My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1046: Anyang was smirked!

"Because Your Majesty will come at any time, I don't want His Majesty to see my army's irregular appearance, which will lower the evaluation of the entire Sky Shield Legion in His Majesty's heart." Tianbing glanced at the two behind him in Anyang's words Security personnel, a flash of unconformity in his eyes flashed in his eyes, as if to show his strength in front of another beast.

"What's your name." Anyang smiled.

"Guo stop!" Tianbing suddenly stood up from the sofa. "From the eighth squad of the defender brigade of the sixth army of the sky shield, report to your majesty!"

"It's kind of like a girl's name." Anyang smiled again and motioned for him to sit down.

After Guo stopped to sit down, he was also a killer who had experienced hundreds of battles and created countless killings. At this time, he blushed because of Anyang's "something like a girl's name"!

He opened his mouth, but he kept talking.

Anyang didn't say anything, but said: "You tell me more about the situation that day."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"That day I was performing routine guarding missions in Yinyue City. A huge black hole suddenly appeared in the sky. The brethren were agitated. I also opened the weapon insurance." Guo stopped talking in a very old tone, and he said It looks too small and fresh. This tone and the words "brethren" always come out of his mouth.

Of course, if you don't look at his beautiful face, you will feel that a veteran who has rolled off the battlefield is sitting in front of you!

"At this time we received the above instruction. This is the return of His Majesty's Expeditionary Army. Let us not be impulsive, but also do not relax our vigilance and prepare for the triumph of the Expeditionary Army."

"The warships rushed out of the black hole one by one, but in the end they followed a golden red sun and a white-yellow hook moon! At the same time, the black hole began to become unstable, there were many cracks around it, and it continued to expand Heal again and again, especially around the red sun and the moon! "

"One of the cracks spread towards me. It was so fast that I could hardly avoid it ..."

"I realized later that the crack moved with the hook moon, and the hook moon rushed towards me, brought a space crack, and then swallowed me ..."

"When I regain consciousness, I have ..."

"I found them firing at me ..."


After listening to Guo Zhi's words, Anyang nodded lightly, not making any comment, but thinking.

This Heavenly Soldier looks very kawaii, and the handsome sunshine is mixed with the delicate and weak, but in fact, after several years of counterattack and the Civil War of the Prophet, he is very aggressive. The defense forces in New Delhi opened fire on him. By color.

There is nothing to say about this.

As for the space cracks caused by the moon and the red sun, it should be related to their attributes that do not belong to this world.

Without any treatment, it has such a powerful force, involves so many laws, and it also envelops the will of a three-world master of another world, and crosses from another world, causing the world of Pallans. The rejection is normal! If you think of it this way, it is reasonable to accompany some space cracks and trigger space turbulence.

Under such impact, Pallans and the real world again spawned spatial chaos, and it seems that it is not unreasonable.

After Anyang figured things out, he said, "Then you can return to the Empire and reinstate, what else do you want to bring?"

"No, you can start now!"


Anyang got up, waved his hand, and opened a faint blue hole in front of him, exuding some kind of mysterious charm.

Guo didn't hesitate to stop. He turned to salute him again, and stepped directly into the hole.


His figure disappeared, and the void disappeared.

There was another quiet in the room, and only faintly could see the trace of Guo stopping living here for more than a week.

Anyang got up, patted the folds on his pants, and went straight out without speaking.

The small sports car parked at the foot of the mountain did not know when he had reached the door of the residential building. He waved to the two security personnel standing behind him, got on the car, started directly, drove out of the community, and drove straight ahead. People's streets.

Out of the city and back to the hill where the villa is located, he found that someone was waiting under this hill.

Anyang shook his head and didn't bother to take it. When he got down on the accelerator, the small sports car rushed up the mountain and circled the Panshan Highway at a very fast speed.

For those who are lucky and ambitious, he knows that it is forbidden, and everyone has a dream to climb up. It used to be cleaned once and cleaned for a while, but now it's here again.

But fortunately, they can't climb the mountain, they can only wander around at the foot of the mountain, guarding the chance of falling pies in the sky.

As soon as he drove up the mountain, he saw Rabbit Jing and Xiao Chan.


The small sports car applied a sudden brake.

Anyang sat in the driver's seat, still holding the steering wheel in his hand, and looked at the two goblins in amazement.

To be precise, look at the rabbit essence.

I saw the rabbit essence wearing a rhythm suit, with a long and calf-shaped windbreaker outside, no buttons, and something running around in the hand, the windbreaker completely floated back when running, revealing the temptation inside costumes.

The rhythm suit is a kind of dual-purpose yoga exercise. It looks a bit like Huang Lan's style. The elastic and thin fabrics cling to the body. It outlines a slender waist, a full breast, and a pair of straight and long legs. The windbreaker was blown up while running, with a bright smile on her face, a feeling that the director in the youth idol film deliberately created for the heroine.

And Xiao Chan was sitting more than ten meters away, on a white stone used for decoration, holding a stack of bound materials in his hand and looked at it, completely ignoring the rabbit essence.

That focused little face is also funny.

Until the rabbit spirit put his two hands together, and then threw them down towards the bottom of the mountain, there was an explosion—


Anyang was laughed at!

Rabbit Jing is holding a kind of incense in one hand, the kind that is lit, and the other hand is holding a small artillery. She runs everywhere to find the place where the artillery is placed, and the way she ignites is to use that incense!

The goblins actually played with firecrackers!

And ... and actually use incense to ignite!

Anyang is really ... speechless.

At this time, Xiao Chan again reached out to his mouth, opened his small mouth and licked his thumb, and then lowered his hand to turn the information on his hand by one page. It was like a routine inspection, and I looked up like I was uneasy. I glanced at the rabbit essence. I was about to look down and continue to look, but I found a small sports car parked at the intersection-

The eyes of the two immediately looked at each other.

Anyang, sitting in the driver's seat, stared at the little fox spirit who had just licked his finger to turn the book.

Suddenly, the little fox blushed, and panicked her head down, pretending that nothing had happened, continued to stare at the stack of data, but her eyes turned and turned, not knowing where to look.

Anyang also withdrew his gaze ~ ~ Helplessly shook his head, put his hands off the steering wheel, and continued to watch them both.

The rabbit essence quickly took out a large firecracker from the pocket of the windbreaker, ran to find a circle, and also looked at him thiefly, then carefully inserted the firecracker into the ground and lit it. He ran far away in a panic, staring at the firecracker with his ears covered.

She didn't nod her satisfaction until a bang blasted into the ground.

The effect is good!

Anyang took a deep breath.

He was about to open the door and get out of the car. When he saw that the rabbit essence took out a small cannon, he still lit it with that incense, but threw it to a meter next to Xiao Chan with a mischievous expression.


The firecrackers exploded again, and the flash of fire could be seen in the daytime.

Xiao Chan didn't move at all, and continued to look at the information in his hand, and even turned a page, but this time he didn't lick his fingers, but stretched his hands to gather the long hair in his ear.

She didn't care if she didn't achieve her goal. She squinted more and showed a successful smile.

But seeing Xiao Chan ignore her, she was a little unhappy.

So she came up with a bigger firecracker, made of plastic, made of small mines, and the kind with leads.


There was another bang!

Xiao Chan, who was pretending to read a book, did not bother to disturb it, and finally raised her head to stare at her. The instincts of her eyes made her instinctively afraid.

Then Xiao Chan chanted a mantra in a low voice, reached for a finger towards her, and flashed a red light.


A deafening explosion sounded, and even the air wave was swayed. The shock wave blew the rabbit's hair and windbreaker in the opposite direction!

Behind her, a huge fire rose.

Anyang smiled instantly!

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