My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1090: era

It was a musket, and it was a flintlock musket!

Lazily hanging on a knight apprentice.

It is made of metal all over. Obviously this knight apprentice has not considered its weight. Even if it is considered, it is also considered whether it can be used as a powerful stick after shooting a bullet. It can also be seen that it is well-made, and the pale gold surface is engraved with many delicate patterns that are inconsistent with its simple technology, reminding Anyang of the gold shotgun that the Queen of England stored in the Palace Museum gave to the Qianlong Emperor.

Of course, the simple technology is only for Anyang, and perhaps for the people of this world, it means the latest and highest technology, the strongest weapon of mortals, and the worry-free thing for these mercenaries to walk business trips and deal with thieves.

It successfully aroused Anyang's interest.

So he began to look at the flintlock musket with interest, thinking about the meaning behind it.

This is obviously a rifle gun. Anyang does not think that the world can own a rifle gun so quickly. In fact, it is limited by the suppression of the cavalier, kingship and mysterious class, as well as its own ideological and cultural shackles. It was enough to surprise him that he could skip the development of the matchlock gun in just ten years and enter the era of flintlock directly.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems reasonable.

When he first arrived in this world, some students in the Metropolitan College of the Federal Republic of Mesoaran had already touched the principle of the steam engine. The technical content of the steam engine was much higher than that of the forebore flintlock.

According to the historical course of the earth, humans invented this gun in the fifteenth century, and even invented the rifle, and it was not until the nineteenth century that the steam engine came out.

In this world, people's technology can already make muskets, but because of the lag of the historical environment, these technologies and craftsmanship have been serving the original ruling class. Few people have turned their attention to these can change the world. Things come up, and few people realize that these things can change the world. Just like the early leading China, gunpowder and compass technology were empty, but they were reduced to playthings, leading to the rise of Western civilization.

This is conscious feudalism and backwardness, not technology.

So when people realized that the gunpowder that was originally used only to create luxury for the nobles could actually shine so brightly on the battlefield, the musket came out.

Not only that, the world ’s original technology and craftsmanship provided excellent soil for its rapid development. The matchlock gun is likely to have appeared, but it will soon be banned, or it may not have appeared at all. The inventor of the firearm directly Then I realized that I could use flint impact to ignite gunpowder!

At this time, some people have noticed him, especially those who have been fighting for a long time. After all, staring at other people ’s weapons is really abnormal, so a guard slowly slows down, waiting for him to chase by the cricket. Come up.

"What do you want to do? Thirsty?" The guard said with a heavy tone before throwing him a kettle.

Anyang picked up the kettle, chuckled and threw it back: "I'm not thirsty, I just want to ask, what is the origin of the other tubular weapon on the knight's waist?"

"Don't be thirsty? Then don't act rashly, don't ask if you shouldn't ask, wait for Lingshacheng to put you down!" The guard said coldly after receiving the kettle, Zema quickly walked back to his place, and then hit the companion Say hello and continue walking with the team. At the same time, he casually glanced at the other muskets on the mercenary's waist, snorted, revealing disdain, whispered secretly, "Take the wild road of crooked evil!"

Anyang felt more and more that there should be noble families in those carriages, otherwise where would these elite knights come from?

Shaking his head, he didn't care too much.

Now that the musket has been invented, and these keen senses of mercenaries first wear it, it means that the status of the traditional knighthood has been challenged in the first round. The reserve knight must be difficult to block a shot at close range, and when the ordinary knight apprentice has already possessed the capital to challenge the reserve knight, it means that the knightly hierarchy system has begun to disintegrate.

And after that?

The birth of the rifle?

The range and accuracy of a rifle with a rifle will be greatly increased, and it will no longer be fired indiscriminately. After a little training, ordinary people also have the power to challenge the reserve knight and even the official knight.

Of course, the knight will not disappear, it will always exist, and it will be the peak force for a long time in the future, but it can no longer dominate the battlefield with its physical combat power alone.

The knight fell to the altar, and then the mystery behind?

There was a smile on the face under Anyang's cloak. He seemed to see a particularly wonderful era, and saw some extremely bright sparks are blooming. In the process of rapid changes of the times, ambitions are madly born, and the situation in the mortal world will be greatly affected, depending on whether the mysterious organization can hold the situation!

Then Anyang discovered that there were two strange people.

One person sits on the carriage at the front of the team, and he can only be seen when the team turns. The other person sits in the middle. The carriage of the two looks the most luxurious, but the curtains are not opened, and the side curtains are also open, giving people a glance. You can see the two mysterious people who are thin and rickety sitting inside.

Seems to be two elderly people.

They all wore gorgeous robes, embroidered with inexplicable patterns, and the style was a bit like the mage robe in some regions. They were very loose, and at the same time they held a stick about two meters long, and the stick was inlaid with shiny crystals.

Occasionally, some skin on the neckline or arm is exposed, and they can also see strange tattoos on their skin.

Some are complex geometric figures, some are patterns of poisonous beasts and beasts, and others are messy. Anyang ca n’t tell what they are, and other people respect them very much, and send them water and snacks from time to time, including the captain and the guard. The official knights also nodded to them regularly.

It looks ... actually ... like a mystery?

It's really mysterious.

But these two people are simply two ordinary people.

At this moment, a little muffled sound came from afar, and soon the muffled sound became clear, a series of horseshoes.

At the same time, the guards of the caravan also immediately became alert and started their formations, and the horses gathered to the side where the sound came, staring at the dune under the sun. Many people have pulled out broad waist swords and raised knights' spears. Those mercenaries who had been lazy like ruffians also had their expressions condensed, and their hippy smiles went away instantly, each raising their weapons and showing their fierce eyes.

The mercenary with a waistless rifle also pulled the rifle out, began to put gunpowder and lead in the barrel, and then tried to glance at the sky before putting it in his hand.

This is what happens when you encounter thieves in the desert. No one wants to let you go. Even if you let go, it is difficult for you to get out of the desert by yourself. Once you fight, either you die or I die.

"Get ready for battle!"

"Protect Mrs. and Miss!"

"It may be thieves, they all draw swords for me. If there is a conflict, I will take out my housekeeping skills!"

"Don't panic everyone, the movement is so big, maybe you have encountered a march, even if you encounter a thief, you don't have to panic, we and the caravan guards can certainly protect everyone's safety!"

Both the knights and the mercenaries guarded the situation.

Anyang glanced into the distance and narrowed his eyes.

The processing progress of the bio-assist chip is close to three-quarters, and there are ten minutes, waiting for him to be a little impatient.

The sound of horseshoes getting closer and closer, more and more harsh.

Vaguely hear the rough sound of horse racing, as well as mad laughter, strange roar, it is even more creepy ...

It doesn't seem like an army march.

Some people in the caravan started to panic, looking for places to avoid. After all, the guards were stronger, and these knights were more confident, the battle results were always unpredictable, and the danger was even more unpredictable. Even if you can win, maybe one The arrow that missed the shot will also kill someone's life.

Finally, the first thief riding a horse appeared on the sand dunes. It was a strong man with a bearded face, riding a low-legged horse, and a sturdy sword hanging beside him. Two. The most surprising thing is that there are several muskets beside him, which are also flintlock muskets, but they are iron pipes with wooden handles. Their appearance is unremarkable.

Then the second thief, the third thief ...

A group of thieves appeared on the sand dunes, and each of them stalked to stare at this caravan. It happened that they were facing away from the sun, and the light was not good for the caravan ~ ~ makes them look fierce, like a respect standing on the horizon The devil.

Anyang narrowed his eyes.

This group of thieves has muskets on their bodies, more than four or five, and a few two, and their musket system is slightly different from that of the mercenary. The specific performance will have to wait for the fire to be fired. know.

"Is the era developing so fast, or is their demand for new weapons so strong, leading to its popularity so quickly?" Anyang muttered to himself, and looked at the knight of the **** caravan.

The formal knight looked dignified, and then showed a bit of anger, and said in a deep voice: "Holding a bunch of low-level craftsmen's burning sticks, are you looking forward to challenging the status of the knight, I do n’t know how high it is! Children, prepare to fight, you defend the knight. It's time to glorify and prove your strength! "

A reserve knight next to him took a huge single-edged sword to steer the horse and took two steps, grinning: "Master Xiao, you can rest assured, a group of robbers. When I was fighting in Nassar Province a few years ago, I had to Dozens of them! These debris looks vicious, but in fact they will only be found after being beaten, they are as weak as chickens! "

"Don't be careless. It's not a few years ago. Some things have made these mortals more vicious. You have to be careful about their secret calculations. It's best to let the cavalry fire."

"Understood, they have a short range and can't even penetrate light armor from a distance!" The reserve knight whispered, then waved his hand to the bow cavalry next to him, "shoot me a few people first, then say, this group Miscellaneous, arrogant! "

"Yes, lord!"

As soon as the bowmen's voice fell, they heard a distant explosion.


He turned his head keenly and saw a bandit holding a musket, and a burst of smoke rose from his hand.

At the same time there was a mumble next to it.

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