My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1077: Xiao Xueer's invitation

The Jiangshui Pavilion was originally in the suburbs, and left the city in the opposite direction to the city. It happened that the high-speed rail station and the horse farm were all over there. The traffic was also convenient and there was a park.

A group of people was walking over there.

On the first day of the New Year, there were many people coming out to take the spring. You can see the sweet family of three everywhere on the road, and you can also see three or two groups of middle school students who come out to play. Of course, there are many young couples holding hands. This season is not cool, but it is not cold anymore. Especially today, with a thin layer of sunlight, it even dispels a little chill.

The air in the morning is still very fresh, and it is not only the smell of the New Year, but also the vitality of the beginning of the year. The bridge still hangs the New Year ’s message and the big red lanterns, the merchants pull the banner, there are young men and women flying kites on the riverside, and the tea sellers who are starting to set up stalls. The passers-by always smile Yan Yan. The leftover confetti is also glowing red.

A group of people walked around in a circle, went to Zikushan Park, and then came back. They got together and started discussing lunch.

Inspired by the good atmosphere this morning, Chef Nie and Chef Ji decided to make dumplings. At the same time, Chef Hu nodded his approval. The remaining three wastes were really not qualified to participate in the resolution, and they wisely kept silent. However, the kind and democratic chef Nie still decided to return some of the choices to the waste and let the three wastes decide what stuff to eat, but the premise is to go shopping with the three chefs and buy their own food. The raw materials needed for the stuffing.

According to Chef Nie, this is to fully mobilize the diners' enthusiasm and allow diners to participate in it, so as to taste other flavors besides the deliciousness of the food.

So the group went out to buy food.

Ji Weiwei has always loved dumplings stuffed with pork and cabbage, which has always been like this since childhood, as if he will never get tired of it.

Anyang decided to eat mushroom and pork stuffing.

Xiao Chan bought chicken very strangely, just chicken.

Comrade Xiao Qian, as the chef, was very sad about their choice, because no one actually chose the most classic leek filling! No way, in order to balance the recipe and prevent the most classic leek stuffed dumplings from being seen on the table, she could only lead by example and announce that she would eat leek stuffing.

The rabbit essence couldn't buy alfalfa and dandelion, and she didn't like to eat pasta, so she chose the broccoli that she felt was the best, and emphasized to her repeatedly that "when you choose, you must finish it" In the case of insisting on buying a big flower.

Huang Lan wants to eat beef filling, lamb filling, donkey filling, pork filling, shrimp filling and squid filling. According to her, today is a special case. The reason why she eats so much is because many food vendors in the vegetable market have returned home for the New Year. The meat is not abundant, so there are only so many meats available.

On New Year's Day, it's fun.

That night, Anyang sincerely wanted to invite Ji Weiwei to come to her room, and she and Comrade Xiaoqian carefully counseled her spiritual practice. However, this girl took the belly of a gentleman with the heart of the villain, and refused to come to death. . In desperation, Anyang had to secretly give up such good intentions, and vowed that he would never do such a hot face and a cold **** in the future.

Life is so helpless.

So popular, it's such a speculation.

This is the first day of the past.

On the morning of the second day of the second day, Anyang just got up and went downstairs, still wearing a vest and a pair of loose shorts, and saw a familiar figure from far and near, walked to the door of the villa to stop, and found the key to open the door.


Why is this girl back?

Anyang was shocked. Fortunately, Huang Lan and Hare Jing had already gotten up, otherwise ... um, it seemed nothing.

With a click, the door opened.

An You walked in from the door and saw Anyang in a tank top and shorts at a glance. She froze for a moment, then frowned, and said in disgust: "Don't wear it in winter, are you cold?"

"Not cold! Early."

"Early." An You said with a blank expression, and then glanced at him again, murmured in his heart, "I haven't seen him go through like this for a long time, I didn't expect this guy's figure to be so symmetrical, it's unreasonable!"

Throwing the thing in her hand on the coffee table, she pointed to Anyang again: "Go, put the refrigerator, the self-priming sausage that Grandpa brought you, smoked, can't be eaten in the city! There are also half frozen The old chicken was also raised by his old man himself. It is said that he has n’t fed the grain since he was a child. They are all looking for insects in the bamboo forest behind the house.

"..." Anyang ignored her pretentious tone and took her souvenir into the refrigerator, and asked, "Why did you come back so early, only the second day of today."

"I don't want to stay, I came back." An You said casually, and then saw what he wanted to ask next, and said, "My parents will be a few years away, maybe they will come up on the eighth day, they He said he would n’t go home if he did n’t go out, and then his parents told you to go back and take a look after two days. Well, do your filial piety. ”

"Oh." Anyang twitched his lips. "Then you are filial piety when you come back so early? It's amazing that they all made you come back!"

"Well, at first some elders didn't let me come here so early. I said I have a waste brother who is at home alone. He is 25 years old and he can't cook. I have to go back to see if he is starving to death. . By the way, help them to ask them what they want you to do to help their children find work. Well, they let me come back. "

"..." Anyang is simply powerless to vomit, "Speaking like you would cook, your craft, I can cook 10,000 times better than you according to the recipe! And, your last sentence is Focus on it. "

"What's the matter? By the way, you don't say I forgot." An You drew a note from the pocket of her clothes. "This is what the seven aunts and eight aunts want you to help their children find work. I did n’t remember anything about the information, such as the names and contact information of cousins ​​and cousins ​​who were completely unclear. Oh, there are also academic qualifications. I ’ve checked it for you. There are two secondary schools and one college, the rest are all The high school or vocational high school diploma is very good. Go back for decades and get a proper high diploma. "

"Did you deliberately use it to support me?" Anyang stared at Anyou and looked at her expression, always feeling that she was waiting to see how embarrassed and embarrassed she was. Then I turned on the paper and saw that the font was beautiful and shrunk into a ball. It was Anyou's handwriting. The densely covered half of the paper made him suddenly stunned, "So much?"

"Of course, not only are you looking for a job, but also for you to buy, most of them are cosmetics, clothes, shoes, pants, and rice cookers. Yes, there are a few more for you to grab a2 smartphones and tablets. Computer. "An You not only had obvious gloating in her tone, but her face was full of expressions waiting to see him suffocating," Who told you to work abroad! "

"..." Anyang took a deep breath. He has made up his mind that these job search must be rejected. These cousins ​​and cousins, who mostly dropped out of high school, think that even if they enter the Anshi Group when they are security guards, they do n’t think they have enough professional qualities and related qualities. And let them do it.

An You didn't see the expression she wanted to see, and was disappointed. Then she glanced around again and asked, "Hey, what about Sister Xiaoqian and Sister Weiwei?"

"What is hello, my brother!" Anyang's face was a bit dark. "Everyone knows that she is called Xiaoqian, but she just refuses to take the right path. You said you haven't taken care of yourself since childhood!"

"It's your business!" An You expressionless.

"Go shopping!" Anyang said.

"Oh?" Anyou suddenly had one in her eyes. "Today I can eat the dishes made by Sister Xiaoqian! It's a pity that I asked Sister Xiaoqian if she would make cold rabbits last time. She said she was allergic to rabbits. , The smell of rabbit meat will be uncomfortable, and may even cause a series of very troublesome things. "

"Hehehe, isn't it!"

Soon after, Comrade Xiaoqian returned. Ji Weiwei and three female goblins returned with her.

An You suddenly looked dumbfounded.

This is beyond her expectations.

But fortunately, she has seen Huang Lan and Rabbit Essence. Even if she is not sure what Huang Lan, Rabbit Essence and Anyang are related to, she also knows that they have a good relationship with Anyang ~ ~ After a short surprise, I stopped thinking about it.

Lunch is still a pleasure.

In the afternoon, Anyang readily fed bird food to the two birds in the cage, ignoring the starling's mouth full of 'Xiezhu Longen', 'I haven't eaten in two days', 'Your Majesty finally remembered the small' and the like There was a harsh noise, and he took the fishing rod of Anguo Shu and walked to the river. He also called Fugui and prepared to catch two fish for Fugui to eat.

This half-large cat is not hungry, because it is soft and weak, and its character is quiet and pleasing. The rabbit essence will feed him some grass from time to time. Of course, it will not eat.

Huang Lan kept saying that as the king of beasts, she would not bother to make friends with such weak and humble cats, but every time she would separate one from her food and throw it to this weak and humble cat. Or, you can reward the poor little cat with a little food left.

Of course, Huang Lan's loss was too much for this half-large cat, enough for him to eat.

And once Anyang came out of the room unintentionally, actually saw Xiao Chan in the corridor with a small piece of meat to feed the rich. At that time, she squatted on the ground and looked like a small ball. Her eyes were fixed on the half-large native cat who had been injured since childhood, and the half-large native cat looked up from time to time.

For the first time, Anyang saw this little fox interested in some kind of living creature, instead of avoiding it far away, full of vigilance.

All in all, this native cat has been endowed with grace.

Now Anyang has to fish for him personally. If it is put in Pallans, this fish is enough to stir up high prices among the female soldiers of the Silver Moon Legion.

Soon after, An You came to him and leaned on a pillar in the pavilion. After seeing him for a long time, she said: "Xueer said that she would like to invite you to her house for the Chinese New Year, saying that it was also her parents' meaning, did you go ? "

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