao and said, "It's almost time. I have to go back."

Chen Tao looked at the sky. It was already dark now. He looked away, looked at the hunter in front of him, and said, "How many people are there in your family?"

Reitat was slightly startled, and he said: "My wife, I, and my daughter, three of us."

Chen Tao crossed his arms and said, "Is this enough for three of us?"

When Reita heard this, he said: "The meat of a snowshoe rabbit is enough to make food for five people. I think it should be enough.'s too late. At night, this forest will become very dangerous." ”

He looked at Chen Tao and said, "Of course, with God around, the situation is different. If God wants me to continue hunting, I will continue hunting."

Chen Tao smiled: "No, I just want to be my lover and come to your house for a meal. Since I'm going to your house for dinner, I can't go there empty-handed."

Chen Tao looked at Reitat and said: "One snow rabbit can probably make food for five people. The three of you plus my wife and I may be enough, but it is not in line with etiquette not to order something to come to the door. And now... …It seems like prey is coming to your doorstep.”


"Shashasha..." Chen Tao just finished speaking.

Reitat heard rustling next to him.

He turned his face sideways and saw the scene that made Reitat's expression change.

In the nearby woods, gray wolves walked out one after another. Groups of gray wolves stared at the three of Reitat with eager eyes.

Seeing this, Retate's pupils trembled slightly.

He thought of the two gray wolves he had seen before.

Wolves generally move in groups.

In other words, these wolves are the companions of the two wolves just now!

Although Reitat did not regard the wolves as prey, these wolves had already regarded Reitat as prey.

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