My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1059: Pit husband

"No need!" Anyang quickly waved his hand and took out a white napkin and wiped the soup on his mouth.

"What do the generals think?" An Qi asked solemnly, paused, and added, "An Qi thought that this is what the people want and the general trend, for the continuation of the royal family, for the stability of the empire, and the benefit of the harmless, general. Is an emperor who is good at compassionate people and adopts suggestions, will he refuse?

Looking at her expectant look, Anyang coughed and said: "I have a long lifespan, and the empire is dead. I'm not dead yet. Don't rush to leave your heirs."

"This is bad!" An Qi's face changed greatly. "Although the general lives with the world, but the people are ignorant, they only know that to ensure the peace of the empire, they must first ensure the continuation of the empire. .Especially in this era when the empire was just established, the people's hearts were extremely unstable. Even if the general did not consider the empire forever, would he consider these fools? "

"Well? Why is your tone a bit weird?"

"Huh? Is there? General?"

"Yeah, you used to think about me everywhere in the past, this kind of thing should not be taken out and said to be."

"I, I, I just consider it for Jiang Shan, who was struggling hard by the general. This is the general's private property. I must make sure that it does not receive any damage!" An Qi said.

"Isn't this what you hit ..."

"... No, it's the general strategic command."

"Okay, okay." Anyang twitched at the corner of his mouth, glanced at the smiling Xiao Qian next to his eyes, embarrassed, and continued to ask An Qi, "What do you think?"

"An Qi thought that Nafei was beneficial to the generals, and it was helpful to promote the stability and unity of the empire. It could enrich the blood of the imperial family. If the emperor chooses properly, it can also bring great substantial benefits to the empire. Everyone hopes to contribute to the construction of the general harem, the general will not refuse? "

"Substantial benefits ... like?"

"For example, if the general chooses the descendants of the former giant city **** general as the concubine, the general and the old giant city **** will be tied together, which will to some extent eliminate the dissatisfaction of these gods from being deprived of their power, and it will make the East The former real power controllers of the three western and northern continents are all closely united with the general and realize the real unification of the empire! "

"Huh? Isn't it unified now?"

"... Um, put an end to the hidden dangers, plus the generals always need to make up for them to some extent, so as to convince the world, the generals are good at Yuxin, should they be happy to see this situation?"

"Cough, actually not happy to see this kind of situation." An Yang said, put down the knife and fork, "If you want to eliminate the hidden danger, it is better for me to directly adjust their time and space power level to the guard, just waste more energy. , This method seems much simpler than what you said. "

"No, no, General, this is not the case. The point is to convince the people of the world and make them believe that the general is a wise king! And ... and the empire is at a time of rapid development, the energy is precious and the general How can it be so easy to waste, Angel and the generals and ministers can't even light up the lights at night! "

"Save a hint of energy, start with me!" She said, staring at Anyang seriously.

"What about you going to the toilet?"

"It's black!" An Qi held his head upright!

"But before I heard that I came, you often played cards with nightingales and others on the first floor of the castle and played all night ..."

"... touch ... touch black!"

"That's really wronging you. In fact, you don't have to be like that. You are the founding ministers, and the empire gives you the luxury right." Anyang said lightly, "For example, I asked a circle before you rested and learned that In addition to studying culinary skills and addicted to playing cards recently, you seem to like playing video games to pass the time. I think this is good. On the one hand, it ’s entertainment, on the other hand, it ’s boring time, and some video games. It is possible to hone people ’s reaction ability, combat skills and overall view. Now there is no battle. As the prime minister of the military, playing this type of video game from time to time helps the brain not rust, which is great! "

"Eh ..." An Qi's face stiffened and nodded after a while, "General and General said yes, I was all for the sake of the empire, after all, I was the prime minister of the military ..."

"Well, and I also learned ..."

"Fake! Generals don't have to believe others' nonsense, I usually do it deliberately to confuse others!"

"Huh? Really? Actually you are not diligent?" Anyang opened his eyes wide.

"Eh?" An Qi also looked at him dumbly.

"I heard Lord Liyuan say that the military juniors have always been strict with discipline and diligent. The current stability, unity and prosperity of the empire are at least eight successful workers belonging to the military juniors. And the second prime minister? "

"General, in fact ..." An Qi's face became very wonderful for a while, then he was stunned and reacted. "General, please don't change the subject, and don't try to trip Angel again. The general knows that the sky soldier is in the **** Those who have never been defensive in front of them, please also pay attention to the suggestions of the ministers and the people of the world! "

"What ..." Anyang looked innocent.

"About General Nafei ..." An Qi lowered her head and suddenly blushed. "If the general is not interested in the heirs of the old city god, he can also treat other people who have been successful in the battle to regain the homeland. , Or others who have made credit in the process of building an empire "

At the end, her voice became smaller and smaller.

"Huh? You mean ..." Anyang narrowed his eyes.

Angel's lowered face glowed with light, his eyes lit up, a feeling that the general was finally enlightened.

"You mean the descendants of the winter cold **** general, the **** prestige god, the heaven shield **** general !? And the count, but the count seems to have no children, even if there are children, his children are also vampires, use vampires as empresses, really Is that alright? "Anyang said suddenly, and then glanced at Xiaoqian next to his eyes. Sure enough, Xiaoqian cast a cold look on him.

To a certain extent, Xiaoqian is also a ghost, and she also **** human blood.

Angel lowered her head and sighed over there. Sure enough, did the general still have any qualms about the interracial union? But tomorrow the soldiers will be so flawless regardless of the appearance of men and women. It is not uncommon for God to be unable to bear the temptation of the heavenly soldiers and to walk with the soldiers under him. Why is it so difficult for other soldiers to come to themselves so easily? Obviously, a soldier said to himself that God would covet the soldiers as normal. As long as the soldiers are willing, it ’s not too easy to try to seduce God into the hand with the attitude of the soldiers, but now it seems

Liars are all liars!

After waiting for yourself to go down, be sure to punish the man for running ten laps around Silver Moon City. During the period, he can only eat cold buns. When will he finish running and when will he resume his duties!

But this is also a good start. Alas, this can only be done first. As long as the general agrees with Na Fei, and starts this, he will be able to make plans in the future, without worrying about overthrowing God ’s plan.

An Qi then pursed her lips and said, "Well, An Qi is referring to these founding fathers. Many of them still hold the power, and it is harmless to marry them!"

"Bailey is harmless, do you only use this word?"

"Uh ... General, I have received higher education. Please don't question my language level."

"Is it?"

"..." An Qi silently, "How about the general?"

"This is a big thing, you can't make a reckless decision. I think it should still be a long-term plan. After I go back and discuss with the queen, I will give you an answer." Anyang said helplessly.


An Qi knew that he would not stay long in the empire with his own god, and once he left, he did n’t know how long it would take to return. At that time, he might have forgotten this matter, and his own expectations It's all broken.

So she immediately looked at Xiaoqian, she was right ~ ~ She bowed the railroad and said: "How is your Highness?"

Comrade Xiao Qian looked dignified, looked at An Qi for a long time, and then said: "Your Majesty now rules the world and has absolute control over all parts of the country. In fact, you do not need to rely on marriage to promote domestic stability and unity. In my opinion, many remarks and many founding fathers are actually unnecessary. "

When the words fell, Angel's face suddenly sank slightly, and she felt frustrated. This step was too urgent.

And Anyang showed a smile. After all, his wife was her own wife. No matter how you like to laugh, she always stood by her side and thought about herself at the critical moment.

However, while An Qi was preparing to speak with Her Majesty the Queen, and Anyang was also prepared to echo Comrade Xiaoqian, I saw Comrade Xiaoqian pursed her lips and said, "I thought that Her Majesty should be concubine, the first requirement should be affection, those founding nations Although Yuan Xun had great achievements, their female offspring were not familiar with His Majesty and had no understanding. At least they had to have a deep relationship with His Majesty and have been with them for many years. "

"Furthermore, it is also necessary to look at the beauty of the city in order to take care of His Majesty's face. It must also have the ability and status and prestige to qualify as His Majesty's concubine, and finally ..." Xiao Qian said to herself, but Anyang felt that It's getting worse.

"Wait!" He interrupted quickly.

An Qi raised her head: "Why did the general interrupt the Highness, I think the Highness made a very reasonable statement!"

Anyang stunned: "That ..."

Xiao Qian also interrupted his words lightly, and looked at An Qi for consultation: "I don't know if military adults can have qualified candidates? If they can really meet the conditions, I think Her Majesty is concubine."

Today ’s Teacher ’s Day, I wish the teachers a happy holiday. Have the packagers texted their teachers?

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