My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1056: Nuclear Explosion Day (continued)

After the meal, the maids lined up to clean up. Anyang looked at An Qi who was still standing in the room. His eyes twitched and hesitated for a long time before saying, "That, Angel, you are now the Prime Minister of the Empire. You do your job, you do n’t have to waste time doing what the housekeeper does ... "

"It's okay, General, I'm happy to be your housekeeper." An Qi straightened her chest, her two towering towers, and her graceful figure are undoubtedly obvious, especially since she is still wearing the military uniform of the prime minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs. At the same time, it has the majesty of long time and the softness brought by the sweet face.

"Moreover, I did not prepare a butler for you, general, please forgive me."

"... I'm going to rest." Anyang said.

"I stand guard for the general!"

"No, go on."


An Qi then turned around and went out, closing the door, but sat down in the next room and silently drinking tea.

Anyang finally breathed a sigh of relief and turned his head to look at him who narrowly looked at him: "Look at what, haven't you seen a ruler who has such a good relationship with his subordinates?"

"Not seen." Xiao Qian blinked at him.

Anyang pressed her **** the big bed in one breath, nibbled towards her white and slender neck, raised her head in her exclamation, and stared at her eyes: "Dare you dare to laugh at husband in the future?"

"Don't dare, don't dare." Be relaxed and casual, like coaxing a child.

Anyang leaned down and took another bite on her collarbone before getting up, walking to the desk and sitting down, spreading her hands to take out a tiny golden red bead. The bead showed a less than perfect circle, suspended in a quiet place about ten centimeters above the palm of his hand, twirling around, but the warm, hard breath exuded from above.

"This is the Red Sun?" Xiao Qian's voice came from behind him, while a pair of soft hands rested on his shoulders, and then the entire upper body fell on his back.

"Well." Anyang still stared at the red sun.

Xiaoqian simply leaned his chin on his head, so that he could see more clearly. At the same time, he waved out the hook moon and placed it side by side with the red sun in his palm. Rotate slowly.

"Now we have a couple, one day in January, one yin and one yang." Then, he turned his head and thought, "It's just that I don't know much about it now, only know that it will be put out to cut the enemy, your What about throwing it at the enemy like a marble? "

"Ah ..." Anyang's back and neck bear Comrade Xiaoqian's soft and undulating figure, and he must concentrate on Hongri. It takes a long time to say, "I don't know, maybe, but if it is fully released, the quality Very big, I think even if you throw it out as a marble, you can smash the fairy in the sky! "

"It just doesn't look good."

"Is there any way!"

"Well, too." Xiaoqian controlled Houyue's frequent tapping on the surface of the red sun, making a tinkling sound, and suddenly she asked again, "Where is this from?"

"Stolen from the Jade Emperor."

"Jade Emperor ..." Xiao Qian narrowed her eyes slightly, but didn't say much. She was silent and quickly turned the topic away. "Isn't modernity proved that the moon is the moon of the earth, and the sun is a star, if there is a god, They should know this relationship better than we do. Why did they make such a complete set of things like sun and moon? "

"What do you do? Two moons? Or two suns?" Anyang smiled. "In ancient times, people only used the sun and moon to refer to yin and yang. In this relationship, they are equal. Those fairies obviously know the sun." It ’s much bigger than the moon and even the whole earth, but metaphor becomes a habit, no one cares, you just think of it as two babies, one yin and one yang, there is no need to pursue that much. "

"It is a good habit to seek knowledge."

"Think about it, get old quickly!"

"I'm not going to be old again! I will look like this in another thousand years!" Xiao Qian pressed his hand on his shoulder slightly and pinched violently.

"Well, it's quite comfortable, use a little force!" Anyang grinned, then reached out and poked the surface of Red Sun, and then the letter hand sketched some mysterious text in the air, activating a spell engraved in his mind, looking at Red Sun and Hooking the moon, some obscure things suddenly became clearer.

Xiaoqian dissatisfiedly patted his shoulder, but seeing that he had something to do, he no longer had much trouble, but stood behind him and watched quietly, while really holding his shoulder for him.

As Anyang said before, there are obvious differences between the materials used by the Red Sun and the Moon, and he is currently having difficulty viewing the structure of the two. To do this step, it is estimated that the Red Sun and the Moon should be maximized again, and then use The auxiliary technique or instrument with the highest magnification can barely do it, but now he can only speculate on this from the texture and characteristics of the two.

The red sun is very warm overall. He remembered it was rough when he was in space, but the opposite is the moon. It is cold and tight at a glance. It is sharp and sharp, even if it is just touched from a smooth and flat surface. It will also give people a tingling sensation as if their fingers were cut!

And the energy flowing on the surface of the two is also different. The energy of the red sun is full of destructiveness, but the moon is as sharp as a blade.

Anyang studied for a while, the room suddenly rose violently, and a few paper tents burned up. Fortunately, he responded in a timely manner, and he only recovered the spiritual power in a moment, otherwise the whole castle might burn, melt, or even vaporize!

Xiaoqian's eyes lit up: "Husband is so smart!"

Anyang didn't have time to ignore her worship, and quickly cast a mantra to cast a low-temperature force field, which lowered the temperature of the room, but the expensive carpet had given off a burnt smell, and obviously the bed could not sleep.

"This time I have to change it again. At first, the Treasury is empty. I can't take the lead in wasting it like this!" Anyang backhanded and hugged Xiao Qian behind him, saying helplessly.

Xiaoqian ignored him and continued to ask: "How did you study its usage so quickly?"

"How to use? I haven't studied this!" An Yang opened his eyes wide, "I was just studying its deconstruction, and I accidentally released its power. The basic application of these babies is so simple, it needs to be Research? Not all ... "

"You owe me a husband, no wonder Wei Wei has a bad face for you as soon as he sees you!" Comrade Xiao Qian whispered into his ear, but he was not angry, but teased him indiscriminately.

Anyang was also unimpressed and even less angry. Instead, he shrugged shamelessly and pursed his lips: "What's wrong with me? It's not been so many years with me, and I've been tricked by me. "Cut, she, just because I am honest now, I have a good temper, and I am gentle before I came to bully me. It used to be my little comrade!"

"I knew you would say that!" Comrade Xiaoqian took out a mobile phone from behind Anyang. "I recorded it, and I will release it to Weiwei when I go back. Then, hum, Weiwei is not as gentle as me, husband. , Take care! "

"..." Anyang's mouth twitched fiercely.

He was very brave and said nothing. He continued to look down at the red sun and the moon, and after a long pause, he raised his head and took a deep breath, saying: "Xiaoqian wife, I know you are the most gentle and kind. Let's talk about it? "

"No! Don't say it, continue to do your business!" Comrade Xiao Qian still lay on his back in an intimate posture, but his tone was decisive, not to be discussed.

"I ... I'm in no mood ..." Anyang was about to cry without tears.

For a long time, seeing Xiao Qian still refused to talk, he had to continue to do his own thing.

Now he has been able to study the ability of Red Sun. The first point is, of course, he can be thrown directly like a marble and hit people. If he can fully release its mass, it will be equivalent to a moon. The weight is concentrated to such a volume, and the power is definitely more horrible than the diamond cut used by the Taishang Laojun to smash Sun Wukong. It is blunt to say that the supreme Da Luo Jin Xian in Taoism myth dare not take this marble!

The second point is the high temperature. As for how high the temperature is ~ ~ He hasn't dared to try it yet. He estimates that with the power of this baby, even if he tries his best to build an ultra-low temperature environment as a test site, it is not enough. Instantly destroyed.

As for the third point, it was an explosion.

This is even more terrible!

Anyang also accidentally discovered its relationship with matter. This red sun can pull out the energy in matter, just like the nuclear fission reaction and nuclear fusion reaction that scientists in the real world have exhausted in their studies in the last century. It is the anti-matter collision of proton detonation bombs, which releases the purest energy in the matter. It's just that it uses more direct methods, not borrowing rules, but directly moving rules.

Calculated, it is a nuclear weapon of Taoism, a material weapon in the hands of the Jade Emperor! It seems that the law of amazing energy contained in the material is not only used by scientists, but also the fairy gods who are above can also use it.

However, this is also related to Xiuwei. In the face of atomic nuclei of the same substance, the level of Xiuyi determines how much energy you can draw.

The power in the moon is more obscure. If according to the theory of yin and yang, it should be the creation of matter. According to the characteristics it now exhibits, Anyang feels that it is more likely to directly destroy the matter and 'swallow' energy.

At noon, they left the castle, Xiao Qian continued to visit the Imperial Capital under the leadership of the Nightingale, and Anyang inspected the work of the empire under the leadership of An Qi.

Overall, he was quite satisfied, because Pallans had not experienced a feudal period, and the only person in charge was the **** general, but the **** will have been clear to him, so Pallans does not have class problems, What's more, it is almost a blank piece of paper, and it is supported by the remnant ideas of the Heavenly Soldier and the original temple regime. Its development has proceeded beyond imagination. Almost everything is running according to his will.

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