My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1035: failure


Anyang remembers that it was not so big before!

At present, the moon is about 390,000 kilometers from the earth, which is almost the distance between the moon and the earth, but the distance between its two ends has reached more than 4,500 kilometers, which is equivalent to nine thousand miles, which is much larger than the diameter of the moon!

This shocked Anyang.

Of course, this is not to say that it is bigger than the moon. After all, the moon is a sphere, and it is just a flat meniscus weapon that is wider than the moon. And it seemed to be captured by the gravity of the earth after leaving the earth, and became similar to the moon, and began to rotate around the earth with a period of about 28 days, but did not rotate.

After Anyang dignified, he still decisively fiddled with several switches in the cockpit and began to send energy into the speed engine to keep it activated, but it did not start steadily.

Although knowing that this kind of treasure has lost its owner, the danger level is actually very low, but he still dare not take it lightly.

The purpose of this is that if an accident occurs, he should leave as soon as possible!

As a result, Anyang Zhao approached that round of the moon.

The speed of the aircraft was getting slower and slower, until it approached the moon at a speed three points slower than the car, and gradually stopped. However, the light of the speed engine behind it became hotter and even continued to tremble slightly.


Anyang could feel the tremor caused by the front end of the aircraft colliding with the moon, and feedback it to him in the form of sound.

Gou Yue did not respond, like a dead thing.

This is a good sign!

Anyang took a deep breath and got up and walked to the door of the cabin door. She didn't wear a space suit or armor. She just gave herself a breath-holding magical power and opened the first door.

He stood in, closed the door behind him, and confirmed that it was tight, before opening the second door.

Outside this door is outer space.


A slight gas leak sounded, accompanied by a mechanical sound, but these sounds were soon inaudible, only the slight vibration under his feet was captured sharply by him and restored to a buzzing sound. In front of it is the white-yellow ground. Looking in other directions, you can see the dark universe curtain. Of course, there are bright stars decorated on it. A blue planet with a dark color behind it is very eye-catching.

Anyang stepped out again, and left the aircraft lightly, rushing towards the seemingly endless white and yellow land.

Soon, he ‘hit’ the ground.

At a critical moment, Anyang swung his hand, and his body stopped abruptly, then turned in a direction, and turned into a downward-looking gesture relative to the huge hook moon.

But he didn't touch it, but kept a distance of ten centimeters from the white-yellow land, and then stretched the aura screen into the surrounding void to control his direction and movement.

The gravitational force on this round of the moon is almost negligible. He floats on it like outer space, like Xiao Qian when he first saw him, and observes this round of the moon to find the key to it. But the fact is that he will be disappointed after all. There is nothing strange about this round of hook moon except for the whole body. The surface is also very unusual metallic luster, even a little old.

There are no protrusions or depressions.

There was no gap in it.

There is no texture, no decoration.

It's like a whole piece of metal, but this piece of metal is not so big and unruly. In terms of appearance, it really doesn't seem to be a product of myth, but it reveals a very sophisticated sense of science fiction. It is no wonder that so many earth scientists have observed that it is some kind of alien machine.

Anyang suddenly stopped at the same place, thinking for a long time, looking down at the crooked moon like a dead body, but he had seen its speed and sharpness at first!

After a while, he slowly lowered the height until the soles were in contact with the hook moon.

Very hard touch!

A layer of soles can still feel clearly.

Moreover, it is like a rhythm of life, and it is unaware of it after ten centimeters. Until it is completely touched, it shows its active characteristics to the visitors-

Like a piece of living metal.

Anyang felt it quietly, but fortunately, it still did not show an overwhelming reaction after losing its owner.

Anyang hesitated again before extending his hand and pointing to the white and yellow ground.

"Ding ~"

Suddenly, the ground trembled, with a small amplitude but a fast frequency. At the same time, the place touched by his fingertips radiated a bright luster, which was more than three points brighter than the sun shining on the moon without cover!

With a swipe, he withdrew his hand.

The faint light dimmed, and the tremor stopped immediately, and Houyue still seemed unresponsive.

Anyang started to make some aggressive moves.

From shooting with an electromagnetic pistol to the surface of Gouyue to bombardment with magic spells, and then stabbing with Shenbing, Gouyue still emits only trembling and light, without excessive reaction. At the same time, it also shows the degree of hardness that makes Anyang look at him-Anyang fully grasped the **** soldier from the era of God and Buddha to stab him, and actually only left a very shallow trace, and this trace is still Recovering at a slow speed.

You have to know that his current strength is not weak. If he was faced with the angry Emperor Jade Emperor, he would not be so desperate to escape, and he could calm down no matter how bad he was.

And this round of hook moon has expanded ten million times from the volume at the time to now. It stands to reason that its density has also been reduced by ten million times compared to the original. Similarly, its strength and toughness will also decline linearly. Up to now, it can be maintained that it does not disintegrate. It has been regarded as an incredible technology by the people of the earth, but it still maintains such a high density and strength!

This is really incredible!

It stands to reason that even if steel is so expanded, it will become similar to a bubble.

Anyang can't imagine how high the density and strength are when it shrinks, or what technology it uses to achieve this effect.

It tickled him.

At the same time, Anyang also determined that the crooked moon is a remotely operated treasure, not a spiritual treasure, or a spiritual treasure with a ‘moderate’ character. Without the master ’s manipulation, he will never attack people at will.

This left a chance for his operation.

"The necessary condition for conquering the innate treasure is opportunity, that is, it must be recognized at the right opportunity, otherwise it can only be forced to succumb to it." Anyang murmured the way to conquer such treasures , The more I read, the more I feel that there is really no chance for him to get it, so he turns his mind to other places-

"There are also some great gods who get along with Treasure Day and Night year after year and get Treasure's recognition."

"There are some examples where the great gods resonated with the treasure through their personality charm or rhetoric, thus successfully holding the treasure, it seems that it cannot be copied ..."


Anyang suddenly had a headache.

Obviously he didn't have so much time to persevere, and he seemed to have no connection with the moon, and he didn't know how to impress this arrogant baby and resonate with it.

"" Silent Night Thinking "?"

"Telling a story," One Thousand and One Nights? "

"Talk about your life experience, cry and complain?"

"Or use some sweet words?"

"It's impossible to have a proton detonation bomb?"


After a full dozen hours.

Anyang, who had done everything he could, lay on the surface of the moon, looking at the bright stars, and there was already a dry mouth in his mouth, but he still murmured: "I know that you and your former master are very difficult to separate. , But this ca n’t blame you, it ’s your former master who pushed you into the fire pit, and you do n’t blame me, I do n’t know anything, but you ... ”

Gouyue still didn't move, but the place where he contacted his skin emitted high-frequency trembling and dazzling light, which made all his actions seem so idiot.

Anyang was thinking that if there was no previous owner of this hook moon, he was not released as a weapon by the former owner, and he did not become so big, he might still have a chance to take this hook moon away, and then slowly Figure of.

But it is now clear that the oil and salt will not enter, and it becomes so big in a blink of an eye that it can't see the side at a glance, he can't even put it in the portable space!

It is also indestructible!

The edge of the blade is indestructible!

This means that it cannot be dragged by the warship, Anyang is reluctant to destroy it, and the back of the moon cannot be hidden ...

To make it less conspicuous, he really made no mistake!


Anyang sighed.

Then he continued to use the means to make the space tremble slightly with the vibration of the vocal cords, so that he could still make a sound in this vacuum environment, trying to make the last stroke.

for a long time--

He still found nothing!

"Alas." Anyang sighed again, reaching for the cold and hidden surface of the crescent moon, and increasingly felt that the crescent moon was alive. "Since you have no feeling for me, it proves that our fate has not arrived. , I have something to do, so I will come to see you next time when I am free. "

Having said that, he was like a lunatic, withdrew his hand and climbed from the ground, jumped up, and flew to the distant aircraft.

Soon he returned to the aircraft, blocked the vacuum through two doors, and flew the aircraft back to earth.

The earth is now noon.

Because he dispersed all the rain clouds last night, today ’s Jinguan weather has changed from a sleet that will continue for two days to a clear blue sky. Near the New Year, most of the idle people chose to step out of the room and enjoy the sunshine that soared in their happiness.

Villas, aircraft gradually emerged.

With a snort, the hatch opened.

A young man wearing a silver reflective coat came out of it. He had a tall figure and an extraordinary temperament.

The rain stopped very early last night, but some delicate petunias are still damaged, but the wildflowers on the ground are extremely bright and splendid, and the fleshy walls are also very fresh. In addition to the gurgling water in the ditch on the side, and the continuous seepage of water from the stone wall at the highest point of the hill, everything was dry and extremely clean.

Anyang saw at a glance a helicopter parked on a newly built apron in the middle of the two villas. The white, streamlined fuselage was very beautiful and not small, but the cartoon animals on the top made it a little more A sense of cuteness.

Those animal patterns are-

A white rabbit with magical eyes as clear as ruby, a tiger with long eyelashes, and a fox that looks charming even in cartoon designs.

It is also the first time that a kawaii helicopter wants to come here in China. After all, the high value of this thing determines its formality.

Anyang suddenly understood that the group of girls was back.

He got up and walked to the villa. Before entering, he saw a group of girls gathering in the living room.

Comrade Xiaoqian bent over to pour water to them. Huang Lan still occupied a whole sofa by himself, and in a seductive pose lying on his side, the rabbit sat on the back of the sofa and Xiaochan stood. Leaning next to her, Ji Weiwei brought the glasses of poured water one by one to them.

Suddenly, Huang Lan sucked his nose, frowned, and looked out the window, but he didn't move.

Xiao Chan also sniffed his nose indifferently, but still relied on the rabbit essence, instead of sitting on the sofa, lowered his head and looked quietly out of the door, while reaching out ...

The rabbit essence was dumbfounded, a flash of surprise flashed in the ruby-like crystal clear eyes, just wanted to jump off the sofa excitedly, and suddenly dumbfounded again.

I saw that she turned to look at Xiao Qian, who was filling the last cup with water. Everyone knew that there was water pouring backwards, and then she looked at Ji Weiwei, who was still on the sofa, and lying on the other side. Huang Lan on the sofa ~ ~ hesitated, seemed to remember some people's warning to her, and finally she lowered her head hesitantly, and saw the little hand holding her clothes corner ...

Yes! It's decided!

So the rabbit essence continued to sit calmly, unmoved, but staring at the door with the eyes that he had been looking forward to.

A familiar figure is getting closer ...

Until Anyang pushed open the door and came in, he came towards them with a smile on his face and said, "Are you back?"

"Well, I'm back." Comrade Xiaoqian first smiled softly, "Fujun is also back? How are things doing?"

"Not finished." Anyang walked to the sofa and hesitated a little.

According to his usual personality, he is definitely going to squeeze with Huang Lan who is so wide, but this time Ji Weiwei is here, he decides to save face for Huang Lan!

So he only sat down next to Xiao Qian and Ji Weiwei, and brought the last glass of untouched water, saying, "It is too big, I can't take it away anyway, maybe it's because I missed it." . "


"Yeah, this kind of thing is based on chance."

"That's it!" Comrade Xiao Qian nodded, "then there is no other trick to conquer it?"

"It should be there, or it can be said that there are not many. After all, there are too many people who are confusingly recognized by the treasures. Many of them just get together with the treasures." Anyang drank the water in the glass in a sip, "I even heard There have been examples where mortals were recognized by Treasure! "

"Then ..." Comrade Xiaoqian took the glass from his hand and poured him another glass of water, saying, "Wouldn't it be said that we can also try it?"

Anyang froze for a moment, then radiated light in his eyes, and then laughed out loud, "Of course."

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