My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 992: These are not mentioned in the Dharma

At the foot of the mountain, Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao stood still.

They ran hard before they ran to the foot of the mountain, but this is the moment, this mountain has almost been destroyed!

At this time, under the reflection of their clear eyes, the brightest in this night is no longer the bright moon, but the gorilla that is jumping thousands of kilometers in the distance and burning blue flames all over his body!

The earth trembling ...

Behind the gorilla, the scene was even more shocking-

A lion with four eyes comparable to a mountain fell to the ground, and Yue Hua clearly reflected the contours of its body, but the unimaginably strong body was obviously deformed; a giant wolf head with a height of 1,000 kilometers kneeled on the ground and used The handle of the axe supported the body, and the armor was broken and silenced; a round creature with countless tentacles spread softly on the ground, and the body was covered with bite wounds, even more terrifying!

There is also a blue insect slashing through the night sky, chasing the figure of the gorilla ...

At the same time, Anyang's figure is small, but it is also striking, because there are countless fuchsia thin lines appearing around him and blasting away at the huge orangutan!

It seemed like a purple drizzle in the night, and it seemed like plankton in the deep sea, covering the whole body of the orangutan in an instant!

All of a sudden, the gorilla shines brightly!

At this moment, Anyang's voice sounded in the ears of both of them: "Come on, why are you here?"

As soon as I turned around, I heard a buzz.

A blue light exploded from the darkness in front, suddenly fainted into an aperture, with a deep black hole in the middle, forming a psychedelic color with the bright moonlight above.

"Go in!"

"Ah? Mr. Ann told us to go in!"

"That monkey is very cunning ..."

The two hesitated and turned around again.

I saw that Guanghua, who covered the gorilla completely, only burned his hair, and at most the skin was broken, but it even inspired his fierceness!


The gorilla roared and jumped, not only violent in posture, but also extremely fast!

While Anyang flew quickly, he blocked his approach with a flying sword, and at the same time he drew a mirror--


A silver light suddenly appeared in the mirror, traversing the sky, hitting the gorilla was hundreds of meters in diameter, and suddenly sounded like a heavy object, making a dull sound!

The body of the gorilla leaps into the air immediately!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Anyang turned and ran!

Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao were still in a daze, only to see Anyang flying down from the far sky like a stream of light. Two hands grabbed the shoulders of the two of them, and they rushed into the blue front In the hollow!

The next second, the void disappears!

Almost at the same time, the gorilla up to 1,000 kilometers across the sky, covering the moon, crashed to the ground!


Like an earthquake!

The place where Xuanzhuang Fangcai and Duan Xiaoxiao stood was flattened!

The gorilla groaned, stood and looked around, glanced at it again, and then spit out before turning around and leaving.


Changan City is bustling like a dream.

The Datang Dynasty is the most prosperous dynasty in Chinese history. As an imperial capital, Chang'an was also the name of the largest city in ancient times, and it was by no means comparable to that of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

A seat by the window in the small loft.

A woman and two men sit on the wooden table and pour tea.

Anyang had replaced the tattered clothes with a clean gown, squinted at the people on the street under the window, and couldn't help but sigh: "Ah, I can't beat the monkey!"

Duan Xiaoxiao drank the tea and said, "I didn't expect Sun Wukong to be so powerful, but you are already very strong. The whole world may not find a stronger practitioner than you."

"He was not only the demon king five hundred years ago, but also the king of the demon king. He was the leader of the entire demon clan. At the beginning, almost all demon kings in the world listened to his orders. He also waged hundreds of years of war with the heavenly court, just It was defeated in the end. "Anyang said lightly." And not only is there only practitioners in this world, but there are also gods and gods. "

"What is the God Buddha?"

"Have you never seen it?"

"You mean the kind in the temple?"

"No, I mean the previous lives of the pig and water demon."

"Oh ... no feeling!"

The two chatted to the sky, but Xuan Zang, who was sitting next to Duan Xiaoxiao, was silent and a little restrained. He didn't drink tea, said nothing, and only occasionally glanced out the window.

There is a bun shop across the street, and the smoky fragrance smelt out and many people gathered. Next to the bun shop is a green building. There are several Yingyingyanyan standing in front of the door. The body is more plump, but it is not fat, but another temptation.

The teahouse they sat on was just on the second floor of Shangqinglou, and the opposite window was open. You can see the magnificent dressed dignitaries sitting at the window drinking and talking. Some beautifully dressed women were sitting next to them. On their laps, from time to time they picked vegetables, poured wine, chatted with laughter.

Yingshengyan language spread to the ears of three people through a street.

Seeing that Xuanzang was a little fascinated, Anyang smiled and asked, "Does it feel contrary to your clear rules?"

Xuan Zang had just recovered, and inadvertently glanced at Duan Xiao, who was in a restraint for a while, as if he was not the one who said the oath of Shanmeng last night and caught the words of Moon League.

Perhaps it was because he said that last night, but for the rest of his life, he didn't know how to face Duan Xiao.

After a pause, he shook his head and said to Anyang: "They are not my Buddhists, they have their own rules, they don't need to obey the rules and regulations that I teach, and the people I teach can't control them. This is Mr. An. of."

Anyang smiled and asked, "Then do you know why the ruler should allow this to exist?"

"In order to give people a place to vent. There are many secular worlds, and there is a lot of disturbance. If all the five aggregates are empty, it is impossible for people to let go. It is better to give the world a place to vent, than to do some illegal things." Xuan Zang said.

"That's right, not exactly." Anyang smiled and pursed his lips. "The root cause is that in most countries in the world, wives and concubines are men's slaves. It is difficult for unequal men and women to produce" true feelings. " "Yes, Qinglou just replaced some of the sustenance that the family lacked."

"As you can see, in the blue building, neither the man nor the woman bear the ethical and moral responsibilities, there are no concerns about the height of the door, and they are not bound by chastity. Although the money factor is offensive, it is more than the master-slave type in the family. The relationship of obedience makes people feel more free and equal, and it can better display and reflect the charm and value of the individual. So even if so many poets are down, they can also leave eternal stories in the blue building, so many women even Born in a humble background, I can still have a good relationship with the big writer. "

"The existence of the Green House does not destroy the family, but it greatly promotes the stability of the family and the stability of the society. Therefore, the Green House and the home not only do not commit crimes, but also just couple into a complete sexual culture system, ensuring the long-term stable development of society. "

"So even though most dynasties have had laws and measures that prohibit prostitution and prohibition, the Qinglou is an endless wildfire, and the spring breeze is blowing. The key is that in this era, the Qinglou itself is an indispensable subsystem."

Anyang said calmly and said in the end: "The blue building cannot be banned, but before it is banned, we must ensure that society can operate smoothly even without the blue building. This has a premise that men and women must have equal status. Both men and women are free to choose their spouses. People in the world must dare to love and hate and be able to love and hate, without any restrictions or restrictions, so-called ... free and equal! "

"Freedom, equality ..." Xuan Zang muttered to himself, suddenly raised his head, "This can't be done in a day or two."

"Yes, it's very troublesome." Anyang said, "Including the Mahayana Buddhism that you learned from childhood, even the Mahayana Buddhism mantra hidden in Tianzhu, at most it just shouted the slogan of equality of all beings, but never mentioned men and women in detail. Equality, so if you want to change the world, you can use the Mahayana Dharma, but you cannot use the Mahayana Dharma as the only way to rely. "

Xuan Zang initially twitched twice, but still didn't make a sound, and continued to be stunned.

At this time, Xiao Xiao said aside: "You speak very lightly and beautifully. Men and women are equal and all freedom, but where are so many men and women in this world that are equal and free! Women are inherently inferior to men ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ how equal? ​​"

Anyang smiled: "Tens of thousands of years ago, there was no country, no law, no city, and no Dharma. At that time, the world was almost a social form, a primitive society. I called it the matriarchal society. . "

"Maternal society?"

"Yes, men in matriarchal society are responsible for hunting, fishing, and defense of wild animals. Women are responsible for the heavy tasks of collecting food, barbecue food, sewing clothes, raising old and young, and the elderly and children are engaged in auxiliary work. Because Women ’s duties are more stable, they are a more reliable source of life than men, and they have more important significance, so in the society at that time, women had a higher status than men. Do you understand? "

"You mean, it was women who dominated the world before?"

"you can say so."

"..." Duan Xiaoxiao and Xuan Zang were both a little shocked, and it took a long time to react. "But ... But now that men's tasks are heavier, how can women get a dominant position?"

"I'm not saying that women want to gain a dominant position. I'm talking about equality and equality. Do you understand?" Anyang was helpless and pointed out the window. "So far, leaving the hometown of Datang, there are still many countries and societies that regard women as women. Lord. So the status of women is so low, the reason is not in this respect, but the oppression of women by men who are currently in a dominant position. If there is really a great Dharma, we must first lift this oppression! "

Xuanzang seemed a little clear, and seemed even more confused.

He is not as extraordinary as the Tang monk in The Original Journey to the West, nor is he as distinguished as the real Xuanzang Master in history. His sources of knowledge are basically derived from his master's teachings.

"In the Dharma ... I haven't talked about this."

Xuan Zang only echoed this thought in his mind at this time.

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