My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1049: Huang Lan's true blood!

Anyang had been to the Yancheng Lantern Festival when he was studying at university. He went with Jiang Xinrou. It was cheaper to take the train, and the two were also good at spending time on the empty train. Even if they did n’t use mobile phones to surf the Internet, they just snuggled together to talk and laugh , Time can pass by as fast as the scenery outside the window.

In fact, he did not say that the Lantern Festival is not only suitable for dragging home to take a walk and students who are close by to go shopping, but also suitable for small lovers to fall in love with.

When he remembered the young boy Jin, he also sighed.

But those days are gone forever.

That night, Xiaoqian held a remote meeting in the villa, did not let Anyang show up, he made a strong decision, formed a special negotiation team, contacted the leaders of various countries, and prepared to directly show the relationship between the Ans group and the aliens. And let them express their opinions on the marches, riots and even the national government's resistance to the Anshi Group at this time.

In order to convince these people who stand at the top of the rights of all countries, she also asked Anyang to mobilize a small group of Sky Soldiers from Pallans. After all, Sky Soldiers are different from ordinary Earthmen--

That kind of subtlety is perfect!

At the same time, send real-world armored troops to find those who maliciously fan the march and riots, or the leaders of interest groups who secretly support the march riots and fan the wind for the benefit of individuals or groups, and are ready to use violence to suppress violence.

Comrade Xiaoqian told Anyang that if these moves are still not recognized by the state, many people at the meeting suggested using more direct and violent sanctions in secret.

And she also moved.

It's just that these methods will undoubtedly have a much greater impact on the world pattern, but they are all in the dark. Perhaps there will be a lot of sensitive people who can feel the big hands behind that pair, but it is certainly difficult for ordinary people to make a difference, at most. I sighed and regarded it as normal history.

The next morning, the weather was unexpectedly good.

This time, Comrade Xiaoqian was very happy.

She did not go out anyway. Anyway, the Ans system has a large group of people responsible for any actions. She only needs to sit at home to receive reports and remotely monitor the progress of the action.

Anyang occasionally glanced at the tablet on her hand, but soon lost interest.

In today ’s real world, basically everyone firmly believes in the existence of aliens, and this is even more true of governments in various countries, but the “aliens” maintain an unbelievably high cold, even if they frequently visit the earth today, they have not had contact.

This is the first time they have contacted governments of various countries, and they have brought together the heads of government of major powers at one time, making people have to doubt their motives.

Could it be ... what is to be announced to the earth?

Or what kind of unequal agreement to sign?

Or invite the earth to join some kind of civilization alliance?

Today is destined to make some people who stand at the top of the power anxious for a whole day, especially in a few countries where domestic anti-alien speech is very clamoring. All support requires the local public security department to stop the march, and those who do not change repeatedly can directly dispatch the security forces to suppress it.

"This time is too subtle." Many national leaders speculate wildly in their hearts, but the invitation letter for the meeting received today is very clear, and no information about the meeting should be disclosed to anyone.

This led them to fail to negotiate with the think tank, and could only bear all their doubts alone.

Fortunately, in any case, it will be clear tonight.

Tonight, at nine o'clock in Beijing time, it was almost Anyang when they visited the Lantern Festival. Leaders of various countries held a meeting, which was sent by Tianbing personally.

The location is above the Pacific Ocean, in the clouds, and Anyang will pick up military aircraft from Pallans for pick-up.

Some leaders should be on the road now.

In the afternoon, the weather deteriorated unexpectedly quickly, and the dark clouds that came from somewhere were pressed against the head, making the sky quickly darken. There was a feeling that night was coming, and it felt like a big piece of pressure in my heart. Stone-like, heavy.

Comrade Xiaoqian finally put down the tablet in his hand, went out to look at the sky, and whispered, "I hope that Yancheng will not rain."

"Go." Anyang smiled.

So a group of people got into the car, shouted, and drove directly to Yancheng.

Nearly three hours by car, they reached Yancheng.

At this time it was almost night, the sky was dark and the top was not covered, neon signs and various lights were on the ground. The colored lanterns in the shape don't seem to go to a special place, just wandering around in the city can realize the gorgeousness of the Yancheng Lantern Festival.

Vehicles coming and going on the road are all turned on, like rushing home to reunite with family, the speed of the car seems faster, and the lights reflect countless water spots in the sky.

Comrade Xiao Qian's expectation ushered in a perfect reversal. The sky was slanted with heavy drizzle, and the ground had been completely wet.

Anyang grinned: "It really rained."

Comrade Xiaoqian reached out and squeezed the flesh on his arm, and said with some concern: "Will the light turn on when it rains?"

"As long as it's not too big, it will open."

"That's good." Comrade Xiaoqian nodded and said, "Let's go to the hotel first."


A group of people went to the Tanmulin City Celebrity Hotel in Yancheng, took four scheduled rooms, put down small bags and toiletries, and then gathered in the rooms of Anyang and Xiaoqian.

Rabbit Jing sat down on the sofa, Xiao Chan stood by the wall properly, and Huang Lan lay directly on the bed of Anyang and Xiaoqian, and said unkindly: "Go out for dinner, sit for so long I ’m going to starve to the car! Discuss what to eat? "

"What do you want to eat?"

"Come to a place to play, of course, eat something local!" Huang Lan said, licking her lips.

"Things with local characteristics ..." Anyang narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, with the answer!


"Eh ..." Huang Lan looked black, "Are you so interesting, Anyang Daoyou?"

Anyang glanced at Xiaoqian, who was covering her mouth and snickered, and then looked at the confused rabbit essence. While paying attention to her expression, she asked Huang Lan, "What do you want to eat?"

"The characteristics of Yancheng, eat rabbits coldly!" Huang Lan said one word, clanging powerfully!

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the rabbit essence opened her eyes and stood up suddenly from the posture of sitting on the sofa dangling her legs. She looked at Huang Lan in disbelief and fear, and then turned around Wearing Anyang's clothes, he said pitifully: "You must eat this."

Before Anyang had time to speak, Huang Lan said: "Why?"

"Because ... no ... not delicious." The rabbit stammered stupidly, and then asked Anyang for help, "Can't eat this, no ... not tasty, not tasty ..."

"Then eat fresh pot rabbit!" Huang Lan said!

"No, you will have stomach pains ..." The rabbit whispered weakly, but he didn't feel emboldened. He added, "Beef is delicious. Eat beef without stomach pains."

Anyang was next to him and smiled at Comrade Xiaoqian, while Xiao Chan looked at Huang Lan with a serious face to tease her.

"Beef eaten every day, I'm tired of it. I haven't eaten rabbits for many years. I want to eat rabbits." Huang Lan's slender body, which is not shorter than Anyang, lay on the bed in a large shape, staring at the ceiling with his eyes. Quietly said to the rabbit essence, "Since you don't want to eat those two ... just eat double pepper rabbits or diving rabbits, I want to eat five!"

"You can't eat rabbits ..." The rabbit's eyes were red again, said pitifully.

"Do I have any advantage of not eating rabbits?" Huang Lan asked.

"Yes ~" said Rabbit Jing.

"What's the benefit?"

"There will be no stomach pain ..."

"I'm not afraid of stomach pains. I don't have stomach pains when I drink Hedinghong and Shiji Sansan!" Huang Lan shrugged. "Since you are not so sincere, then I'll go out and eat rabbits, um, give it back to you Pack a roast rabbit and come back for you. "

"I don't eat!" Said Rabbit Jing with his eyes open!

"Then look!"

"Don't watch!"

"That's the case ..." Huang Lan showed an uncomfortable expression, lying on the bed and turned her head to look at the rabbit essence. "We need to talk about the conditions."

"Ah?" The rabbit opened his mouth in a daze.

Huang Lan stretched out a finger toward the ceiling: "First, remove all the flowers and plants that attract you to the mosquitoes in the living room. If you have to plant them, you must replace them with other plants!"

"Do not recruit mosquitoes ..." the rabbit said weakly.

"I don't care. Anyway, if you want us not to eat rabbits tonight, you have to listen to me, otherwise we will eat rabbits." Huang Lan said, "Have you heard clearly?"

"What other flowers ..." Rabbit spirit asked again.

Huang Lan just prepared to say something, slightly turned his head to look at Anyang with Yu Guang, and immediately changed his mouth: "Well, this, I will go back and tell you!"

"Huh?" Anyang came interested. "What?"

"I want you to control!" Huang Lan said.

When in doubt, I only heard Xiao Qian put it in his ear and said, "Catnip ..."

"Poof!" Anyang suddenly smiled.

"Laugh!" Huang Lan blushed.

"No, nothing," Anyang said, but added, "Your bloodline is pure!"

"You're scolding me!" Huang Lan narrowed her eyes ~ ~ turned her head and stared at him with a very fierce look, like an angry cat.

"No, no, I'm boasting you." Anyang said quickly.

Seeing Huang Lan snorted coldly, he turned his head and continued to discuss the conditions with the rabbit. Anyang couldn't help curiosity and whispered into Xiao Qian's ear and asked, "How do you know?"

Xiaoqian said: "Once we went out shopping, passing a flower and bird market, the rabbit saw a pot of roses, and as soon as we entered, we didn't ask for any fragrance, but Huang Lan just said something good, and walked along the fragrance In the past, I asked the boss to find out that it was a pot of catnip, which caused the boss to be inexplicable for a while ... "

Before he finished speaking, he saw Huang Lan turned his head again: "I can hear it, okay? The two ..."


Anyang cast an understanding look to Xiaoqian, preparing to take care of the tiger's face, and stopped talking.

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