My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1030: Pit father

The real world also happens to be the setting sun.

The bright red light sprinkled from the gap between the curtains to the floor of the villa, showing a long and thin strip of light.

Anyang frowned and looked back at the house. Obviously there was no one, it was a bit scary and quiet, and there was no one for days. Otherwise, the curtains would not be so tight.

He walked over and drew the curtain.

The intoxicating light of the evening suddenly flooded the entire living room, and the familiar scenery of this world also caught his eyes.

The setting sun hung on the distant horizon, the golden red light filled the plains and hills outside the hills, and a half-renovated asphalt road was lying on the ground in a meandering way, bathing in the golden glow with the silhouette of the urban forest of the horizon Occasionally, several cars were seen flying on the highway.

This scene is so familiar and so emotional!

Anyang could even vaguely hear the whining sounds of those cars passing by at high speed, and the sound of whistle.


He sighed suddenly.

This also means that the war in that world is completely irrelevant to him. No matter what the ending, the process, and whether it is unexpected, it is no longer visible to him.

"That's ... good!" Anyang pursed his lips, and a wooden box appeared in his hand out of thin air.

"I don't know if this thing can be used in this world ..." Anyang thought a little and opened the Moonlight Box directly.


The box opened with a clear sound.

Then ... no more.

After stunned for a few seconds, Anyang retreated the Moonlight Box helplessly, probably knowing the reason.

The box itself is the creation of the other side of the world, it is a kind of evolution of the other side of the world ’s laws. It is closely related to the world ’s will, heaven, and laws of that world, so it can have such a mysterious function. After changing the world, all the premises just said no longer exist, and it naturally loses its effect.

Recovering the Moonlight Box, Anyang was not discouraged. Even though the Moonlight Box could not be connected to the real world, he could still gain a lot of knowledge from it.

Only then did he continue to look at his living room.

It's obvious that Comrade Xiaoqian was not at home, but the living room was still spotless! All the furnishings and ornaments are well-organized, the pillows and pillows on the sofa are also neatly arranged, and the tea cups on the coffee table are upside down on the tea tray, proving that the hostess cleaned up before leaving.

Anyang shook his head without saying anything. When he went out, he snapped his fingers outside. A silver figure suddenly appeared, rising from the middle of the mountain, and whistling fell in front of him.

"Your Majesty, what did you tell me?"

"Where did Xiaoqian go?"

"Your Majesty, the queen seems to be traveling, and she is with the other ladies on the other side, but you know, I don't care about these, so I don't know very well." The tall figure in silver armor said, It bent naturally.

"Well, then you go busy, hard work."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Walking back to the villa, Anyang shook his head helplessly, sat alone on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Comrade Xiaoqian's phone.

Only two beeps, the phone was connected.

"Huh?" Comrade Xiao Qian's voice came from the end of the phone, "Fun Jun, are you back?"

"Yeah, where did you go?"

"Go to Guizhou."

"Guizhou? Looking at the waterfall?" Anyang thought of Huangguoshu Waterfall, China's largest waterfall, the first time.

"No, don't go to see Huangguoshu Waterfall, Huang Lan's sister is a little afraid of water." Comrade Xiaoqian said.

"Oh yes, cats are afraid of water."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a dissatisfied voice coming from the microphone: "Anyang Daoyou, it is unethical to say bad things behind your back! From what point do you see that I am a cat!"

"From the point of fear of water."

"Are you afraid of water is a cat? There are so many people in the world who are afraid of water. Are they also cats? Also, who stipulates that tigers can't be afraid of water? You can all be afraid of water. Why can't I be afraid?" Huang Lan's voice sounded very close to the microphone.

Anyang did not answer her, but said to Comrade Xiaoqian in surprise: "Why did I call you, Huang Lan could also hear, would she stay beside you?"

Hearing this, Huang Lan, who had his head and Xiaoqian's head almost next to each other, quickly jumped aside and said very calmly: "Don't you think too much, Anyang, my hearing is already very sensitive , You do n’t shy away from talking, I can hear clearly even if I walk five meters away! "

"Oh ... like this!" Anyang said, and asked again, "When did you pass, where are you now?"

"Four days ago, when you saw your husband, you didn't come back for a long time, and suddenly you wanted to go out and walk now, now in Tongren, Fanjing Mountain!" Comrade Xiaoqian said, "I not only took sister Huang Lan three of them, but also with Wei Wei's together, she is next to me. Do you want to say a few words to Weiwei ... Forget it, Weiwei said she doesn't want to talk to you! "

Anyang: "..."

But thinking of Comrade Xiaoqian and several female goblins went to Fanjingshan, he felt a little weird. A thousand-year-old female ghost and three female goblins, but Fanjingshan is a Buddhist shrine with the name of Brahma Pure Land-legendary The dojo of Maitreya.

Only Ji Weiwei is still a normal person.

At this time, Xiaoqian said: "The husband will wait at home first. If you don't want to cook for yourself, go to Xiaoyou and your sister Xue'er for dinner. We will be back tomorrow."

Anyang twitched immediately.

"There is another very important thing. I'll tell you later in the evening." Comrade Xiaoqian said this, and he said a few more words to him, and then hung up the phone.

A busy beep sounded in the ear.

"Fan Jingshan ..." An Yang murmured and immediately searched for two photos of Fanjingshan with his mobile phone.

It was a mountain like a giant pillar, standing almost straight on the top of the mountains. There were two small white-walled temples on the top of the mountain. There were clouds and fog floating on the mountainside, and a red-walled ancient building underneath. Look It looks very beautiful.

"I will enjoy life more than I ..."

Anyang pouted his lips, full of envy.

When he was in college, he often traveled around. This magnificent and peculiar Fanjing Mountain has been heard by people, but he has never visited it. When you have the system, you do n’t have much time to see the real-world scenery. Even if you see the scenery in a different world, you never expect Xiaoqian to walk in front of him.

How does this make him an earthly human being?

Sitting back on the sofa, he took the phone and said, "View personal data now."

Silently, long data appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, showing all his current data.

After Anyang looked at it, he was a little stunned.

Now because of the practice of ancient nerves, even without the bonus of physical fitness points, his physical fitness is still growing at an unhurried speed, and now it has reached a considerable level, and individual skills are gradually increasing.

After a pause, Anyang said: "Now there is still a lack of mental power. If you take the road of ancient gods in the future, you will definitely have higher requirements for personal spiritual and soul power. So let's put this physical quality point on the brain. . "

"In the distribution of physical fitness points ... the distribution is completed."

Anyang suddenly felt clear for a while, as if the whole world knew a lot in his own mind.

The thrill of this soul growth is actually much stronger than the thrill of physical enhancement!

After a moment, he settled down and said to himself: "Now it seems that there are already ten skill points. It is not interesting to keep it all the time, it is better to use it all!"

After a pause, he said: "Improve the basic analysis skills of Dadao to the master level, upgrade the analysis of mana conversion principles and spell principles to advanced, and then upgrade the analysis of Aura composition analysis, magic circle principle analysis, and spell law symbol analysis to intermediate. "

"Under the skill point distribution ... establish a transmission channel and prepare for skill transmission ..."

Soon, Anyang had a lot of knowledge in his head.

He looked back and felt very worthy.

These six skills were accumulated by him bit by bit, and after being improved, the benefits brought by the progress of the Taoist law system of the three worlds he mastered are undoubted, and they are also of great benefit to him personally. .

Among them, Dadao understanding is the most basic and mysterious knowledge, which is of great benefit to any practitioner, and the principle of mana conversion is also very helpful for him to integrate multiple power systems. The benefits of the principle of spell analysis are more ... …

The rest do not have to spend much time talking, almost can improve his knowledge of the Taoist law system ~ ~ Although the level of 'intermediate' may not improve his level, but the important thing is that these are improved Later skills can be transferred to others, and can directly raise the level of Taoism knowledge of all units of the "time and space forces".

Because Anyang is determined to dominate the ancient nerves now, and the ancient nerves are closer to the mysterious system and arcane magic system of the Divine World, which is a big reason for him to do so. Otherwise, he may use these skill points for other purposes, or to choose the skills of the mysterious system.


All the skill points that have been saved for so long were used up in one breath. Anyang spit out a breath before continuing: "Let's extract the props ability ..."

Suddenly his throat popped.

"There is an ominous hunch ..."

"In the extraction of props ability, after the extraction is completed, the selected person gets the prop ability: skill generation, the selected person can use this prop ability to generate any skill into the skill column, then the skill will become one of the skills recognized by the system. And can improve it through skill points. "


Anyang swallowed and stared.

A moment later, he comforted himself: "The most important thing now is the integration of several power systems, rather than simply improving the ancient nerves and Daoxing. Those ten skill points are not wasted, not spent worthless, and ... … "


Anyang took another deep breath, but still gritted his teeth: "Extract ancient nerves to the skill bar!"

"During extraction, extraction is complete."

At this time, his personal data already has a column of ancient nerves, but only two levels, compared with Kunlun who has been upgraded to level 17, it is a huge difference!

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