My time is running out

Chapter 433 Residence was taken away

Nia was startled. She never expected that Sentuo would so blatantly try to snatch the treasure that Chen Tao left for her and Yani.

Nia frowned angrily and said, "You can't do this!"

Nia looked at the group of tribal people behind Sentuo and said, "Brothers and sisters of the tribe, is it really okay for us to rob our own people?"

Sentuo said: "There is nothing we can't do. This is for the tribe, we must do it!"

He stared at Nia and said: "Nia, you are so selfish. You have such a thing that could save the lives of people in our tribe, but you are unwilling to let us use it. Now you still think of us as your brothers and sisters, Do you think it’s suitable?”

Nia frowned and said: "He gave this to us, and he told us not to use it for the tribe. This is his thing. He can give it to us if he wants to. You want to rob it. This is obvious." It’s your fault. It’s too shameless of you to make it sound like it’s my Yanni’s fault.”

"Haha." Sentuo curled his lips and said: "You are selfish, and you dare to call us shameless! Brothers, drive her and Yani out. From today on, this residence belongs to the tribe!"

Morito crossed his arms over his chest. Two men next to them came out and walked to either side of Nia and Yani, holding bone blades.

Nia and Yani looked at the driver, their faces a little ugly.

"Nia, let's go." Yani said loudly.

Nia frowned, pursed her thin lips, and said, "Yeah."

There was no other way, so Nia left with Yani.

The two went out.

Left the villa.

Nia and Yani looked back at the villa behind them.

Nia puffed up her face and said, "Sentuo and the others are simply robbers."

Yanni looked at the angry Nia and then at the villa. Her eyes were filled with luster and she said softly: "It would be great if he was here."

Nia's bulging face slowly disappeared, and her eyes glowed with luster as she said, "If he was here, they would definitely not dare to do this. Really, we don't know where we will go if we are left behind."

"It caused us to be bullied." Nia kicked away a stone.

Yanni said: "He may be really in a hurry over there, and we can't say that to him."

"Well..." Nia said: "I know, I'm just complaining. He gave us such a good place to live, and gave us endless eternal trees to eat. He was also pretty good to us. It's just... I just want him to be with us, even if he takes us away.”

"But, he is not willing to let us go." Nia puffed her face.

Yani looked at Nia, and then at the villa: "What should we do next?"

Nia said: "Tribe, we can't go back. Both of us have become other people's women now, and we can't go back to our parents."

In the tribe, after a woman gets married, it means she has nothing to do with her original family.

If Nia and Yani run back to their homes now, it will be a shame for their parents! Because only women who have been abandoned by men will go back.

Therefore, if Nia and Yani want to go back, their parents will never let them enter the house. Even if Nia and Yani die outside, they won't care.

Nia was talking to herself, and she thought for a while. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, looked at Yani and said, "I remembered that when I was collecting in the forest, I found an uninhabited cave. I think it can be our residence for the time being, and we can make a fire in the cave and collect food in the forest. That’ll be fine.”

"A cave in the forest?" Yani blinked and said, "Is it dangerous?"

Forest, for the tribe, is a word that people both love and hate.

Almost all the food in the tribe comes from the forest, but similarly, many, many people in the tribe died while collecting food in the forest.

Food means life, but entering the forest means the possibility of death.

Now I heard Nia say that she wanted to find a cave to live in over there in the forest. This statement made Yani feel a little uneasy.

Nia said: "No way."

She looked at Yani and said, "If we don't go, we won't have a place to stay tonight."

The civilization that Nia and Yani live in is a Stone Age civilization, in which wild beasts roam freely.

Sleeping outside at night is simply free food for the wild beasts.

Almost certain death.

Nia looked at the hesitant Yani and said, "Let's go."

Yani was silent for a moment and nodded slightly.

That’s all.

other side.

He Yixuan, who was watching this scene through the screen, slightly stretched her eyebrows and said: "Those people are so disgusting, they actually robbed the things that their husbands left for them."

Betty sat cross-legged on the sofa, folded her little hands on her chest, looked at the picture, and said: "No matter which civilization or world you are in, possessing treasures is a sin, and you will inevitably be targeted."

He Yixuan hummed: "That's right, they are the ones planning to live in a cave?"

Betty said: "Civilized people always dig holes in mountains to use as shelter. If there is no shelter, they will be picked up by wild beasts."

"Oh, that's it." He Yixuan's expression was full of novelty.

within the screen.

Nia took Yani into the forest.

It is now afternoon on the planet where Nia and Yani are.

The sun is bright.

After Yani and Nia entered the forest, they walked cautiously in one direction.

"Well, that's right there." Nia raised her finger and pointed in a direction.

Yanni looked along the direction of Nia's finger, and she could see that there was indeed a cave over there.

Yani's blue tail shook slightly, and she said, "Why is there a cave here?"

Nia smiled and walked inside. She said, "People probably made the cave in the past and moved it away. Now we can live in it."

While talking, Nia entered the cave.

This cave is very narrow.

"It's so narrow..." Yani said as she walked.

This cave is indeed too narrow. It feels like a tunnel. When you reach the end of the cave, it is slightly more spacious.

But compared to the cave where their family lived, it was almost incomparable.

"Maybe, the caves where people lived in the past were like this." Nia said softly.

Hearing what Nia said, Yani nodded slightly.

I think it might be.

"Roar." Suddenly, a beast roar came from outside the cave.

This beast roar is full of anger!

At the same time as the beast roar was heard, a rustling sound could be heard coming from the entrance of the cave.

Hear this sound.

The little faces of Yani and Nia changed.

Yani subconsciously looked at the entrance of the cave, and saw a huge black shadow running in from the cave.

"It's a mountain bear!"

Mountain bears like to dig holes in mountains as shelter.

This cave was made by a mountain bear. This is the mountain bear’s home!

Looking at the mountain bear, which was two meters tall and extremely strong, running towards this side with a ferocious and angry face.

Yani and Nia both looked pale.

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