My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 999: Tianhe Water Army

With a brush, the white light disappeared.

Anyang twitched his lips.

He is so familiar with this "traversing" feeling, he will experience it every time he enters or exits the mission world!

"Is it really the world created by the system and the rules defined by the system?" Anyang whispered, glancing at Sun Wukong, who was still standing beside him, looking up into the distance.

The scenery you see is still a misty mist, the sea of ​​clouds is rolling, and the surroundings are still cold and cold. The autumn colors woven by red leaves and dry grass are similar to the previous ones. The mountain is still empty, and it seems that they have been standing on the spot.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Five hundred years ago, Grandpa was back!"

"Wangwu Xianshan five hundred years ago looks the same as it did five hundred years later!" Anyang smiled and said, "Are we going to Huaguo Mountain now? Or should we first figure out the heaven and the Buddhist gate gradually in later generations The reason for the silence? "

"Go to Huaguo Mountain first." Sun Wukong said, "As for the moths in the heavenly court and the Buddhist gate, I probably know a little, but it's vague."

"Also! Let's talk while walking!"

The two of them suddenly rose into the sky and jumped straight into the clouds. The figure pierced the cold mist and thin clouds on the Wangwu Xianshan. With a blink of an eye, they disappeared into the haze of the sky and went east.

Sun Wukong sat lazily on a cloud, holding a banana in his hand, and was eating it when he was hanging.

The high-altitude sun was very dazzling, so he narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the distant scenery, bite a banana, and said vaguely: "It was said that various battles broke out inside the heavenly court. There were too many reasons, and the battles were endless. At the same time, Heavenly Court must also fight against the Buddha while lowering the demon in the lower realm. It is huge to consume power. "

"Is this the situation at the time?" Anyang asked.

"Well, as for later, as you know, the demon of the lower realm was wiped out, and then I don't know." Sun Wukong seemed to speak freehand, "I guess, later the Buddhist gate should also be suppressed by the heaven. And the heavenly court is also constantly hurt in the external battle and the internal battle. Perhaps the battle between them is still in the heavenly realm, otherwise the number of manifestations of the saints will be less and less in a few hundred years. "

"If this is the case, the strength of the court will be too scary." Anyang narrowed his eyes. "If the strength of the current court is so strong, even if our means is against the sky, it will be difficult to contend with such a large strength gap!"

"It's no worries. If I guess right, Heavenly Court will soon usher in a period of weakness."

"A period of weakness in force?"

"Yeah, a large number of gods will be stripped of their military power, and even cut off their dignity, take the time to set off, and be demoted into the world. The most serious are directly pressed to cut down the Sendai, and they will be ruined for thousands of years!" Sun Wukong laughed self-deprecatingly, "That I have tasted the taste of chopping Sendai, although I have no choice but to hurt ... "

"A large number of gods?" Anyang's eyes suddenly narrowed.

"Don't you ever see the pig demon? Do you know? His last life was Marshal Tengpeng, did you know? After five hundred years, his idols are still standing in the mortal temples and enjoying the emperor. Worship to the trafficker's pawn. "

"Marshal Tianpeng was demoted at this time?" Anyang suddenly realized, no wonder Marshal Tianpeng was demoted to the world, cleared all memories and mana, but the pig demon also recognized Sun Wukong! It turned out that when he was demoted, Sun Wukong had not been suppressed. In this way, he must have "seen" Sun Wukong after he was demoted. As for how to see it, the pig demon would be terrified to see Sun Wukong, and Anyang would not dare Think more.

There are two most bleak things in this world.

The first is beauty.

The second is the heroic twilight!

I saw Sun Wukong smiled narrowly, "So you know him! Look, such a high-powered **** will be demoted. Can you imagine how terrifying the power struggle in heaven is now? "

"This is the time for the roller blind general?"

"General roller shutter? Not quite recognizable. Listening to this name, it should be far worse than the pig?"

"If so, then we will be much easier!"

"Yeah, in fact, we have chosen the wrong time for Huaguo Mountain and Buddhism. We are too anxious. We thought that the first time when the heavenly court began to weaken was the best time for us to rise. It would be rare to miss this opportunity. The regime in China broke out its fiercest infighting when it was the weakest. If we knew it earlier, we would never give up such a high win rate for that little opportunity. "

"It turns out so."

Anyang instantly understood a lot.

Why is the Emperor Jade Emperor dominating the Divine Power, but for centuries, it has been dedicated to the Emperor Ziwei.

Why did the Buddha five hundred years ago still listen to the dispatch of the Jade Emperor, but after five hundred years, Buddhism dared to openly fight for faith with Taoism.

In an instant, they were close to Huaguo Mountain.

Huaguo Mountain is far away from the Tang Dynasty. It is alone on a very huge island.

This was supposed to be a beautiful place, but now it is so enchanting. Just as you get close, you can hear the huge drums and shouts from that side. Some mana fluctuations are not disturbed because of It is so clear that it came so far!

"You seem to be fighting!"

"What's war fighting? In those days, this was too common! Heavenly Court has fought with us for more than a hundred years, and the soldiers are stationed on the sea not far from us. Wave, only a few small battles to gain some military merits, so I can report to them. "

"Such." Anyang nodded. "Then you Huaguoshan are really tenacious!"

"This is also impossible. At that time, Huaguo Mountain almost gathered all the demon in the world. Although its strength was unprecedentedly strong, it also carried the prosperity of the world's demon.

"But it was still defeated."

"Yeah ..." Sun Wukong sighed.

As the two got closer and closer to Huaguo Mountain, the fighting from the other side became stronger and stronger.

Anyang looked a little stiff and embarrassed: "This is not like a small-scale battle!"

"Well, hurry up and have a look!" Sun Wukong frowned, and the cloud under him suddenly flew forward, and soon left only a white mark on the sky.

Anyang also quickly speeded up.

That side is really a vast battlefield!

Sun Wukong didn't rush into the battlefield, but stopped outside and waited for him. From this distance, he could barely see the outline of the island, and he could see the black clouds on the island, and the huge warships, countless mana. Light and shadow ...

The sound of war drums became stronger and the sound of shouting killing became more horrible, and all shook the soul!

Anyang came to Sun Wukong, his eyes narrowed!

I saw countless sky soldiers in the sky and underground of Huaguo Mountain, and also flying countless demons. The two sides no longer have a clear formation, but they are fighting together and fighting fiercely!

But the situation is obviously one-sided ...

The sky soldiers are still orderly even if they are scattered. Three or five groups form a small battle array, encircling and strangling the demon, and their war literacy is obviously far superior to the demon. , Equipment, etc., compared to demons like a group of people together!

Especially the sky soldiers will almost fly, and only a few demon can fly into the sky, but they can not compete with the sky soldiers for air control!

And there are warships rushing in the sky, supporting left and right, and God will control the overall situation and grasp the war situation!

Heavenly soldiers will continue to send powerful forces to the high-density gathering area of ​​demon, causing large-scale killing, or killing powerful demon, the battleship will go directly to the ground, and destroy the rudimentary battlefield that Huaguoshan gathered together!

Anyang knew at a glance that this Heavenly Soldier was no longer thinking about defeating Huaguo Mountain, but **** them at a minimum cost without leaving!

If the strength of Huaguo Mountain is superior, there are more powerful monsters, I am afraid that they will be slaughtered!

Rao is so, they are out of decline.

"This Heavenly Soldier is ..." Anyang couldn't help asking.

"This is the Tianhe Water Army, the army led by Marshal Tianpeng. I didn't expect that we had just arrived at this time!" Sun Wukong's eyes narrowed, and there was a fierce light inside. The mountain was sluggish! "

"Tianhe Water Army ..." Anyang muttered ~ ~ This is not very similar to the Tianhe Water Army in the era of Gods and Buddhas!

At the same time, after five hundred years, it seems that Sun Wukong's memory is also a little vague.

After a pause, he asked again: "The Tianhe Water Army is the absolute elite of the heavenly court. Since this is the case, how did Huaguo Mountain survive?"

"Huh! My Huaguo Mountain is not a good soft persimmon. It is just the main force now. If I remember correctly, the main force should be here soon. By then, see how rampant the Tianhe Army is!" Sun Wukong was angry. The way.

Anyang was speechless.

How is the Tianhe Water Army rampant ...

The strength of the Huaguo Mountain side is almost three times that of the Tianhe Marines. Although the individual soldiers are not as powerful, many powerful demon are in the battlefield. They are absolutely superior in terms of top combat power, but they are still beaten. This look!

This is no longer the gap that Sun Wukong can fill.

This is a rebellious demon organization, and a thousand-year-old elite legion, in sharp contrast!

Withdrawing his gaze, Anyang continued to look into the battlefield.

Sure enough, did not see the figure of Sun Wukong.

At this time, he heard Sun Wukong say: "That pig demon is really abominable. He sent the logistics team to move the tiger away from the mountain first, leading away our main force, and attacking our headquarters with the most elite warship commander! And the traitor who betrayed us ..."

Anyang rolled his eyes silently again.

People call this strategy ...

Gradually, the demon of Huaguo Mountain suffered heavy casualties, and it was at this time that the main force of Huaguo Mountain returned.

The most conspicuous thing is that the flame like a meteor, across the sky from a distance, rushed into the battlefield, hit the battlefield of a Tianhe water army.


A stunned sound!

Under Anyang's surprised eyes, the battleship fell slowly.

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