My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 997: Moonlight Box

Then Anyang threw another heavy hammer: "If I expected it right, the reason why the Buddha reincarnates his disciples is to let him find an opportunity to teach in the world! If he succeeds, Buddhism will take Taoism in the future. Instead! "

Sun Wukong was startled: "Do you know?"

"I just know the power of doctrine." Anyang shook his head. "In this era, the world has experienced hundreds of years of chaos, and there are fewer and fewer miracles. Whether heaven or Buddha, the majesty and faith in the world have fallen to the bottom . Who can capture the hearts of the people with a new doctrine, who will be invincible in the battle for the next millennium! "

Sun Wukong tilted his head for a moment, and immediately realized: "If you come to let me out and save me from the heavenly court, do you want me to help him preach?"

"When so!"

"Damn it!" Sun Wukong scratched his head and scratched his head. "Then I decided not to let him succeed. I will kill the kid now!"

"Da Sheng Mo Pan!" Anyang quickly pulled him, "Da Sheng realized the power of doctrine is that, as for Xuanzang, I have already communicated with him, even if he still walks the way of teaching, it will be decided. No longer is the teachings of the Buddha! "

"Oh? What doctrine is that?"

"It should be a kind of Buddhism, but the decision is no longer the former Buddhism, please rest assured.

"Can this have an effect on the Buddha and the elders?"

"Buddha is different from the ancient Shinto I practiced, and his beliefs are very important to him. The people of the day no longer practice his doctrines and no longer remember his name, he is not far from falling down the altar. The bad will also disperse most of the mana! "

"Miao! Miao!" Sun Wukong sighed, and suddenly agitated, "Then should I pretend to follow the same path as I came, to help the boy complete the mission, and by the way can also supervise him!"

"Hahaha ..."

Anyang smiled suddenly, the monkey's treacherous and cunning, and the speed of reaction was really comparable!

In the blink of an eye, he looked at the top of his head again.

That huge moon has already risen to the top of the head, unbiased and radiating a dazzling light to the world!

Sun Wukong immediately stared: "Come!"

Anyang frowned: "Da Sheng, I have said so much, but you haven't told me how to get the Moonlight Box. Is this a bit ..."

"What a panic, I'll get it for you!"

"..." Anyang's eyes narrowed, and he nodded immediately. "So, it's a trouble for the Holy Father."

"No trouble, no trouble!" Sun Wukong said warmly and kindly, and suddenly said, "Oh yes, what do you want the Moonlight Box for?"

Anyang was speechless for a while, and then replied decisively: "I just talked about the way to suppress the Buddha, and there is the heaven. I just want to use the moonlight box to shuttle to hundreds of years ago to see what causes the heaven to be so quiet For a long time, maybe this matter can be used to boost the situation and give Tianting a stumbling block! "

"Oh?" Sun Wukong was amazed. "When I led the demon clan against the heavenly court, this plan was missing, otherwise it might not be so easy to lose!"

After he paused, he pretended to ask inadvertently: "What kind of hatred does the heavenly court, the Buddhist gate, and you have, causing you to target them everywhere?"

"..." Anyang felt that the monkey was really suspicious, but he still had to answer honestly, "The current Buddhist philosophy is too radical, and the heavenly court has been in power for a long time and is deeply decayed. If it is not contained, these two will When the catastrophe is set off, no one knows how many people will be destroyed in their hands! "

"This?" Sun Wukong froze!

"Well, this way."

"Ahaha ... Mr. Ann, right? You are really great, I admire a great person like you, and then the brother will do it with you!" Sun Wukong said very enthusiastically, and he didn't come to hug him. Shoulders, "Just as we can go back five hundred years and come back again, with my men back then, we can definitely help you get what you want!"

"..." Anyang was alert.

This monkey is too suspicious, too vigilant, and too treacherous and cunning. He must be cautious and cautious when dealing with him, otherwise he will be pitted if he is not careful.

Fortunately, the two now seem to have the same purpose, so they can barely come together.

At this moment, the moonlight is extremely strong!

The moon was glorious and prosperous, just like a bright lamp above the head, suspended in the sky with a surprisingly arrogant and lonely posture. At a glance, you can clearly see the circular mountains and craters on the moon. Few people are dumbfounded!

Sun Wukong glanced up at his head and lowered his head to sigh, "Look, how beautiful the moon is!"

"How long has Dasheng seen the moon?"

"Did you watch it last month?"

"Then last time?"

"Last time ..." Sun Wukong narrowed his eyes and thought lightly, "It should be five hundred years ago."

Anyang narrowed his eyes.

This demon monkey does not know whether it is pitiful or hateful. Perhaps from the standpoint of a demon, his actions are not only cruel and vicious, but also worthy of singing and crying?

However, after all, he is still not a hero in the hearts of countless people in future generations.

Suddenly, he saw Sun Wukong looking around again and scoffed at everyone who was full of marvels: "Look, this is a mortal. I have watched the moon all my life. I don't know how clear the moon looks like!

His words just fell, and I saw that the void in front of the head 100 meters suddenly exuded a very strong silver glory, brilliant, and just below the silver glow was the highest point of the peak of Wangwu Mountain!

It was faintly visible that there was an object in the silver glow that was floating and sinking, which immediately attracted many attentions!

In an instant, countless people looked at it, staring at the object in Yinhui, and then looked around him, suddenly got up and rushed towards the Yinhui!

For a while, all forces and well-known powerfuls showed their powers. Whether they are practitioners or exorcists, they all want to win the Moonlight Box. Some people even fight halfway!

I saw Sun Wukong smiled and turned his head: "This Moonlight Box is a token of cooperation between you and us, wait a minute, I will bring it to you immediately!"

After he finished speaking, he grinned and started to blaze a raging flame, then jumped!

Just listen to bang!

A flame burst into the sky like a meteor, and the dazzling Yuehua that burst out in the air could not cover his light, and the glorious demon gas fell down like a rainstorm, leaving all the people in the field excited!

Suddenly everyone stopped.

Look up and look up!

I saw the flame stopped at a height of hundreds of meters, the flame gradually dispersed, leaving a figure dressed in bright armor, overlooking the living beings, and overlooking the group of dazzling silver.

"Grandpa is the Monkey King of the Monkey King. After a quarter of an hour, I took the Moonlight Box. If anyone else was on this mountain, it would all be my fruit!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this muffled sound!

Monkey King!

Sun Wukong!

"No, it was this demon monkey!"

"Isn't it saying that this demon monkey has been captured by Heaven Court and handed over to Xitian Bodhisattva? Why is it still here?"

"How did this demon monkey run out again?"

"Brother Lingtai, what should I do now?"


There was a mess below, and you were talking about me with one word around Sun Wukong, until I heard Sun Wukong above him again slammed--

"To shut up!"

"Grandpa can hear what you're talking about, can't you find a place where Grandpa can't hear if you want to scold Grandpa as a demon monkey? This way I'm embarrassed, it's not right for you to eat right away, and you can't pass your face without eating!"

"Give grandpa away!"

Sun Wukong said, the letter hand waved down, and the flames suddenly descended into the sky, with a blazing temperature!

"Boom ..."

Everyone was immediately shocked.

Someone exclaimed loudly, and then decisively left.

Someone scolded arrogantly, then turned around and left!

Others said that they would inform the imperial court and anxious world practitioners to destroy Sun Wukong together, while pulling their companions to run down the mountain anxiously.

Soon, only Anyang was left standing still.

With a chuckle, Sun Wukong rushed into the dazzling silver glow.

His figure was drowned in a flash!

Anyang stared at the group of silver glory ~ ~ Can only faintly see Sun Wukong standing in front of the Moonlight Box, not knowing what to do.

Quietly, he has squeezed his fist.

Whether Sun Wukong gave him the Moonlight Box or not, he had to get it!

Whether it is the mystery of the origin or the magician of Azeroth, as long as he is academic, he must have a fanatical pursuit of the highest mysteries of space and time, and even many people will not hesitate to involve life in danger!

From a certain level, this is also a kind of faith!

It took about a few minutes for the silver light in the sky to burst out, and then disappeared strangely.

Sun Wukong's figure stood in the sky, his expression was condensed, and he held a short sandalwood box in his hand for a while before he suddenly turned and flew towards him.

"Take it!"

He threw the moonlight box.

Anyang blinked without blinking, and took it: "Thank you, Great Saint."

"You treat it well!"

"Dasheng ... does it have a story?" Anyang's mouth suddenly lifted up, drawing a subtle smile.

"There must be a story. After all, I am one of its only two owners." Sun Wukong said, but he quickly turned aside his eyes. "Now do you plan to go back five hundred years?"

"Wait for me to study its usage."

"Alright, I didn't understand how to use it. The people who walked through it all wore them."

"Let me see."

Anyang simply sat cross-legged here.

This moonlight box is less than a foot long. It is very similar to the moonlight box in the Westward Journey, but it is not exactly the same. It is heavy in the hand and heavier than metal. It seems that it is not a wooden box, but some kind of Unusually precise mechanical objects.

The people on the top of the Wangwu Mountain were almost gone, and the moonlight was shining brightly, projecting enough light, just for him to do research.

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