My time is running out

Chapter 90 Outsiders

"Bullets can't penetrate? What kind of monster is that?" Chen Tao said.

Lin Na said: "I don't know either."

Chen Tao said calmly: "Where is No. 31?"

Lin Na said: "On the way..., I am currently using the manpower I have gathered to deal with the monster, but now it seems that ordinary people's bullets and guns are no match for the monster... Originally, I shouldn't inform the master of this kind of thing. But this thing in front of me feels very strange, so I want to report it to you, the master."

Chen Tao usually doesn't care about Lin Na's affairs. As a hands-off shopkeeper, Chen Tao doesn't like to hear someone report on work.

He just wants to live a leisurely life.

Therefore, in normal times, Lin Na relies on her own abilities to solve a series of recent things.

Chen Tao said: "It's right to notify me this time. The humanoid monster that bullets can't penetrate... is not right. If No. 31 arrives, let her not do it first, let me deal with the humanoid monster."

In fact, Chen Tao has always had an idea in his heart.

Nebula is obviously not the advanced technology that Chen Tao's world has.

Then it can only be from other civilizations. Since it comes from other civilizations, it means that there is definitely more than one planet with life and civilization in this universe.

Chen Tao thought, the nebula came to this planet, so would other creatures from other civilizations also come here?

And this idea, Chen Tao has always hidden in his heart, and has not told anyone.

But now hearing Lin Na's words, Chen Tao's idea came up.

Humanoid monsters are not afraid of bullets.

This may very likely come from other civilizations.

"Okay." Lin Na certainly would not refuse Chen Tao's order and agreed immediately.

Chen Tao closed the book, opened the micro wormhole, and threw the book in his hand into the micro wormhole.

The micro wormhole closed, and he opened another micro wormhole that could fit into the size of a human body.

He looked at Ziqing beside him and said, "You and Wu Yao have lunch first, I'll go out for a while."

Hearing this, Lin Na nodded slightly: "Yeah."

Chen Tao passed through the micro wormhole and came to the exit of another micro wormhole.

The other micro wormhole was located where Lin Na was.

As soon as Chen Tao came out, he saw Lin Na beside him.

Chen Tao looked around and found that he and Lin Na were standing on a helicopter.

"Hua La La..." The helicopter propeller made a particularly loud sound.

Chen Tao looked at Lin Na.

Lin Na noticed Chen Tao coming over. She first saluted respectfully, and then said to Chen Tao: "Master, that thing is below."

Chen Tao looked down.

There was a ruin below.

It seemed to have been bombed by missiles.

Lin Na said: "I just sent my fighter plane over, and the missile had no effect on it."

Is this the reason why this ruin exists?

Chen Tao ignored the ruins and looked at the middle of the ruins. In the middle of the ruins, there stood a man?

The reason for using a question mark is that this 'man' has facial features like a man. He is not stained with a single strand of hair, but he does not have normal male characteristics.

It can be said that the gender cannot be determined.

The man has streamlined muscles all over his body and his skin is lavender.

About two meters tall, with dark purple pupils, no hair or white eyes.

Looks very strange.

Lin Na's team members are now retreating to the surroundings to surround the unknown creature.

However, the distance is very far.

It is estimated that Lin Na asked them to move away when throwing the missile just now.

This is also good.

Chen Tao said: "I'll go down."

Lin Na looked at the driver and said: "Lower the altitude."

Before the driver could speak, Chen Tao said: "No need."

As soon as the voice fell, Chen Tao jumped, and his body jumped down from a height of 500 meters.

Seeing this scene, Lin Na's face changed slightly: "Master..."

At this time, the ring on Chen Tao's finger turned into white light, fell behind him, and turned into a pair of white wings.

The wings spread and flapped.

Chen Tao slowly flew down and landed on the ground.

The wings folded.

Seeing this, Lin Na was stunned.


The unknown creature's eyes fell on Chen Tao.

Chen Tao looked at the unknown creature in front of him, and the unknown creature was also staring at Chen Tao.

If this is from outer space, then the language is probably not accessible.

"I can feel the genetic breath of the second-generation super soldier from your body... Who are you?"

Suddenly, a male voice sounded in Chen Tao's brain.

After hearing this voice, Chen Tao's heart was shocked, and his eyes were fixed on the unknown creature in front of him... Could it be that the voice in his head just now was made by this person?

This guy invaded Chen Tao's gene channel and communicated with Chen Tao?

Chen Tao did not speak.

At this time, Chen Tao heard a voice in his brain again.

"I use the language calibrator, you should be able to understand what I say. Can't you understand?"

Chen Tao adjusted his emotions.

Sure enough, the person in front of him was not from this world. He was obviously from another civilization.

After Chen Tao adjusted his emotions, he looked at the man in front of him and said, "It seems that you can speak. Where are you from? What do you want to do when you come here?"

The man in front of him didn't move his mouth. He seemed to be able to talk to Chen Tao only through Chen Tao's gene channel.

"My name is Roser, and I'm from the Teke galaxy. There are three warriors with me. We are pioneers who came to explore the way, but we were attacked, so I'm the only one left. It can be seen that you guys have a little wisdom. Judging from their appearance, you should be their leader." Roser stared at Chen Tao and continued: "It is impossible for a pre-nuclear civilization like you to defeat the Teke galaxy. If you are smart, surrender early."

Invasion..., invaders from the outside world.

Chen Tao frowned, he looked at Roser and said, "You are dreaming."

Roser narrowed his eyes, he pounced on Chen Tao, opened his big hands and grabbed Chen Tao's head.

Chen Tao was about to take action to teach the man in front of him a lesson.


A lavender hand flew into the sky with flying purple blood.

"Bang!" A mist swirled under the ground under Chen Tao's feet, and there was a bottomless knife mark on the ground.

What is this? Chen Tao raised his head and looked at the source of the attack.

The scene he saw made Chen Tao's eyes widen.

What is this? !

In the air, a woman flapped a pair of wings behind her and floated in the air.

She was wearing a slim soft armor made of silver scales, which fit her mature figure.

She held her waist tightly and the soft armor at the upper part was propped up high.

She was wearing silver-white tight leather trousers, which fit her straight long legs. Her legs were very long and she wore silver-white high-heeled boots on her feet.

She had long silver-white hair, which was naturally draped behind her, and a pair of silver-white dragon horns on her forehead.

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